Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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150 PLINY—MARTIAL—WAS THE ROD JOINTED?epigram, instead of levis, as evidently did Hay, <strong>the</strong> Scotch poet,in translating <strong>the</strong> couplet," Could I a trout, now, with my angle get,Or cover a young partridge with my net."Much can be said for <strong>the</strong> view that line three applies tofishing.So much, indeed, that were it not for one, apparently fatal,omission, wc might confidently proclaim <strong>the</strong> first definite mentionof a jointed rod. To this omission, conclusive to my mind of<strong>the</strong> meaning of harundo, I have so far found no allusion.Let us suppose that <strong>the</strong> firstline of <strong>the</strong> couplet does referto fishing. The poet would like to give some birds or fish,or both,to his friend Cams, but bewails his inability to sendanything better than some chickens. He does explain fullywhy he cannot send birds, but he omits entirely any reason, oreven any hint, as to what prevents him sending fish. Weare not allowed to imagine that <strong>the</strong> wea<strong>the</strong>r was too bad, for<strong>the</strong> whistling ploughman imitating <strong>the</strong> magpie in his call, <strong>the</strong>starlings, <strong>the</strong> linnets, all negative that.The whole epigram seems to refer to fowling.The application,even if vadis for levis be adopted, would not necessarilybe altered.Are <strong>the</strong>re not wild duck and snipe to be caughtin <strong>the</strong> shallows [vadis] as well as fish, and probably by o<strong>the</strong>rmeans than birdlime, though with <strong>the</strong> use of a rod ?If levis, or even vadis be read, two arguments lean heavilyagainst harundo being <strong>the</strong> fisher's Rod. The first, in a poemdealing entirely with birds this somewhat obscure reference tofish would be extremely abrupt ; <strong>the</strong> second, <strong>the</strong> line following" harundine praeda " runs, " Pinguis et " (not " aut " as before)" implicitas virga teneret aves," " and (not or) <strong>the</strong> sticky reedline,"etc.Save for this omission and <strong>the</strong> trend of <strong>the</strong> whole context,a strong argument might be easily advanced for fishing in <strong>the</strong>apparent redundancy of harundo and virga. But <strong>the</strong>se twowords may refer to two different weapons of capture, or, whatis more probable, to two different ways of catching birds—<strong>the</strong>first, by a long reed with a noose, and <strong>the</strong> second by a branchwith birdhme.i^ The best reeds for fowling purposes {harundo aucttpatoria) came <strong>from</strong>

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