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So we have the following to discuss.Ç1) Brahman, 2) Dakaut,3) Borju, 4) Btayhroo,5)Shawan,6) Huseni Brahman, 7) Bhat, 8) Bhatra.The writer then has gone in to detail about all kind ofBrahman, Dakaut, Borju, Btayhroo as well HuseniBrahman and goes on to explain al this in the next 20pages.On page 39 the writer has began to explain aboutBhat, Bhut, Bwt jW B`t type of people.He goes on to say that both of these names are withsimilar meaning. The real word is Bhut B`t but Hinduwriters have written Bhut as Bhat Bwt A Bhut is aworrier, one who do his job it is to Praise and to sing inappreciation, who is a poet in the Raj Durbar, who ispaid to fight for the Raja side, or who accepts offeringfrom others. Bhat Bhatti is also a community in Rajputby Jaipur and Jaisalmair. The Bhatia of Punjab areKhatri have the same connection. The Bhat Rajpootshave set up bhuteana BitAWnw Bhetnear Bytnyr Batindaand Pindi were established by Bhat Bwt[There is a Bhat community in the Brahman sector whoare classified as the lower class Brahman who areworking in the writers and poetic industry. The Bhut(Bhat) of Punjab who became Sikhs from the SikhGurus not just to live as Sikhs but also sacrificed themselves while Fighting like the Kirat Bhat.The writer hasvirtually agrees that that Bhut is a word from theSanskrit which in reality is Bhut and not Bhat, word isused for the Worrier as well as who praise others andhe agrees that this is what the Bhut Bhat were doing inthe beginning. In the area of Sahranpur there is aMuslim community called Bhat who were Bhat whowere forced to become Muslim at that time ofMohammad Gauri’s.There are different kinds of Bhat. Like the CharanBhat, Sewak Bhat, Rai Bhat, Brahm Bhat.As far as Bhatra word as in BwtVw Gy: Ji here have saidhe is a Pheri Wala and he is from a sect of its kind hegoes round selling small trinket made out of metal andsays he is from the Brahman back ground he also tellsfortune he seems to have originated from Gujaratwhere they have originated from Multan. These Bhatreare called by different name different places:- In eastPunjab they are called Ramaiaee, In Lahore and Pindithey are called Bhatre and in Ambala district bothnames are used.Then he goes on to describe the word Bhatra as Bwtrwand goes on to write that in Punjab there are differentcommunity who are setteled there among them there isa Bwtrw community, they are also setteled other placeswhere they are is Gurdas Pur, Hoshiar Pur, Sialkotnow after the partition they have setteled in Delhi aswell as Punjab, there are lots of Bhatre who are alsogone and are living in the UK, USA, and who also goaround making a living in Canada, Singapore, Malaya.Where they have originated from lots of the writers arecoming with lots of different options but the communitydoes not agree and there best writers have started tohit back, where it was the Mahankosh or any otherwriters. Many of their own writers have written numbersof books themselves and have described themself asoriginated from Sri Lanka and there history is written inBhai Banoo di Beer in which it does say they there arelarge numbers Bhatre who are setteled in Sri Lankaand cook communal meal and use 20 Mund salt in thekitchen. A copy of this bheer can be seen in the Gurdwara of BhaiBanoo in Kanpur. Where it can be seen on puranmashi andSangrand. Page 6Any way let me tell you what does this Gy: says aboutyour Jaat as to what you really are called. 22 in all.Starting with the Jaat Rathore. He goes on to say thatreally speaking from the 36 real Rajput backgroundBhatra Bradri only have 10 real Jaatan, the rest are thejust the extensions. So here we go the first one is:- 1.Rathore 2. Bhatti as B`tI 3. Kushwha as kuSvwh 4. Taak5.Bance as BYNs 6. Laar as LwV 7. Gaurh as gOV 8.Budgujar as bfgUjr 9. Chohan as cOhwn 10.Parmar aspRmwr[The res the extensions of the above Jaatan.And these are, 1. Lakhanpal as lKnpwl, 2. Digwa asidgvw, 3. Bhakar as in BwkV 4. Roudh as in rOd, 5.Potiwal as in poqIvwl, (Patwal as in pqvwl),6. Lohiea asin lohIey,7. Kaang as in kWg,8.naikteen as in nwiektIn.9.Utarwal as in auqrvwl.10.Kenthea or Kehnth as in kYNQyor kYNQ, there are three new extensions. And they are 11Suwali as in suvwlI.12. golay as in goly. 13. Yogi as XogI.The writer goes on to say that as the extensions aswell as the three further extensions have now becomepermanent who are marrying among each other I willgo and explain their background.Rathore:- Rajputan on Jaat which is suraj wanshi canbe found in Mar war as well as Bikaner are in bignumbers. The actual word is rwStrkUt Mahankoshpage1018 column 3 ) This is a Wansh vMS of the sriRam younger son Kush the actual name of this Jaatuse to be Rashterkoot as in rwStrkUt[ Rashter kootkept on changing slowly to Router, as rwautr thenRathore as in rwToV and from there to rwTOrSome of the descended of Kush came towards thesouth of India, here they had the Kingdom called MaanKhera. One section of them came to mid India andstarted the Maharashtra Kingdom. From here thisfamily extended them selves as far as Kathiawar as inkwTIAwvwV, ibdWXU and knOj [ In the year 1234 or thereabout many of the Rathore as rwTOr came from Mar warand set up their home at what is now Johadpur andBikaner as joDpur and bIkwnyr All the Rathores arefamous for their Bahadri ( from the RajputWanshavli page 73-75)As the time went on this Jaat kept on going in to about135 to 140 different sections of this community. As faras Bhatra community is concern Jaat Rathore rwTOVand it extension Swali (svwl) is there in the community.Chohan:- According to Bhai Kahan Singh Ji Nabhathis is another Jaat of the Rajput which are believed tobe from the Agni Kul as AgnI kul mMnI jWdI hY[ there isa saying about the Chohan that they got four arms.Maharaja Prithviraj Chohan was one from this clan.(From Mahankosh page 478) According to Kernel TaadChohan (cheaman) as (cihmwn) Rajput, they are thebest and are real Bhadar. The Chohan have 24different extensions. Lots of the Jaats j`t are Chohanas well who also say that they have also originatedfrom the Chohan. In Punjab there are Khinchi andvaretch as iKMcI qy vVYc they are also found in largenumbers at in Chahan,one time these both also use tocall them Chohan as well. According to the new findsthese Chohan are also suraj Wanshi Rajpoots. Theyalso have lots of different extensions. The writer goeson to say he has a list of 150 different names. In theBhatra community Chohan can be found with theirmain extentions Gola (Goelval),or Golason as goielvwlor golwsn[ this Jaat starts their own pitri parnali fromRavgoga Chohan. It is a big Jaat in the Rajputs. Restnext issue. But see if you can understand these two pages. Jas

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