Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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FISHERS' HOSPITALITY, PIETY 123or sprang ra<strong>the</strong>r <strong>from</strong> a gratitude proportioned to futurebenefits, Bunsmann is discreetly non-committal.But of outward and visible signs of such Piety <strong>the</strong> AnthologiaPalatina is eloquent.Their Piety towards <strong>the</strong> dead is strikinglyattested by Hegesippus, <strong>the</strong> simplicity of whose style in hiseight epigrams in Anth. Pal. betokens an early date. " Thefishermen brought up <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> sea in <strong>the</strong>ir net a half-eatenman, a most mournful relic of some voyage. They soughtnot for unholy gain, but him and <strong>the</strong> fishes too <strong>the</strong>y buriedunder this light coat of sand." ^Bunsmann furnishes two records of impiety among fishermen.The first occurs in <strong>the</strong> well-known Baiano procul a lacurecede of Martial {Epigr., IV. 30), where an impious poacherin <strong>the</strong> very act of landing his fish <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> Emperor's lake isstricken with blindness. The second, in A<strong>the</strong>n., VII. 18, and^han, XV. 23, where Epopeus, a fisherman of <strong>the</strong> island ofIcarus, enraged by taking nothing but sacred or tahu Pompili,turned to with his son and devoured <strong>the</strong>m, only <strong>the</strong>mselvesin turn to be devoured by a whale. ^But <strong>the</strong> impietas charged <strong>from</strong> Anth. Pal., VI. 24, is fantastic.The indictment has been drawn owing ei<strong>the</strong>r to mistranslationof <strong>the</strong> passage or inability to appreciate <strong>the</strong> ra<strong>the</strong>r heavyhandedhumour (frequent in <strong>the</strong> Greek and Roman writers of<strong>the</strong> time) of Lucilius, a conjectured author of <strong>the</strong> Epigram.Heliodorus lays down at <strong>the</strong> portals of <strong>the</strong> temple of " <strong>the</strong>Syrian goddess " a votive offering of his fishing net worn out,not by catches of fish, but of seaweed " <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> beaches ofgoodly havens." This dedication, as fish were sacred to <strong>the</strong>goddess and in Syria were forbidden as a food, has beenimputed as an affront to <strong>the</strong> deity, but quite incorrectly.HeUodorus in offering his net intended no disrespect, noroffended any law of <strong>the</strong> temple. Since its sole catch had beenseaweed, his net could plead " pure <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> prey of fishery."1 VII. 276, W. R. Paton's Translation.2 Cf. Pausanias, III. 21, 5: " Men fear to fish in <strong>the</strong> Lake of Poseidon,for <strong>the</strong>y think he who catches fish in it is turned into a fish called The Fisher."In I. 38, I, we find that only <strong>the</strong> priests were allowed to fish, because <strong>the</strong>rivers were sacred to Demeter, and in VII. 22, 4, that <strong>the</strong> fish at Pharae weresacred to Hermes, and so inviolate.K

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