Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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PREFACEixgratitude <strong>the</strong> debt I owe for counsel and help to certain ofmy friends, whose names I yet hesitate to state, " pour ne pointleur donner une part de responsabilite dans les fautes queje suis seul coupable d'avoir laisse subsister."They are:Mr. A. B. Cook, Reader in Classical Archaeology atCambridge ; Dr. Bernard Grenfell, Professor of Papyrology atOxford ;Dr. A. R. S. Kennedy, Professor of Hebrew and SemiticLanguages at Edinburgh ;<strong>the</strong> late, alas ! Dr. Leonard W. King,of <strong>the</strong> Assyrian Department of <strong>the</strong> British Museum ; Dr. S.Langdon, Professor of Assyriology at Oxford ; Dr.J.W.Mackail ; Dr. A. Shewan ; and last, but very far <strong>from</strong> least,Mr. H. T. Sheringham.

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