Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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^222 FISH IN SACRIFICES—VIVARIA—ARCHIMEDESalthough itasdid not bulk so big in early Mediterranean religionL. Siret would make out. iThe taxes or duties derived <strong>from</strong> fish or fishing furnished <strong>the</strong>peculiar of <strong>the</strong> Temples at Delos, Ephesus, and elsewhere : atByzantium and some o<strong>the</strong>r places <strong>the</strong>y went to <strong>the</strong> city. After<strong>the</strong> Roman conquests <strong>the</strong>se imposts were paid not to <strong>the</strong> cities(Cyzicus and o<strong>the</strong>r places were <strong>the</strong> exceptions), but to <strong>the</strong> State,and were ga<strong>the</strong>red by <strong>the</strong> intermediary " publicans." 2With stories before him, such as those of <strong>the</strong> suppers recordedby <strong>the</strong> dozen in A<strong>the</strong>naeus, and given to and by <strong>the</strong> EmperorVitellius, for which <strong>the</strong> fish were brought in ships of war <strong>from</strong><strong>the</strong> Carpathian Sea and <strong>the</strong> Straits of Spain, it is no wonderthat a modern author isdriven to conclude that <strong>the</strong> ancientsthought more of <strong>the</strong> edible than <strong>the</strong> sporting qualities of <strong>the</strong>fish. They ransacked <strong>the</strong> habitable globe for side-dishes, butdid not trouble <strong>the</strong>mselves about <strong>the</strong> precepts of Mrs. Glasse.Apart <strong>from</strong> this ransacking of <strong>the</strong> globe, <strong>the</strong> Romansdeveloped, as <strong>the</strong> demand for fish by rich and poor alike grewever greater, <strong>the</strong> Egyptian and Assyrian vivarium to a marvellousextent.Built at first (as Columella avers ^) simply for <strong>the</strong> purposeof supplying fresh fish for <strong>the</strong> table, <strong>the</strong>y found such favourthat no self-respecting Roman could afford to be without hisvivarium. With <strong>the</strong> rich <strong>the</strong>y were <strong>the</strong> occasion of most costlyostentation and extravagant expenditure.Whe<strong>the</strong>r Sergius Aurata (or Grata) took or not his cognomen<strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> fish Aurata, all writers identify him as <strong>the</strong> first tobuild a vivarium for oysters. From <strong>the</strong>ir sale, <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> incomederived <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> vapour baths {pensiles balineas), of which hewas also <strong>the</strong> pioneer, and <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> villas erected on his property,close to Baiae, <strong>the</strong> baths, and <strong>the</strong> oysters, he amassed an- L. Siret, Questions de chronologic et ethnographic ibe'riques (Paris, 1913),Index, s.v. Poulpe.*'^ Cf. Tacitus, Annals, XII. 63.' De Re Rustica, VIII. 16, " Our ancestors shut up saltwater fishes also infresh waters. For that ancient rustic progeny of Romulus and Numa valued<strong>the</strong>mselves mightily upon this and thought it a great matter, that, if a rurallife were compared with a city hfe, it did not come short in any part of richeswhatsoever."* " Orata," according to Festus, p. 196, 26 ff. Lindsay, " genus piscisappellatur a colore auri, quod rustici ornm dicebant."

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