Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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i6o THE SCARUS—" FISHING PROHIBITED "in <strong>the</strong> time of Tiberius (or Octavius, according to Macrobius)vast quantities at <strong>the</strong> Emperor's command were collected byan Admiral of <strong>the</strong> Fleet and planted along <strong>the</strong> Ostian andCampanian shores.Careful protection by land and sea rendered poachingalmost impossible. For <strong>the</strong> period of five years any scaruscaught in <strong>the</strong> nets had, under heavy penalties, to be returnedstraightway to <strong>the</strong> water. The enforcement of <strong>the</strong>se wiseregulations effected such mighty thriving of <strong>the</strong> fish, that "posteafrequentes inveniuntur Italiae in litore, non antea ibi captiadmovitque sibi gula sapores piscibus satis et novum incolammari dedit."This operation commands our comment, not merely onaccount of its big success, but because it is <strong>the</strong> <strong>earliest</strong> and (asfar as I can discover) <strong>the</strong> only instance in all ancient literature,certainly in Greek and Latin, ofeggs) in <strong>the</strong> sea, and on a large scale.<strong>the</strong> acclimatisation of Jish (notI do not include, though I do not forget, <strong>the</strong> large lucrativeplanting of oysters in <strong>the</strong> Lucrine lake by Sergius Grata centuriesbefore. 1Later on we shall read of <strong>the</strong> Romans carrying eggs,naturally fertilised, <strong>from</strong> one water to ano<strong>the</strong>r, and of <strong>the</strong>Chinese 2 transporting vast quantities of similar eggs considerabledistances.But <strong>the</strong>ir methods and operations differed <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Emperor's.Pliny expressly states that <strong>the</strong> Admiral planted fish,not eggsof fish, in <strong>the</strong> sea, not in fresh water, and in a new habitathundreds of miles <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> old.To this planting or involuntary colonisation, Petroniusseemingly, despite controversy, <strong>the</strong> " Elegantiae Arbiter," or <strong>the</strong>not altoge<strong>the</strong>r Admirable Crichton, of Tacitus — probably alludes" ultimus ab orisAttractus scarus atque arata SyrtisSi quid naufragio dedit, probatur." 3Poets and gourmets have vied in singing <strong>the</strong> praises of <strong>the</strong>fish as <strong>the</strong> daintiest of dishes — " according to <strong>the</strong> Greeks to doPliny, IX. 79.J- See J. B. Du Halde, Description gfographique . . . de I'Empire de laChine. . . . (Paris, 1735), vol. i. p. 36.^ Petron., Sat., 93, 2.

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