Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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130 TRAITS OF FISHERMEN—DEITIES OF FISHINGSophocles {Ajax, 880) to <strong>the</strong> last Romanticist, ^ but also in <strong>the</strong>statuary, pictures, frescoes, mosaics of Greek and Roman Art.Numerous examples can be cited <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> museums of Naples,Rome, Paris, and London sustaining <strong>the</strong> contention that allreal fishermen were ever depicted old and careworn.The fishing boys and women of <strong>the</strong> Amorini at Pompeiiand elsewhere may be adduced as vitiating this statementbut <strong>the</strong>se, it must be borne in mind, are merely artistic representationsof Anglers and of dalliance, not of real fishermentoiling for <strong>the</strong>ir livelihood. So, too, in <strong>the</strong> Greek representationswhere boys, not Putti or Amorini, figure as fishing, it willbe found that <strong>the</strong>y are helpers or " fish-boys " of <strong>the</strong> workingfisherman. 3The explanations why fishermen are so rendered vary.Perhaps <strong>the</strong> truest, certainly <strong>the</strong> concisest, is Alciphron's,Tpi(^H yap ovB(v 1) daXarra—<strong>the</strong> sea feeds no one. Accordingto Bunsmann, fishermen are always represented as old andpoor and worn, because <strong>the</strong>ir delineators desired by painting<strong>the</strong> career as blackly as possible to excite sympathy. For thispurpose old age and poverty and heavy toil, which appealunto all, stood ready as <strong>the</strong>ir most effective strokes.According to Hall, <strong>the</strong> fisher, a common character in allGreek literature, was in early <strong>times</strong> described with simpletruth. Only later, when imitation took <strong>the</strong> place of originality,did conventionalism render him always as aged, pa<strong>the</strong>tic,superstitious, wretchedly poor, yet patient and content. ^^ To cite but one of <strong>the</strong> scores of intermediate authors as regards poverty,Ovid, Met.. III. 586-91,Pauper et ipse fuit, linoque solebat et hamisDecipere, et calamo salientis ducere pisces.Ars illi sua census erat. Cum traderet artem," Accipe quas habeo, studii successor et heres,"Dixit, " opes." Moriensque mihi nihil ille rehquitPraeter aquas : unum hoc possum appellare paternum.2 The vfoi ira7Ses in <strong>the</strong> oracles' warning to Homer, which seem at firstsight antagonistic to <strong>the</strong> above, become in Homer's own words of greeting,AvSpes. Perhaps <strong>the</strong> employment of veaiv TraiSuv by <strong>the</strong> Delphic priestessmay be due (i) to <strong>the</strong> fact that <strong>the</strong>y were " fish-boys " proper, (2) to an earlyand intelligent anticipation of <strong>the</strong> " juvenescent " tendency, or (3) to <strong>the</strong>exigency, not unknown to sixth form Hexameter-makers of <strong>the</strong> present, but(alas ! if Oxford and Cambridge be obeyed) not of <strong>the</strong> future day, of scansion' Cf. Mus. Borbon., IV. 54, or Baumeister, Denkmdler Klass. Altert. (Munich,1885). i. 552. f. 588.* The happiest, perhaps <strong>the</strong> only happy, fishermen are those shown at <strong>the</strong>

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