Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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^———CHAPTER XVFISH IN SACRIFICES—PICKLED FISH—VIVARIA OFOYSTERS, ETC.—ARCHIMEDESThe Feast Day, Ludi, of <strong>the</strong> Tiber fishermen was celebratedon <strong>the</strong> Campus Martins in June under <strong>the</strong> management of <strong>the</strong>PrcBtor Urbanus with much ceremony. Ovid ^ sings :" Festa dies iUis qui Una madentia ducunt,Quique tegunt parvis aera recurva cibis."The custom of offering to <strong>the</strong> Gods fish (although rarerthan that of animals) certainly and widely prevailed. Proofcan be piled on proof pace a passage <strong>from</strong> Plutarch andpace <strong>the</strong> contention that <strong>the</strong> practice is<strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> pages of both Greek and Roman authors.not purely HellenicTake, for instance, <strong>the</strong> statement of Agatharchides of Knidos :that <strong>the</strong> largest eels <strong>from</strong> Lake Copais were sacrificed by <strong>the</strong>Boeotians, who crowned <strong>the</strong>m like human victims, and aftersprinkling <strong>the</strong>m with meal offered prayers over <strong>the</strong>m. 2 Or<strong>the</strong> story in Posidonius <strong>the</strong> Stoic of Sarpedon celebrating hisvictory by " sacrificing to Neptune, who puts armies to flight,enormous quantities of fish." 3 Theocritus in his fragmentaryBerenice, yEHan,* and Antigonus on <strong>the</strong> offering of <strong>the</strong> Tunnyall confirm <strong>the</strong> custom.1 Fasti, VI. 239 ff.^ Agatharchides, frag, i ap. A<strong>the</strong>n., VII. 50. In <strong>the</strong>se days of <strong>the</strong> Scienceof Comparative Curiosity and International Meddling <strong>the</strong> answer of <strong>the</strong>Boeotian to a foreigner asking how so singular a victim and sacrifice originatedrings out pleasantly refreshing: "I only know one thing: it is right tomaintain <strong>the</strong> customs of one's ancestors, and it is not right to explain <strong>the</strong>m"to foreigners !3 A<strong>the</strong>n., VIII. 8.* ^Uan, XV. 6.* A<strong>the</strong>n., VII. 50, and Paulus Rhode, Thynnorum Captura (Lipsise, 1890),e.g. Diana, Apollo, Mercury, Juno, Neptune,p. 71. Most of <strong>the</strong> major deities215

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