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Our Very Dear Chacha RajindarMy Dear Chacha Rajindar Singh Ji Landa(Better known as Roger) of Birmingham,sadly departed our lives on 16 th October2010 at the age of 50, he will be greatlymissed by his entire family.Chacha Ji leaves behind His parents- RanjitS. Landa Wahiwala & Pritam Kaur, his WifeJasbir Kaur, His Children - Jaskaren Kaur,Gurnam, Lakhwindar Singh, Gurmeet Kaur,Jasvinder Kaur & Dalip Singh, Satbir Kaur &Suresh Singh & Jagjeevan S. Landa, includinghis eleven grandchildren, also his sistersKamlesh, Sheila and Linda and brothers Prem,Sarindar, Balwindar and Sarwan and his manyNephews, nieces.For those who knew my Chacha Ji would knowhim for his kind mannerism, his lively characterand his very smart appearance. Chacha Jileaves behind a great legacy and will alwaysbe remembered –for this. fifty years seems noage at all, but in his lifetime Chacha Jiachieved a lot and made his time hereenjoyable for his family, friends and himself.He enjoyed many things but my fondestmemories will be that he loved a good party(mainly being centre stage on the dance floor),his daily chit chats with his family including hisbest friend Chacha Paddy of Bristol. We willall remember all the nicknames that he gavehis nephews and nieces.The day Chacha Ji passed was a very sad dayfor all the Landa family and words cannotdescribe how any of us felt that day or on theday of the funeral which was equally as painfulbut the sun shined beautifully. On the day of thefuneral we held it together for each other untilhis son Jagjeevan made a heartfelt speechwhich choked us all. As a family we all hope wedid Chacha Ji proud because meas his niece am very proud to say that myChacha Ji was one of a kind and truly the best!I would like to thank everyone on behalfof my family from the UK and abroad whoattended the funeral on Monday 25 thOctober 2010 to pay their respects to myGrandfather Ranjit S. Landa and hisfamily.I would also like to say that nobodyknows how long they have in thisworld so please make the most ofyour time and make the effort withyour loved ones.Ravi Kaur - Daughter of Sarindar S.Landa of Birmingham.SrDWjlIbwxI dw Purmwn hY !jYsy jl myN budbudw aupjY ibnsY nIq,jg rcnw qYsy rcI khu nwnk sun mIq]Bwvijs qrw pwxI auqy bulbulw hmySw bxdw rihMdw hY eysy qrHW hIsMswr dI auqpqI kIqI geI hY guru jI AwKdy hn qUM sux imqrw[As the bubble appears and dispears on water, so was thecreation of this World made say Nanak hearken thou of myfriend of mine.AsI bhuq hI duK Bry ihrdy nwl Awpxy pwTkW nMU ieh Kbrdy rhy hW ik swfy mwnXog sR: mohn isMG jI lWfw vwhIvwlydw hoxhwr poqrw Aqy sR: rnjIq isMG vwhIvwly jI dwipAwrw sp`uqr sR: rijMdr isMG isrP pMjw swl dI hI AwXUBogky Aqy Awpxy swry prvwr nMU sMdIvI ivCoVw 16-10-10nMU dy gey sn qy iqnW dw AMqm sMskwr 25-10 -10 nMU kIqwigAw sI[AsI ies duKBrysmyN qy swry prvwr nwl hmdrdIpRgt krdy hoey Ardws krdy hW ik vwihgurU prvwr qoNivCVI Awqmw nMU Awpxy crnw iv`c invws bKSy qy ip`Cyswry prvwr nMU ieh kdI vI nw Buln vwly sdmy nMU sihn dIAqy Bwnw mMnn dI qwkq bKSy[mwnXog sR: rxjIq isMG qyauhnW dy swry prvwr nwl hmdrdI pRgt krn dy leIbySumwr sMgqW AeIAW sn[ SrDWjlI dy Pu`l Arpn krdwhW Aqy swry pRvwr hmdrdI pRgt krdw hoieAw <strong>siqgur</strong>U dycrnw dy iv`c Ardws krdw hW ky swry prvwr nMU ausAkwl purK dy Bwny nMU mMnn dw bl bKsy[dlyr isMG BwkV qOqyAw vwly[sR: rxjIq isMG jI dws vI iKmw dw jwck hY jo smyN isrphuMc nhIN sI sikAw[ kwrn ik ieqlwh smy isr nhIN sIiml s`kI[pr hux suxky bhuq hI APsos kIqw hY ikrijMdr isMG dI Ajy koeI aumr vI nhIN sI[dwsn dws jsvMq isMG js cIP AYfItr++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++swry gurduAwirAW dIAW pRbMDkW kmytIAW AqykmytI dy mYNbrW dy A`gy do h`Q joVI bynqI kIqIjWdI hY ik kI qusI Awpxy swry Bwt brwdrI dygurduAwirAW nMU iek`Tw krky ky qy iek kONslbnwaux dy leI sihmq ho[jy hwau qW swnMU hyTilKy tYlIPUn qy tYlIPUn kr ky ieqlwh zrUrdyvo[ijs gurduAwry vloN swnMU PUun nw AwieAwAsI smJ lvW gy ik auh gurduAwrw kONslbnwaux leI rwjI nhIN[swnMU koeI ieqrwz nhINqusI BwvyN iksy vI iedwry dy mYNbr hovo ienfIivjlI pr Bwt is`K gurduAwrw bnwaux iv`cAwp jI vloN sihmqI dw PUun zrUr Aw jwxwcwhIdw hY[ AsI kONsl dI gl nMU qW hI A`gy nMUvDwvW gy qy qW hI iek v`fw iek`T vI bulws`kW gy[sMgq Bwt sMpRdw XUky dy swry ip`Clypypr swfy pws mwjUd hn[AfItr jsvMqisMG js tYlIPUn 07974098416Page10

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