Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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CHAPTER XII^LIAN—THE MACEDONIAN INVENTION, OR THEFIRST MENTION OF AN ARTIFICIAL FLY" They knew 'e stole ; 'e knew <strong>the</strong>y knowed ;They did not tell, or make a fuss,But winked at iElian down <strong>the</strong> road.And 'e winked back—<strong>the</strong> same as us " ^!^LIAN (170-230 A.D.), who, though bom in Italy and broughtup in <strong>the</strong> Latin tongue, acquired so complete a command ofGreek that he could speak it as well as an A<strong>the</strong>nian gentleman(hence his sobriquet fxeXiyXtoTTog) , composed his works inGreek.His Natural History 2 soon became a standard work onZoology, although in arrangement it is very defective : forinstance, he skips <strong>from</strong> elephants (XL 15) to dragons in <strong>the</strong>very next chapter, and <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> livers of mice in II.56 to <strong>the</strong>uses of oxen in II. 57. This treatment of things, woiKiXaTroiKi\u>i-, is asserted by <strong>the</strong> author to be intentional, so as toavoid boring <strong>the</strong> reader. For his part he avows that he prefersobserving <strong>the</strong> habits of animals and fish,listening to <strong>the</strong>nightingale, or studying <strong>the</strong> migration of cranes, to heapingup riches ^!Whe<strong>the</strong>r as a Naturalist ^Elian possesses any value, whe<strong>the</strong>rhis work is " scrappy and gossiping, and largely collected <strong>from</strong>older and more logical writers," ^ or " <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> industry^After Kipling.^ Xlepl Zci5a>i/ lSi6TrjTOS.* See Smith's Diet. Gk. and Rom. Biog. and Myth., s.v.'^lian.'* Perizonius has proved that M\ia.n transferred large portions of <strong>the</strong>DeipnosophistcB of A<strong>the</strong>naeus to his Varia Historia, a robbery which musthave been committed almost in <strong>the</strong> lifetime of <strong>the</strong> pillaged author • that185

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