Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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CHAPTER XTHE SCARUS—THE EARLIEST ACCLIMATISATION OF FISH—THE FIRST NOTICE "FISHING PROHIBITED"From <strong>the</strong> wealth of copious yet conflicting accounts of thisfamous fish in Greek and Roman writers, a large monographmight be produced. ^ I restrict myself to a short notice of <strong>the</strong>acclimatisation of <strong>the</strong> fish, and of <strong>the</strong> controversies on itsvalue, as (A) a Dainty, and (B) a Diet.The original habitat of <strong>the</strong> Scarus was in <strong>the</strong> seas off AsiaMinor, especially in <strong>the</strong> Carpathian Sea. During <strong>the</strong> Augustanage it was rarely taken in Italian waters, and <strong>the</strong>n only whendriven thi<strong>the</strong>r by storms. Thus Horace complains that nei<strong>the</strong>rLucrine oysters nor Rhomhi come his way," aut scari,Si quos Eois intonata fluctibusHiems ad hoc vertat mare."[Ep., II. 50 ff.)Pliny (IX. 29), after attributing to <strong>the</strong> Scarus <strong>the</strong> uniquecharacteristic of being herbivorous and never feeding on o<strong>the</strong>rfish and asserting that of its own accord it never passes <strong>from</strong><strong>the</strong> Carpathian Sea beyond Cape Troas, goes on to tell us that^ " II est peu de poissons et meme d'animaux qui aient ete, pour les premierspeuples civilises de I'Europe, I'objet de plus de recherches, d'attention, etcl'eloges que le Scare " (Lacepede). On <strong>the</strong> family of <strong>the</strong> Labridcs (of which <strong>the</strong>Scarus forms a genus) <strong>the</strong> same author asserts that Nature has not conferredei<strong>the</strong>r strength or power, but <strong>the</strong>y have received as <strong>the</strong>ir share of her favours,agreeable proportions, great activity of fin, and adornment with all <strong>the</strong> coloursof <strong>the</strong> rainbow. Of <strong>the</strong> two cousins of <strong>the</strong> Scarus, <strong>the</strong> Tardus and <strong>the</strong> Julis,his eulogy can not be omitted: " Le feu du diamant, du rubis, de la topaz,de I'emeraude, du saphir, de I'amethyste, du grenat scintille sur leures ecaillespolies : et brille sur leure surface en gouttes, en croissants, en raies, en bandes,en anneaux, en ceintures, en zones, en ondes ; il se mele c\ I'eclat de Tor etd'argent qui y resplendit sur de grandes places, les teintes obscures, les airespales, et pour ainsi dire decolorees." Nicander of Thyatira [cp. A<strong>the</strong>n. 7,113) states that <strong>the</strong>re were two kinds of Scarus, one aUko^ of many diversecolours, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hvias of a dull grey tint.159

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