Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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PLUTARCH AN ANGLER—BURTON'S LIBEL 171<strong>the</strong> helpful service of Rouse 1—a trait fortunately stillcharacteristic of his Bodley successors—included <strong>the</strong> sentenceof damnation, which, even if verified, was, <strong>from</strong> being torn outof its context, certainly misunderstood and ill-digested ?One ought to be chary of attributing motives, much moreso reasons ; but <strong>the</strong> only apparent reason for <strong>the</strong> numerousrepetitions of Burton's slander must have been <strong>the</strong> line of leastresistance or least exercise, which deterred writer after writer<strong>from</strong> taking <strong>the</strong> trouble to consult <strong>the</strong> original context and thusdiscovering by whom and how <strong>the</strong> words were spoken.I haveso far failed to find a single defender of Plutarch on this countor any plea for reversal of a verdict based on evidence wrongfullyaccepted. 2Indignation at <strong>the</strong> injustice of <strong>the</strong> charge waxes all <strong>the</strong>hotter, when one remembers that <strong>the</strong> person indicted is <strong>the</strong>very self-same Plutarch who stands out as our authority formuch unique lore on fish, fishing, and tackle. He, and noo<strong>the</strong>r, consoles <strong>the</strong> victims of an Emperor's decree of banishmentby pointing out <strong>the</strong> happiness of <strong>the</strong>ir lot in being farremoved <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> intrigues, <strong>the</strong> vices, <strong>the</strong> dust, <strong>the</strong> noise ofRome to a fair ^Egean island, where <strong>the</strong> sea breaks peacefully— on <strong>the</strong> rocks below, and—an additional assuagement " where"<strong>the</strong>re is plenty of fishing to be had !Could a man who contemned and denounced fishing sovigorously put into <strong>the</strong> mouth even of <strong>the</strong> pleader for <strong>the</strong> superiorcraftiness of fish, unless he himself had angled and possessed<strong>the</strong> true angling spirit,<strong>the</strong> following sentences, as true and asuseful to-day as when written nineteen centuries ago ?" For <strong>the</strong> first and foremost, <strong>the</strong> cane of which <strong>the</strong> angleRod is made, fishers wish not to have big and thick, and yet<strong>the</strong>y need such an one as is tough and strong, for to pluck andhold <strong>the</strong> fishes, which commonly do mightily fling and strugglewhen <strong>the</strong>y be caught, but <strong>the</strong>y choose ra<strong>the</strong>r that which is small* Milton wrote (1646) a Latin Ode on sending a book to <strong>the</strong> Bodleian, inwhich he addresses RoUsius as," Aeternorum operum custos fidelisQuaestorque gazae nobilioris."2 Two years after this was written. I find that Mr. G. W. Bethune in hisedition of The Complete Angler (New York, 1891), p. 6, notes <strong>the</strong> Aristotimuspoint, but goes no far<strong>the</strong>r in defence of Plutarch.N

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