Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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ii8TRAITS OF FISHERMEN—DEITIES OF FISHINGAntiphanes (in<strong>the</strong> fragments of which, however, we are confrontedby no Sex problem, by no Suffragettism i) ; and (of<strong>the</strong> New Comedy authors) in Menander's The Fishermen(where we ga<strong>the</strong>r <strong>from</strong> Pollux that a fisher came on <strong>the</strong> stagefully equipped for fishing), in all <strong>the</strong>se plays and many moreappear fisher folk. 2Archippus' drama deserves a moment's notice,because inimitation of Aristophanes' Birds <strong>the</strong> poet ventured on achorus composed exclusively of Fishes. Extant fragments of<strong>the</strong> play (performed probably in 413 B.C.) tell of war beingdeclared by <strong>the</strong> fish against <strong>the</strong>ir oppressors <strong>the</strong> A<strong>the</strong>nians,who were passionate opsophagists. The principal conditionof <strong>the</strong> Peace Points—whe<strong>the</strong>r Fourteen or more our data donot determine—secured <strong>the</strong> prompt delivery to <strong>the</strong> Fishes of<strong>the</strong> head of <strong>the</strong>ir chief foe, Melanthios,If <strong>the</strong> protocol of this Treaty had attracted <strong>the</strong> notice ofPresident Wilson, who as a constitutional historian attachesimportance to <strong>the</strong> " broadening down <strong>from</strong> precedent toprecedent," <strong>the</strong> demands of <strong>the</strong> Allies for <strong>the</strong> immediatesurrender of our arch-enemy, <strong>the</strong> Kaiser, might have beenmore insistent and scarcely less successful.And so <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> first loci classici of fishing in Homer wejourney on through <strong>the</strong> succeeding centuries. In nearly allwe encounter fishing and fishermen in hterature or play. In<strong>the</strong> third B.C. we reach <strong>the</strong> next locus classicus— " The Fisherman'sDream," Idyll XXI. of Theocritus." Theocritus is <strong>the</strong> creator of <strong>the</strong> literary piscatory, as heis also of <strong>the</strong> literary bucolic." This dictum would, I think,be rendered more accurate by <strong>the</strong> substitution of modeller inplace of creator. Theocritus, even if we allow for Stesichorus,Epicharmus, and Sophron, stands out <strong>the</strong> first, not to createbut to ga<strong>the</strong>r, and by his genius reduce to regular literaryshape, <strong>the</strong> existent poems and songs [Volkslieder) which formed* And yet " <strong>the</strong> eternal feminine " question was to <strong>the</strong> fore very early,as we see <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> old oracle quoted by Herodotus, VI. 77: " But when <strong>the</strong>female at last shall conquer <strong>the</strong> male in <strong>the</strong> battle, Conquer and drive him forth,and glory shall gain among Argives."^ Poll., Onomasticon, 10, 52, and 10, 45. In later literature references, etc.,to fish are countless : one of <strong>the</strong> lost plays of Aristophanes bore, indeed, <strong>the</strong>title of The Eel, according to Keller, op. cit., 357.

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