Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog

Fishing from the earliest times - Blog


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—THEIR TRADE-UNIONISM 93kill, but pause not to eat, such fish as escape <strong>the</strong> meshes.Whenat last <strong>the</strong> catch is saved, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y fall to and devour <strong>the</strong> fishalready killed.Here let us note an instance of intellectual anticipation ofTrade Unionism. Well aware that <strong>the</strong>ir labour has yieldedfar more than <strong>the</strong> regulation Trade stroke, and earned morethan <strong>the</strong> Eight Hours' wage, <strong>the</strong>y quietly await settHng daynext morning—when <strong>the</strong>y are paid by being stuffed not onlywith fish,but also with crumbs soaked in wine.iThus Oppian of ano<strong>the</strong>r fish-drive," The Fishers pick <strong>the</strong> choicest of <strong>the</strong> Spoil,Supply <strong>the</strong>ir wishes and reward <strong>the</strong>ir Toil."In a story of similar fishing by Mucianus <strong>the</strong> Dolphinsawait nei<strong>the</strong>r summons by voice as above, or signal by torch(as in iElian, II. 8) but "uncalled and of <strong>the</strong>ir own accord"present <strong>the</strong>mselves ready for work.Trades Unionism among <strong>the</strong> Dolphins is again not obscurelyindicated, ipsis quoque inter se puhlica est societas. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore,close corporations, not unlike mediaeval Guilds or modernUnions, but wotting not of " blackleg " or even " dilutee,"surely prevailed, for suum quceque cymba e delphinis sociumhabet.^.Elian's dolphins foreshadow, it would seem, our modernprinciple of co-operation, when " <strong>the</strong>y draw near demanding <strong>the</strong>due reward of <strong>the</strong>ir joint-undertaking." But <strong>the</strong>ir organisationof labour differed <strong>from</strong> ours in two respects.First, <strong>the</strong> wiUingness and <strong>the</strong> wage for night and day shiftwere identical.Second, since <strong>the</strong>y were not blessed as we in<strong>the</strong> higher civilisation of <strong>the</strong> twentieth century are by <strong>the</strong>exalted, if not always successful conceptions of Conferences^ Pliny, IX. 9 " Sed enixioris operas, quam in unius diei praemium conscii:sibi opperiuntur in posterum : nee piscibus tantum sed et intrita panis evino satiantur."^ In Lapland <strong>the</strong> " sea-swallows " render great aid in <strong>the</strong> salmon season.For some cause <strong>the</strong>se small marine birds elect to follow <strong>the</strong> inward and outwardcourse of <strong>the</strong> fish, and are thus infalhble guides to <strong>the</strong> fishermen, with whom<strong>the</strong>y become so tame that <strong>the</strong>y will light on <strong>the</strong>ir fingers, and take, if not " <strong>the</strong>choicest of <strong>the</strong> spoil," scraps of fish. No wonder <strong>the</strong>y are termed " TheLuck-bringers." See S. Wright, The Romance of <strong>the</strong> World's Fisheries (London,1908), p. 6g.

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