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Ki Bhatre Bhat Brahmin Han Jan RajpootBy SARBJIT SINGH of PeterboroughDear Jaswant Singh Ji,, Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.I am today sitting reading BSS issue 63 which arrived inthe post. Thank you for publishing my letter and also foryour kind reply and comments back.I read with interest the article that you published from thewritings of Gy Surindar Singh Ji Rathaur, it is interestingto read the opinions and views of such wise and learnedindividuals. It would be fantastic if his work could indeedbe translated into English so as wider people possiblecould read it.Similarly if Gy: Makhan Singh Mirgind's work, Trebenicould also be translated, what a big benefit to the Sangatthat would be. In fact maybe that the things you can bringup at your proposed meeting of the Bhat Samparda or onthe 13th November? From my point of view, my roots areimportant to me, because it is important as to how wepresent ourselves now to the global Sikh community.What is our distinct identity, call us Bhat or Bhatre, itshouldn't really matter, what should matter to me is thatwe shake off the negative views of other elements of theSikh community (In detail those as I am sure you knowwhat I mean) and we show them that Bhats are a Sangatwhich includes, intellectuals, scholars, doctors, lawyers,magistrate, policemen, professionals and highlysuccessful businessmen and women, and all contributefor the good of our community through our localGurdwara’s and Associations.History is there to remind us of our roots, and the more welook at it stronger our attachment with our ancestors andforefathers becomes, however actions now will determinethe history that our children and grandchildren will take on,so let's make sure when they think about what Bhat orBhatre means in 20 years time, they will be proud of thegood work that we have done today.I would also like to congratulate you and offer my bestwishes in your Endeavour to get together UK BhatSangat Gurdwaras together and to form a Council, Ithink if we can all vote for this with an open mind andleave any egos outside the door before taking partin meetings then only good can come out of this.I note you have only asked for Gurdwara’s to send 2members each and I can understand why, but what Iwould ask is that at some point individuals who are keento attend and get involved and become associatedmembers be allowed to do so.Thank you again and a piyar puri Sat Sri Akal.Sarblit Singh RathoreDear Sarabjit Singh Ji, S.S.AWhat this Gy Surindar Singh Ji is saying in hisbook that Bhatre are Rajput and Bhat are Brahminthe crucial matter is what do we want to become.This writer does not wish to join us with thoseBhats whose Gurbani is written in the Guru GranthSahib Ji, and all these years we have beenbelieving that our ancestor is Changa Bhatra andthat he was the Grandson of Maharaja Shivnabhand that we became guru Nanak Dev Ji Sikhswhen he was visiting Sangla deep in the year1520. The question is do we wish to becomeBrahman or Rajput as he is stating or do we wishto remain Bhat as many of our communitymembers are calling themselves. Can otherpeople do response its importance. Jaswant Singh4*gurduAwrw sRI hr ikRSn jI imflsbrw*pRbMDk kmytI dI nvIN cox 26-12-2010 nMU hoeI sI[nvIN bxI AwaudydwrW dI kmytI dy nwm ies pRkwr hn[1) sR: hrBjn isMG poqIvwl cyArmYn[2) sR: hrdyv isMG gOnw idgpwl pRDwn[3) sR: kImqboV isMG KMfw rOd mIq pRDwn[4) sR: crnDUV isMG lWfw jrnl sk`qr[5) sR: guridqw isMG idgpwl sk`qr[6) sR: myhr isMG svwlI KjwncI[7) sR: gurbKS isMG BwkV KjwncI[8) sR: gurSrn isMG idgpwl mYirj rYijstrwr9) sR: PqihjIq isMG poqIvwl mYirj rYijstrwrGURDWARA SRI HAR KRISHAN SAHIB JI NEWMANAGEGMENT COMMITTEE FROM 26/12/10.Chairman : - Sr. Harbhajan Singh PotiwalPresident : - Sr. Hardave Singh DigpalVice President : - Sr. Kimarbor Singh Khanda RoudhGeneral Secretary: - Sr. Charandhoor Singh LandaSecretary : - Sr. Gurdita Singh DigpalTreasurer : - Sr. Mehar Singh SwaliTreasurer : - Sr. Gurbakash Singh BhakarRegistrar : - Sr. Gursharan Singh DigpalRegistrar : - Sr. Fateh Jeet Singh PotiwalGurdwara Sri Har Krishan Ji,23 Lorne StreetMiddlesbrough. Cleveland TS5 8QY.Tel: 01642 250125Editor Sr. Daler Singh Bhakar TotiaWale.SrDWjlI iek mhwn hsqI nMUbwxI dw Purmwn hYrwm igEu rwvn igEu jw kw bhu pRvwr,khu nwnk iQr kC nhIN supny ijauN sMswrBwvrwm cMdr jI vI tur gey, qy rwvn ijs dw Bwrw kbIlw sI BIkUc kr igAw,gurUu jI AwKdy hn koeI BI sdw slwmq nhINdunIAW iek supnw hI hY[Ram Chandar, passed away Rawan too who had a large family went aswell, Nanak says nothing is everlasting. This world is like a dreamsR: hrdyv isMG jI idgvw jo Awpxy svwsW dI 80 swlW dI pUMjI nMUBogdy hoey ies mwq lok qoN 23-10-10 nMU Akwl clwnw kr geysn, iqnW dw AMqm sMskwr 29-10-10 nMU mwncYstr ivKy kIqwigAw jo bhuq hI imlwpVy qy hr iek nMU ipAwr krn vwlyivAkqI sn[ AsI auhnW dy swry prvwr dy nwl hmdrdI pRgtkrdy hoey Ardws krdy hW ik vwihgurU prvwr nMU ieh kdI vI nwBulx vwly sdmw Aqy Akwl purK dy Bwnw mMnn dw bl bKSI Aqyieh bzurgW dI rUh nMU <strong>siqgur</strong>U jI Awpxy crnw iv`c invws bKSIqy bhuq hI SrDw dy nwl SrDWjlI dy Pul pyS krdw hW iesmhwn hsqI nMU[dlyr isMG BwkV qoqyAw vwly[ieh SRI mwn jI swfy knwl pwrk lhor dy vwsI sn qy AsI swry iekomh`ly dy iv`c hI rihMdy huMdy sW pwiksqwn bnx qoN pihlW[ sR:hrdyvisMG jI SurU qoN hI klIn Syv huMdy huMdy sn[iehnW dy do v`fy BweIswihb jI vI sn[sR: kilAwn isMG jI idgvw jo pihlW iphlW dysqoN Awky lMfn rihMdy huMdy sn qy iehnW dy dUsry BweI swihb sR: hrbMsisMG jI idgvw jI sn[ iehnW dI mwqw jI dI dws nMU sMBwl hY,mDrykDdy ijnW ny AYink lgweI huMdI sI qy ijnW nMU puMCw vwlI kihkybulwieAw jWdw huMdw sI ikauNik ieh ipCoN dy puMC qoN Awey hox gy[doiqMn swl hoey iksy dI SwdI qy kwrifP Awey qW AsI dovy cwcw AqypqrIAw iek dUjy nMU imlky bhuq hI KuS hoey sW jdoN mYNMnMU auhnW nydisAw ik mYN koTI bnw ky dys AwieAW hW qy mYN auhnW nMU bynqI kIqIsI ik jy kr bnw ky Awey ho qW EQy aus iv`c rih ky smW guJwro bhuqhI suK dw smW inklygw[mYNMnMU bhuq hI APsos hoieAw hY ik mYN AMqmdrSnw leI nhIN puhMc sikAw[bhuq hI duKI ihrdy dy nwl “ipAwrSrDWjlIAW” hwjr hn jsvMq isMG js vloN [knwl pwrk lwhor vwly

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