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Ki Bhatre Bhat Brahman Han Jan Rajpoot?Last time we finished at the bottom of the page 12 ofhis book. Where we asked you as to make a decisionas to what do we wish to call ourselves? Do youbelieve that we are Rajput, and should we start callingourselves that? Or on the other hand should we startcalling ourselves Bhatre, irrespective of what the wordBhatra has gone through. Or do we prefer to call ourselves Bhat irrespective of who we are or not, as manyof us wish to be called and some are already callingthemselves Bhat, they have even written Bhat SinghSabha Gurdwara out at front of their Gurdwara, but lotsof us are still calling our self Bhatre.So for this point you can simply send me an email andgive me your name and where are you from and whatwould you be like to be called. My email is:-jaswantmail@gmail.com please, please let us get onone side or the other. Because this Gy Ji is sayingBhatre are Rajput and Bhats are Brahman. Gy Araf Jipreferred to be called Bhatra, because I have read oneof his Kavitas, Gy: Makhmoor Ji, called us both Bhatraas well as Bhat so did Gy: Mirgind Ji. It is much better ifwe decide once and for all. So please let me know sothat I can print in the next issue. Jaswant Singh.This Gy: Ji began writing about Bhatre in his book onpage 17 by sayingKi Bhatre, Brahman HanIn Punjab there is a community called Bhatra whobecame Sikhs in the 16 th century.(He spelled BhatraSikh as Bwtrw and not as BtVw )Before this communitybelieved in Hinduism. At the time of the Lodi Raj, GuruNanak dev Ji went to visit Sri Lanka with Bhai BalaMardana. What made him go there in the first place ourGy: Ji has not said any thing about, Bhai Mansukh aGuru Nanak Sikh who use to go to Sri Lanka to dobusiness, at the time Sri lanka was use to be calledSangladeep.(may be all that would have made hisbook two pages longer.) Guru Nanak dev Ji also wentto see Raja Shivnabh. (Writer has written to say GuruNanak dev Ji went also to see Raja Shivnabh but infact it was just him he went see) Raja Shivnabhbelieved in Bodi religion and Guru Nanak dev Ji madehim Sikh. (Here Gy: Ji did not say how and why buthave just skipped.(He does not talk about the infighting of all the local Rajas14 of them and how GuruNanak Dev Ji brought all of them together and askedthem to come under one supreme Raja and stopfighting and gave the thrown to Maharaja Shivnabh)Guru Ji did stay in Sangladeep for long time.Then our Gy: Ji goes and talk about Baba ChangaBhatra, who he have called Yogi Changa Bhatra.(Failed to say who Changa Bhatra was, why was hecalled Changa Bhatra, failed to say that he was thegrandson of Maharaja Shivnabh and was the youngestson of Raja Maya Dauni who was sent to Kashi for 7years to educate) and goes on to say after meetingGuru Nanak dev Ji he also became the Guru NanakSikh and because there were many other Chatri Naikpeople who were living along with Yogi Changa Bhatrawithin that ashram as well as places like Mysore, ArogaPatanam,as well as places like Bijapur where manybecame Sikhs as well. Changa Bhatra did set up anorganisation in which all the people became membersand he called that Sangat Bhatra.( yet other of our writers havesaid that it was Sangat Bhatra Samparda) where they all useto get together and meet morning and evening and meditatethe name of Waheguru . Changa Bhatra Ji had Japji Sahibwritten on a white stone in singly Language.Gy: Ji has failed to mentioned that every one use to gettogether and cook a meal together where it use to take 20Munds salt in the kitchen a day but quickly goes on to say afterBaba Changa Bhatra Ji the leadership came to Bhai Taroo Ji.(where in fact the other writers have said after running theAshram for a very long time Changa Bhatra Ji decided to goand visit his fathers kingdom and handed down the leadershipto Taroo Guru Ji. This is the only writer who have written thatBhai Taroo Ji followers fell out with him and killed him, on theother hand others writers have said that Bhai Taroo Ji went toget Raj Phag for everyone and told all the Bhatre this that hewill be back and laid himself on a side with a clothes on tophim and this went on for how ever long time and all the Bhatregot very worried and told each other that Bhai Taroo Ji havepassed away and half cremated him on the pyre when hewoke up and said why could you have not waited.This writer goes on to say that these people use to make aliving while walking about. Pera Mokha Ji only came to find outabout these people when he was sent by Guru Arjan dev Ji toSri Lanka to bring back the Pran Sangli from the Shivnabhdescended called Aerapat. (Here Gy: Ji have called Aerapatthe descended of Shivnabh but have failed to say son of MayaDauni and according to other writers Bhai pera Ji did go on hisown. While Bhai Pera Ji was in Sri Lanka lots of the BhatraSikh had information from him about Guru Nanak. When BhaiPera Ji was returning from Sri Lanka many Bhatre Sikh camewith him to India. They came and first settled in the Bank ofGunga up near Bijnore where they settled in about 35 to 40villages, where they started calling them Ramaiaee andGhumgar. Here many of them did labouring other becameherbalist and opened up business etc. The History is notcoming forward to say what happened to Baba Changa Jiother writers have said he went away with his family someeven say that he went and settled up in Glotian and so on butno one is certain. After the incident of Bhai Taroo Ji many ofthe Bhatra Sikh left the Area of Bijnore and came across toHaryana and came in to Punjab, first they came toHorshiarpur, and some went to Gurdas Pur to Tiber area, andsome went to live in Sialkot, Bhadewala, Glotian Daska,Dhariwal etc,After 1947 lots of them came to of the big cities like Amritsar,Jalandhar, Ludhiana, and Patiala Etc. Today they can befound all over India as well as in lots of European country.When they came they took up mostly Brahmani type of workand other work that came in their way, mostly because theywere uneducated and forgot that they were from Rajput Background. Now this community is known by many names Bhatre,Bhat, Brahman, Mahdho, Harar Popo, Dakaut, HuseniBrahman, vadepatar Teli Raje, dub dubay and Mishar.All the above names are all of regional and people who dobusiness for living and they do agree with that. Now here wewill discuss our topic and see Are Bhatre, Bhat Brahman or arethe Rajput and see, what is their root source, their beginningas well as principals. This is why it is important that we take allthe above names and give a broad information about so thatour readers and other with experience writers can decide whatwe are talking about. We will continue on the next Page.This is Page No 5

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