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Well here we are this is the firstRasala of this year and we would liketo wish all our readers a very happynew year and pray that may theWaheguru bring lots and lot ofhappiness to all in this new year. It isnot just a new year but also it is startof the new Dhaka dwkw as we call it inPunjabi the new tenth have startedthis year.This Rasala is now a periodical andwill come out now and then or whenwe will have enough matterThere are two reasons as to why wehave made this Rasala a periodicaland those are that we are not gettingmuch feedback from our readers, andthe second one is that we do not haveany annual membership left or thosefamilies which use to sponsor an issueof Bhat Sangat Sandesh from time totime they have decline as well.We still wish to ask our readers if theyare down-loading the Rasala’s fromour website, because for a while ourweb site was also closed down as ourhosting fee came due and they tookour website off without informing usabout it, but we have paid our duesand it is up and running.We wish to inform all of the Bhat SikhGurdwara’s that we have managed toget hold of the Sangat BhatraSamparda UK old papers and we willbe organising another meeting of allthe Gurdwara’s in UK which belong toour Sangat to come for a meetingwhich will be held in Birmingham as itis the middle of Britain. We will let youknow by letter as to where and when itis. Remember that all we want is anorganisation of all of our Gurdwara, aslast time we had about 8 Gurdwaraswhen we met in Birmingham GuruRamdas Gurdwara and where all whowere there did say that we shouldmake a Bhat Sikh Gurdwara Counciland we said we will get it ratified in thenext meeting as well. But what I wouldlike to ask our GurdwarasManagement committee as to why didyou not turn up to the last meeting inBirmingham is it perhaps that you didnot get a letter for the invitation to themeeting or is that our Gurdwaras arenot interested in getting together.If that is the case then we should sayso that we do not wish to make anorganisation so that we can understand. We cannot of course force anyGurdwara to form a council,if we allfeel like that then we should come outand say so and then letany one any where write any thingthey like about us. As a publisher inIndia have published a new and latestcopy of the Mhankosh and he has putthe same page back which took ourelders to get it out and took them 30odd years. We know how busy we allare in our Gurdwaras but we need towake up to also as to what ishappening around us. We would liketo thank the Management committeeof Guru Ram das Gurdwara for lettingus hold the meeting at their place. Wealso wish to inform every one that wedo not wish to become members ofany other organisation weather it isthe Federation, Khalistani movementor member of any Punjabi channel.When our Bhat Sikh Gurdwara councilis up and running then we can sendour representatives to any of theseorganisation.As far as this Bhat Sangat Sandesh isconcern which is coming to you noweven every so often, what is the goodof it if we don’t get any feed back fromour readers it is looking like that wemay as well pack up. I got anotherissue to do in May and if we don’t getlots of feedback then we may as wellshut shop. We can not keep creatingmatter from ourselves for ever.We wish to portray our sympathy toour brother S. Ranjit Singh JiWahiwala who has recently lost a sonwho was not very old so pleaseaccept our sympathy. We were alsovery sorry to hear that S. HardaveSingh Digwa of Manchester has alsopassed away. We wish to portray oursympathy to all of his family. S.Hardave Singh Ji Digwa was fromCanal Park in Lahore and we all useto live together. I can remember hismother an old lady with glasses whowas called punchaan wali as pUMCW vwlI.This was the last brother the otherwere Kalyan Singh Digwa as well asHarbans Singh Digwa all of CanalPark. Can I thank our brother Dalersingh for the information and ask himthat in the future please do let meknow when the funeral is as I mightwish to go to that.A tragedy also happened in Cardiff aswell when we lost Mata Surjeet Kaurw/o the late S. Khera Singh Jangi.I know all of us suffer from someailment or other but she was alrightduring the day and had pain in thenight and was taken to the hospitaland as she was admitted she passedaway. I would like to portray mysympathy to all of my relatives fromthe in-law side and say how sorrywe all are. Our prayer is that mayour Waheguru portray peace onthe all departed soul and giveenough courage to all their familyto bear theit loss. I know but I willwrite it again that if any one wishto sponser the next issue can theyplease do let u knoew so that wecan book it in their name.I went tovisit India in September of 2009when we went to the see HemKunt. This time after posting thisissue I am going again to visitIndia and will be back I hope inmiddle of April. You will see thatwe have put a photo of SangatBhat Samparda at the back whichwas taken in Cardiff at theconference in 1985 I think. If anyof my brother wish to sent meanother old photo I will include it inthe next Rasala or so and thePhoto will be returned.This time I am not printing theParticulars of my brother who I amtold lives in Manchester but he hisholding on to a very importantthing which belong to all the Sikhcommunity and I wish to ask himto contact me and see if we canadvertise to the whole of the Sikhcommunity. I am talking about theTurban of Shaeed Udam Singh Jiwho gave that to your father tokeep safe before he was hangedon 30 June 1940. So please docontact me or some one else.I have written about Bhat andBhatra in the Punjabi side but Iwish to ask our Gurdwaras whohave still got Bhatra written infront of their Gurdwara and lots ofthe others have put up BhatGurdwara, can we come to someagreement and see what it shouldbe it can only be one or the otherso please, please write in withyour views. I have written a lotabout this writer who is saying thatwe are Rajput and Bhat Bhut andBhatre we need to get togetherand sort that problem out as wellas to where do we stand and whatwe need to do about it. I am verymuch hoping to hear from yourgood self so please come togetherand let every one in the Sikhcommunity know that we are thefirst Sikhs of the Guru Nanak devJi.Guru sangat da dasn dasJaswant Singh Jas Chief Editor BhatSangat Sandesh Cardiff.Page 9We have just been informed about the young lad who has passed away in Portsmouth son of Amreek SinghDigwa. We are shocked to hear that he was so young. Please accept my sympathy. Jaswant Singh Jas.

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