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Up date on Sangat Bhatra SampardaAs the notice which was placed in the last Bhat SangatSandesh issue number 63. The meeting did take placeand was held in the Gurdwara Guru Ramdas Ji inMoseley road Birmingham on 13-11-10 at 1 PM. Theproblem was that no one turned up at the right time. Itwas very late to my way of thinking.So at the end 8 Gurdwara’s were present. We sent out32 different letters to all of the Bhat Gurdwara and howcome only 8 turned up.Yes I know that it was the month of November and theweather was not very nice and darkness fell very early.Any way let me first of all thank the parbandakcommittee of that Gurdwara Sahib Ji who cooked themeal and gave us refreshment. We indeed are verygrateful to them. After waiting for everyone we wentdown stairs and had tea and methai. Meeting startedaround 2-45 Pm. It was 3 Gurdwara’s from Nottingham,Cardiff, Bristol, and Gurdwara Guru Ramdas Ji andHarley grove Ji. 1 st AgendaIt was explained to all the presents what was thethinking behind the meeting and nearly every one wasin favour that we need to have an organisation of ourown and that we should go ahead. Then one personhad this bright idea that we haven‘t got the rights to goahead and do it as we are not quadrate. We explainedto him the one Quarter is already here. Any way everyone agreed after and it was also agreed to ratify thename at the next meetingThe second agenda was to look at the papers thatwe have received from GY Amreek Singh Ji Rathore ofManchester and it was reported that all the papers werethere but there was no money in the bank. It wasagreed to call the last office holders to a meeting andask them to explain as to why be there is no moneywhat so ever in the bank.The third Agenda was how to fund this Council andwhere to hold the next meeting.Gurdwara Baba Bhuda Sahib Ji rep then got up andmade a suggestion that we have gone to old and that allthese papers should be handed over to them and thatthey will call the next meeting. May I say this to thatyoung man you might be able and very knowledge butyou were too young to say what you said. I havegrandson who are older then you and it did not suit youto say that at the time that we are going old and that itshould be handed over to young people like your self.If we have gone to such a trouble it is only that wewould like to see an organisation of our self and wehave enough knowledge to carry it on and to call anelection and then handed over to those persons. So wewill be organising a another meeting in Birminghamwhere we will want to discuss as to how will we want tofund this council:- each Gurdwara to pay £100,200 or250 a year. Where will the head officepage 11of this council and how we are going to make aconstitution and who is going to be the office holder andfor how long.There was lot of interest from the floor that we shouldbecome the member of this channel, that TV Chanel.Let me make this clear to all my brothers as well assisters that this council is going to be just for the BhatSikh Gurdwara. We are not willing to go and be seen tobe joining any TV channels; we are not going to bejoining any Federation, or any Khalistan movement.Once this organisation is up and running then we willwant our members to be sent to joining some otherorganisation but with only approval from the generalbody. If how ever they are already members of suchorganisation then it is up to them as it is none of ourbusiness.Before we have a meeting again in Birmingham, we aregoing to get together with our ad hoc or steeringcommittee together and to see if we can agree to that. Ifwe can then we will organise another meeting inBirmingham. Because at the present moments we arebeing pulled to two directions and we don’t wish to beseen to be doing that.Can I ask that Gurdwara parbandak committee whowere invited to the meeting on the 13-1110 At GuruRamdas Gurdwara as to why be them not able to cometo that meeting? Does it mean that they do not wish tojoin or did not get the letter or there is some otherreason?Let me tell the Bradri why it is important to get togetherand that is Bhai Chatter Singh Ji of Amritsar publishedcopies of the old version of the Mahankosh and theyhave gone back to the original particulars of kamkandla and Rishi.The thing that our respected eldersfought for over 30 years. We will want to look at thatagain our marriages, and so on Jaswant Singh Jas.Member of the steering committee.I wish to ask all the members of ourGurdwara’s as to what do we wantto call yourselves. As it is I am andlike me lots of our brothers as wellas the Sisters all thinking differently.So really speaking do we wish tomaintained calling ourselves (1)Bhatra or are we all in favour ofcalling ourselves (2) Bhat whichway are we opting for and which oneare we opting for because Indianame call, or are we happy to becalled 2 because we are here in UK.Please, please do reply

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