Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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:JOHNSON, GUILTLESS " WORM-FOOL " LIBEL 173published in 1676—of The Cofnpleat Angler, of which hiscriticism, " a mighty pretty book," hardly indicates contemptfor its subject, or author, whose life he once meant writing.On Voltaire also <strong>the</strong> Worm-Fool libel has also beensaddled, but wrongly. To ano<strong>the</strong>r Frenchman, Martial Guyet,it has been attributed, but not convincingly.linesIn Notes and Queries, 3rd series, X, 472, can be found <strong>the</strong>" Messieurs, je suis pecheur, et pecheur de la ligne,J'en fait ici I'aveu. Ce cas semble peu digneDe vos graves esprits : car on I'a dit souventLa ligne, avec sa canne, c'est un long instrumentDont le plus mince bout tient un petit reptile,"Et dont I'autre est tenu par un grand imbecile !" These lines were written by Guyet, who if he were MartialGuyet died nearly one hundred years before <strong>the</strong> great lexicographerwas born." 1 Even before Guyet <strong>the</strong> libel seems tohave become hackneyed, " car on I'a dit souvent."Plutarch's works figure so frequently in <strong>the</strong>se pages that Iwill not here specially dwell on or quote <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong>m, except" once more <strong>the</strong> tale to tell " of Antony and Cleopatra's fishingas given in his Life of Antony, 29, 2.Antony (who " fishes, drinks, and wastes <strong>the</strong> lamps ofnight in revel "), when with Cleopatra on <strong>the</strong> Nile had, of course,if Beaumont and Fletcher's lines hold, not been half as successfulas his mistress :" She was used to take delight, with her fair handTo angle in <strong>the</strong> Nile, where <strong>the</strong> glad fish,As if <strong>the</strong>y knew who 'twas sought to deceive <strong>the</strong>m,Contended to be taken." ^To shine in her eyes,attach fish to his hook.he secretly commanded his diver toCleopatra, becoming aware of <strong>the</strong> trick,signalled her diver to go down (or as some o<strong>the</strong>rs relate, bribedAntony's own servants) to affix to his hook, a salted fish[rdpixog). This he promptly struck and hauled out mid^ As to <strong>the</strong> various Guyets, see 6th series. III. 87, 5th series, V. 352, andLawrence B. PhiHp's Diet, of Biog. Reference, which gives " Martial Guyet,French poet and translator, 17th century."^ The False One, Act I., Scene 2.

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