siqgur pRswid

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Ç <strong>siqgur</strong> <strong>pRswid</strong> Çieku auqm pMQu suinE gur sMgiq, iqh imlMq jm qRws imtweI ] iek Ardwis Bwt kIriq kI, gur rwmdws rwKhu srxweI ]IK UTAM PANTH SUNEON GUR SANGAT TE MILANT JAM TRAS METAAEE IK ARDAAS BHAT KIRAT KI GUR RAMDAS RAKHO SARNAIISSUE Number 64 inXqkwlI rUp pRkwSn,AMqr rwStrI,do BwSIAW,jo Bwt sMgq ƒ smRripq hY[ AMk nMbr 64February 2011 A Periodical Magazine Dedicated to the Bhat Sangat PrvrI 2011iesAA sIpUUjw Akwl kI,prcw Sbdu dw,dIdwr Kwlsy dwswry ivSv iv`c sMgq dw Awpxw ieko iek rswlw jo inXqkwlI hY qy kdI vI inkl skdw hY ijs nUM qusIswfy hyT ilKy vYbsweIt qoN fwaux lof kr skdy ho[ijs nMU AsI Apfyt krdy rihuMdy hW[ies dI sportkrnw swrI brwdrI dy vIr ByYxW dw Prz bndw hY[sMgqW dw crn DUV jsvMq isMG “js” cIP AYfItrThe only magazine, in the world which is dedicated to Bhat Sikh Sangat, the Bhat Sikh Community of the world. Which canbe downloaded free from Our web site www.bhatsangat.com This Rasala is very eagerly looking for support from its ownCommunity people, our respected brothers and sisters. So that it can stay running. We cannot do it on our own.Bwt sMgq sMdyS nMU pRkwSq krky qksIm kIqw,cIP AYfItr jsvMq isMG “js”ny Bwt sMgq AYsosIeySn dy hYfAwiPs qoN[ Bhat Sangat Sandesh is Printed, Published and distributed by the Bhat SangatAssociation from its head office By the Chief Editor S. Jaswant Singh “Jas” MBE JP CQSW“Koumi Villas” 3-5 MANSFIELD Street, CARDIFF. CF11 6EE. U.K Tel: 0044 (0)2920 256431.orOur Mobi07974098416. Email: jaswantmail@gmail.com. Please go to our Website and see us thereon www.bhat sangat.com and Please write or email us with your views. Once you have read it.Bhat Sangat Sandesh is a voice for the Bhat Sikh Community. The opinions reflected in the letters to the chief Editor orarticles sent in by any external writers do not necessarily reflected the views of the magazine or the Editors. Bwt sMgqsMdyS iv`c C`py lyK jW pqrkwvW jW lyKkW dy Awpxy jwqI iKAwl hn[sMpwdk dw auhnW dy nwl sihmq hoxw koeI zrUrI nhIN[mwqw surjIq kOr lWfy sp`qnIsvrgvwsI sR: KyVw isMG jI jMgI jo10 jnvrI 2011 ieqvwr dy svyryyprbwq nMU Acwink idl dI DVknbMd ho jwn dy kwrn gurprurI suDwrgey sn[iqnW dw AMqm sMskwrsnIcrvwr 16 jnvrI nMU cwrGoiVAW dI hrts iv`c lYjwky kIqwigAw nwly 5 b`sW, do ilmozInw 4kwrW[bhuq swry lokW ny AwpnIAWAwpnIAW kwrW qy sMskwr Gr jw kyAwpnIAW SrDwjlIAW id`qIAW snMata Surjeet Kaur Landae w/othe Late S. Khera Singh Ji Jangiunexpectedly passed away inearly, morning of the Sunday10 th January 2011. The funeraltook place on Saturday 16 thJanuary and the respected ladywas taken to the crematorium ona 4 Horse Hearse buggy, familywent on 4 other cars + twolimousine people went on 5buses, when they became fullmany had to take their own carsto the crematorium to pay theirlast respect.[THIS RASALA HAS NOW BEEN RUNNING FOR THE LAST 10 YEARS. WE ARE INDEED VERYGRATEFUL TO THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE KEFT IT RUNNING BY SENDING US DONATIONSFOR SPONSORING AN ISSUE. PLEASE NOTE; THIS RASALA IS NOW ONLY SENT TO OUR LIFEMEMBERS AND TO THOSE WHO HAVE SPONSERED AN ISSUE, OTHERS CAN DOWNLOAD ITFROM OUR WEBSITE. IF YOU WISH TO HAVE THIS RASALA POSTED TO YOUR ADDRESS, PLEASESEND £51 FOR LIFE MEMBERSHIP. IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS, YOU CAN SEND£300 FOR 1 YEAR’S ADVERTISING SPACE. WE ARE MOST GRATEFULL TO WHOLE OF THECOMMUNITY AND DO HOPE THAT YOU WILL HELP US TO KEEP THIS RASALA RUNNING.JASWANT SINGH JAS THE CHIEF EDITOR.HELP FROM ETHNIC MINORITY COMMUNITIES FIRST PROJECT, COMMUNTIES FIRST PROJECTRIVERSIDE, AS WELL AS CARDIFF AND THE VALE, RACE EQUALITY IN THE FORM OF ADVERT,GRANT AND OTHER HELP TOWARD POSTING AS WELL AS RUNNING OF THIS MAGAZINE FORWHICH WE WISH TO AKNOWLEDGE THEIR KIND HELP AND REALLY WISH TO SAY THANK YOU

Kindly makenote our newemailaddress.jaswantmail@ gmail.comJaswant Singh “Jas” wish to welcome you as theChief Editor and founder of Bhat Sangat SandeshjsvMq isMG “js” Awp jI ƒ jI AwieAW AwKdw hY, sMsQwipk AqymuK sMpwDk dI hsIAq iv`c[swfy icqrkwr, pRbMDk Aqy PotosMpwidk hn hyc Awr hyc gurUSbd isMG cOhwx, ieSiqAwr qypRkwiSk iencwrj sMpwidk sR: pMnw prbidAwl isMG cohwxAYl.AYl.bI, post AYNf pYikMg jsprIq jvwhr lwl isMG cnnpwlswfy AgsYikauitv AyYfItr hn bIbI rijMdr kOr lwV jI lMfn Aqyswfy shwiek AYfItr hn sR: blbIr isMG jI pwrs kwrifPFOUNDER, CHIEF EDITOR:JASWANT SINGH JAS.MBE JP CQSW,EXECUTIVEEDITOR BIBI RAJINDARKAUR LARH OF LONDON,DEPUTY EDITOR,SBALBIR SINGH PARUS JI,OF CARDIFF MANAGER,PHOTOS AND GRAPHICEDITOR, H.R.H.GURUSHABAD SINGHCHOHAN. PUBLICITY &PUBLISHING EDITORPANNA PRABDIYALSINGH CHOHAN L.L.B,POST AND PACKINGINCHARGE JASPREETJAWAHAR LAL SINGHCHANNANPAL.ENGLISH EDITORASSOCIATE EDITORSS. Daler Singh Bhakar Totean wale, Middlesbrough, S. SawindarpalSingh Jani Bristol,pRiqinXukq AYfItrsR: sivMdrpwl isMG jwnI birstol qoN[sR:dlyr isMG BwkV qoqyAW vwlyimflsbrwOUR HEAD OFFICEBHAT SANGAT ASSOCIATION,3, MANSFIELD ST. RIVERSIDE,CARDIFF. CF11 6EE. UK.Tel: 00 44 (0)2920 256431, Mobile, 00 44 (0) 79740 98416Our web site is http://www.bhatsangat.comYOU CAN ALSO NOW CONTACT US VIA Emails:jaswantmail@yahoo.co.uk or jaswantmail@gmail.comNow you don’t even have send us a cheque, you can simply Transferyour donation or send the association membership fee straight intoour bank account of Bhat Sangat Association without writing a Chequeand drop us a line or email us to say what it is for. It is BARCLAYSBANK CANTON BRANCH CARDIFF. ACCOUNT No 53370941 SortCodes 20-18-27 WE WISH TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND SUPPORTIN THE PAST AS WELL AS THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR ANYSUPPORT YOU MAY GIVE IN THE FUTURE TO THIS MAGAZINE.List of our members who we post this Rasala to at their home address1) S. Gulab Singh Sucha, Middlesbrough.2) S. Daler Singh Bhakar,Toteanwale, Middlesbrough.3) S Tejpal Singh Savtantar, Bristol.4) S. Gulab Singh Digpal "Panchi", Cardiff.5) Bibi, Rajindar Kaur Larh, London.6) S. Harbhajan Singh, Dard, Bhakar. South Shield7) S Sewa Singh Dard, Bhakar, Manchester8) S. Kuldeep Singh Lakhanpal, Glasgow9) S. Harindarpal Singh Saki, Bristol,10) S. Lakhbir Singh Bhakar Birmingham11) S. Jaswindar Singh Potiwal, Doncaster12) Gurdwara Sri Har Krishan Ji, Middlesbrough13) S. Harcharan Singh Digpal of Ipswich14) S. Hardave Singh Swali of Peterborough15) S. Surjeet Singh Bhakar of Manchester16) S.Tarloke Singh Rathore of London17) Gurdwara Sri Guru Tegh Bhadar Ji, Glasgow18) S. Khushwant Singh, Bhakar, of London.19) S. Balbir Singh Ji Parus, Cardiff.20) S. Mohindar Singh, Ji Rathore London.22) S. Paramjit Singh, Landa Nottingham.23) S. Bhagwan Singh, Rafiq of Cardiff.24) S. Kuldip Singh Landa Ireland25) S. Amarjeet Singh Potiwal, Cardiff.26) S. Vicram Singh Landa, Peterborough.27) S. Nirman Singh Hamdard of Manchester28) S. Gargee Singh Lovely ‘Swali’ Doncaster29) Professor, Glen Ford of Cardiff.30) Mata, Jeet Kaur of Bristol31) S. Ranjit Singh Landa, Wahiwale, of Birmingham.32) S. Harbhajan Singh Ji Mauji Potiwal.33) S.Gurbachan Singh, Bhakar, of London34) S.Ujjal Singh Ji Swali of Ipswich35) S Gurdeep Singh Rathore, Glasgow36) S Gurparkash Singh Rathore, Glasgow37) S Baldave Singh Kasbia, Edinburgh38) S. Jagdish Singh Bhakar Edinburgh.39) S. Mukhtiyar Singh Rathore Delegate, Birmingham.40) S. Rajindar Singh Sangi of Salford, Manchester41) S. Phuman Singh Rathore of London42) S. Sarabjit Singh, Ji Rathore, of Peterborough.43) S. Harbhajan Singh Kasbia Edinburgh,44) Shrimati, Pritam Kaur Ji Gaur, London45) S. Kuldip Singh Ji Bhakar of Edinburgh46)S Amreek Singh Landa, Middlesbrough47) S Jasbir Singh Potiwal, Doncaster.48) S. Balwindar Singh Swali, Sangi, of Manchester.49) Punjab Singh Swali of Birmingham.50) S. Avtar Singh Rahi, Potiwal of Cardiff.51) S. Satwant Singh, Roudh of London.Would you, our reader believe me, if I was to tell you that no one can runa Rasala for 10 years funded from their own purse? Neither did I ?.People sent donations for a new born, some one got engage or married.Lots of the time our readers sent in donation when they wereremembering some one dear to them. Then again lots of our readersuse to sponsor an issue of this Rasala. On top of that we use to havemembers who sent in £10 a yearly fee. That has all stopped, but we arestill sending this Rasala to all of the Bhat Bradri Gurdwara’s and centresin total 33 + to all the above members each time the new issue ispublished. But can we carry on, no! it is likely to close because thereis always shortage of matter. It is costing us so much to print and topay postage that is the reason why we can’t send you a free Rasala anymore. But, you can still down loaded free of charge. We did say the lasttime that we will only go for print when we get matter. The Editor Page 2

Lau jI ieh rswlw ies swl dw pihlwrswlw hY Awp jI q`k pucw rhy hW[iesdy nwl nwl AsI Awp jI nMU iehieqlwh vI dyxW cWhuMdy hW ik iesrswly nMU AsI hux pIrIAwfIkl bnwid`qw hY ijs nMU AwKdy hn kdI kdI qyaus dIAW vI do vjW hn, iek ik swfypwTk Awpxy Awpxy SihrW iv`coN koeIPIfbYk Byjdy hI nhIN qy dUjI vjw iehhY ik swfy dwnI vIr BYxw ny ies dy AMknMU spWsr krnw hI bMd kr id`qw hY[ies leI jdoN swfy pws hux mYtr Awjwvy krygw AsI rwswlw tweIp krwkyCpwauxw dy idAW krW gy[ hor qy horswfy swlwnw mYNbr vI hux Kqm ho geyhn[ pr AsI Pyr vI ies nMU clwvWgy[AYqkI ieh rswlw jldI kFn dIloV pih geI hY auh ies leI ik AwpqWeI ies dy iv`c jo mYtr iliKAw hYaus nMU pcwauxw sI[Awp jI ny ieh qWvyiKAw hI hovygw ik skweI cYinl qyhux AwpxIAW is`KW dIAW cYnlW 3 hogeIAW hn[iek hY 840 qy ijs nyAwpxw nW is`K cYinl riKAw hY, dUsrI847 qy inkl AweI hY qy aus ny AwpnwnW sMgq riKAw hY[ hW,hW SANGATqy qIsrI cYinl 848 qy inklI hY auhnWny AwpxI cYinl dw nW is`K tI vIriKAw hY[ zI tIvI pMjwbI Awp jI nMUqy hor bhuq swrIAW cYinlW iml 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kuivAwkqIAW ny jo cwrw cuikAw sI sMgqBwtrw sMpRdw dy pypr swry vwips iek`TykIqy jwx[ auh AsI kr ley hn[brimMGm gurUu rwm dws jI gurduAwrymItMg blweI sI[ pr ijs iv`c 6 kugurduAwry hI iek`Ty ho s`ky sn[ kI swfyswry gurduAwirAW nMU ip`ClIAW iciTAWnhIN sn imlIAW jW Pyr gurduAwirAWdIAW kmytIAW nMU ientrst hI nhIN?AsI ip`Cly swry pypr ies leI iek`TynhIN kIqy ik AsI iek do jW iqngurduAwirAW dy h`Q iv`c PVw deIey swQoNieh nhIN hox l`gwAsI vI 25 kU swl ipClI sMpRdw dy nwliml julky k`ty sn qy hux vI AsI cWhuMdyhW ik ies dI vWgfor AwpnI brwdrI dIielYkt hoeI hoeI bwfI nMU hYNf auvrkrIey[swfw jo inSwnw hY auh swry gurduAwirAWdIAW kmytIAW cMgI qrHW smJ lYx ikAsI Awpxy swry Bwt gurduAwirAW dIiek kONsl bnwauxI cWhuNdy hW[ jd auhbx jwey gI qW k`ly k`ly mYbrW nMU mYNbrbnwaux dI qjvIz A`gy r`Kky mYNbr bnwlYx gy[ ies vyly AsI isrP Awpxy swrygurduAwirAW dIAW kmytIAW hI iekTIAWkrnIAW hn[ so swry gurduAwirAW nMUcwhIdw hY ik auh do ku s`jnW nMU iesmItMg iv`c Byjn dIAW iqAwrIAW krn[AsI bhuq hI APsos prgt krdy hWbrimMGm vwly sR: rxjIq isMG jIvwhIvwilAW nwl ijnHW dw hoxhwr spuqrgurpurI suDwr igAw hY[swnMU ieh vI sunky bhuq duK hoieAw sI ikswfy knwl pwrk dy vwsI sR: hrdyv isMGjI vI gurpurI suDwr gey hn AsI aunHW dyprvwr nwl vI hmdrdI pRgt krdy hW qyAwpxy vIr dlyr isMG dw vI DMnvwd krdyhW jo swnMU ieqlwh dyNdy rihNdy hn[ swfIaunHW A`gy bynqI hY ik jdoN vI qusI koeIduK BrI Kbr sno dws nMU PUun krkyieqlwh dy idAw kro ky SweId dws vItweIm isr pu`J s`ky kry[ bwkI swnMU qWbwr dy SihrW dI Kbr hI nhIN imldI[nvyN swl dy Ajy 10 idn hI inkly sn ikswfI Drm mwqw jI mwqw surjIq korsp`qnI svrvwsI sR: KyVw isMG jI jMgIgur purI suDwr gey sn[ duK suK qysrIr dy kpVy hI hn pr ieh cMgy Blysn qy rwq nMU drd hoeI hY qy hspqwlpucwieAw igAw bs hspqwl dy AMdrjWdy hI gurpurI suDwr gey sn[ dwsAwpxy swry srbMdIAW nwl hmdrdIprgt krdw hY qy Ardws krdw hY ikiehnW swrIAW ivCVIAW rUhW nMU vwihgurUAwpxy crnw iv`c invws bKSy[jy kr iksy myry vIr Byx ny Aglwrswlw spWsr krwauxw hovy qW dws nMUieqlwh jldI qoN jldI dyx dIikrpwlqw krn 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dwSuBnwm Agly rswly iv`c ilKxw pvy[swfy bhuq swry gurduAwirAW dy bwriliKAw hoieAw hY BwtVw isMG sBw, prbhuq swry bwkI dy gurduAwirAW dy bwrEQON dI kmytI ny Bwt isMG sBw ilKkylgw id`qw hY[ ijnHW gurduAwirAW nyhwlI nW bdilAW nhIN kI koeI kwrnhY?Aws hY sMgqW AwpxIAW AwpxIAWrihvW ilKky snMU zrUr Byjn dIikrpwlqw krn gy[ ky kI ijnHW ny nWhwlI nhIN bdilAw, auhnW nMU bdl lYxwcwhIdw hY jW nhIN?guru sMgqW dw dwsn dwsjsvMq isMG js cIP AYfItr[ P3

Ki Bhatre Bhat Brahmin Han Jan RajpootBy SARBJIT SINGH of PeterboroughDear Jaswant Singh Ji,, Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.I am today sitting reading BSS issue 63 which arrived inthe post. Thank you for publishing my letter and also foryour kind reply and comments back.I read with interest the article that you published from thewritings of Gy Surindar Singh Ji Rathaur, it is interestingto read the opinions and views of such wise and learnedindividuals. It would be fantastic if his work could indeedbe translated into English so as wider people possiblecould read it.Similarly if Gy: Makhan Singh Mirgind's work, Trebenicould also be translated, what a big benefit to the Sangatthat would be. In fact maybe that the things you can bringup at your proposed meeting of the Bhat Samparda or onthe 13th November? From my point of view, my roots areimportant to me, because it is important as to how wepresent ourselves now to the global Sikh community.What is our distinct identity, call us Bhat or Bhatre, itshouldn't really matter, what should matter to me is thatwe shake off the negative views of other elements of theSikh community (In detail those as I am sure you knowwhat I mean) and we show them that Bhats are a Sangatwhich includes, intellectuals, scholars, doctors, lawyers,magistrate, policemen, professionals and highlysuccessful businessmen and women, and all contributefor the good of our community through our localGurdwara’s and Associations.History is there to remind us of our roots, and the more welook at it stronger our attachment with our ancestors andforefathers becomes, however actions now will determinethe history that our children and grandchildren will take on,so let's make sure when they think about what Bhat orBhatre means in 20 years time, they will be proud of thegood work that we have done today.I would also like to congratulate you and offer my bestwishes in your Endeavour to get together UK BhatSangat Gurdwaras together and to form a Council, Ithink if we can all vote for this with an open mind andleave any egos outside the door before taking partin meetings then only good can come out of this.I note you have only asked for Gurdwara’s to send 2members each and I can understand why, but what Iwould ask is that at some point individuals who are keento attend and get involved and become associatedmembers be allowed to do so.Thank you again and a piyar puri Sat Sri Akal.Sarblit Singh RathoreDear Sarabjit Singh Ji, S.S.AWhat this Gy Surindar Singh Ji is saying in hisbook that Bhatre are Rajput and Bhat are Brahminthe crucial matter is what do we want to become.This writer does not wish to join us with thoseBhats whose Gurbani is written in the Guru GranthSahib Ji, and all these years we have beenbelieving that our ancestor is Changa Bhatra andthat he was the Grandson of Maharaja Shivnabhand that we became guru Nanak Dev Ji Sikhswhen he was visiting Sangla deep in the year1520. The question is do we wish to becomeBrahman or Rajput as he is stating or do we wishto remain Bhat as many of our communitymembers are calling themselves. Can otherpeople do response its importance. Jaswant Singh4*gurduAwrw sRI hr ikRSn jI imflsbrw*pRbMDk kmytI dI nvIN cox 26-12-2010 nMU hoeI sI[nvIN bxI AwaudydwrW dI kmytI dy nwm ies pRkwr hn[1) sR: hrBjn isMG poqIvwl cyArmYn[2) sR: hrdyv isMG gOnw idgpwl pRDwn[3) sR: kImqboV isMG KMfw rOd mIq pRDwn[4) sR: crnDUV isMG lWfw jrnl sk`qr[5) sR: guridqw isMG idgpwl sk`qr[6) sR: myhr isMG svwlI KjwncI[7) sR: gurbKS isMG BwkV KjwncI[8) sR: gurSrn isMG idgpwl mYirj rYijstrwr9) sR: PqihjIq isMG poqIvwl mYirj rYijstrwrGURDWARA SRI HAR KRISHAN SAHIB JI NEWMANAGEGMENT COMMITTEE FROM 26/12/10.Chairman : - Sr. Harbhajan Singh PotiwalPresident : - Sr. Hardave Singh DigpalVice President : - Sr. Kimarbor Singh Khanda RoudhGeneral Secretary: - Sr. Charandhoor Singh LandaSecretary : - Sr. Gurdita Singh DigpalTreasurer : - Sr. Mehar Singh SwaliTreasurer : - Sr. Gurbakash Singh BhakarRegistrar : - Sr. Gursharan Singh DigpalRegistrar : - Sr. Fateh Jeet Singh PotiwalGurdwara Sri Har Krishan Ji,23 Lorne StreetMiddlesbrough. Cleveland TS5 8QY.Tel: 01642 250125Editor Sr. Daler Singh Bhakar TotiaWale.SrDWjlI iek mhwn hsqI nMUbwxI dw Purmwn hYrwm igEu rwvn igEu jw kw bhu pRvwr,khu nwnk iQr kC nhIN supny ijauN sMswrBwvrwm cMdr jI vI tur gey, qy rwvn ijs dw Bwrw kbIlw sI BIkUc kr igAw,gurUu jI AwKdy hn koeI BI sdw slwmq nhINdunIAW iek supnw hI hY[Ram Chandar, passed away Rawan too who had a large family went aswell, Nanak says nothing is everlasting. This world is like a dreamsR: hrdyv isMG jI idgvw jo Awpxy svwsW dI 80 swlW dI pUMjI nMUBogdy hoey ies mwq lok qoN 23-10-10 nMU Akwl clwnw kr geysn, iqnW dw AMqm sMskwr 29-10-10 nMU mwncYstr ivKy kIqwigAw jo bhuq hI imlwpVy qy hr iek nMU ipAwr krn vwlyivAkqI sn[ AsI auhnW dy swry prvwr dy nwl hmdrdI pRgtkrdy hoey Ardws krdy hW ik vwihgurU prvwr nMU ieh kdI vI nwBulx vwly sdmw Aqy Akwl purK dy Bwnw mMnn dw bl bKSI Aqyieh bzurgW dI rUh nMU <strong>siqgur</strong>U jI Awpxy crnw iv`c invws bKSIqy bhuq hI SrDw dy nwl SrDWjlI dy Pul pyS krdw hW iesmhwn hsqI nMU[dlyr isMG BwkV qoqyAw vwly[ieh SRI mwn jI swfy knwl pwrk lhor dy vwsI sn qy AsI swry iekomh`ly dy iv`c hI rihMdy huMdy sW pwiksqwn bnx qoN pihlW[ sR:hrdyvisMG jI SurU qoN hI klIn Syv huMdy huMdy sn[iehnW dy do v`fy BweIswihb jI vI sn[sR: kilAwn isMG jI idgvw jo pihlW iphlW dysqoN Awky lMfn rihMdy huMdy sn qy iehnW dy dUsry BweI swihb sR: hrbMsisMG jI idgvw jI sn[ iehnW dI mwqw jI dI dws nMU sMBwl hY,mDrykDdy ijnW ny AYink lgweI huMdI sI qy ijnW nMU puMCw vwlI kihkybulwieAw jWdw huMdw sI ikauNik ieh ipCoN dy puMC qoN Awey hox gy[doiqMn swl hoey iksy dI SwdI qy kwrifP Awey qW AsI dovy cwcw AqypqrIAw iek dUjy nMU imlky bhuq hI KuS hoey sW jdoN mYNMnMU auhnW nydisAw ik mYN koTI bnw ky dys AwieAW hW qy mYN auhnW nMU bynqI kIqIsI ik jy kr bnw ky Awey ho qW EQy aus iv`c rih ky smW guJwro bhuqhI suK dw smW inklygw[mYNMnMU bhuq hI APsos hoieAw hY ik mYN AMqmdrSnw leI nhIN puhMc sikAw[bhuq hI duKI ihrdy dy nwl “ipAwrSrDWjlIAW” hwjr hn jsvMq isMG js vloN [knwl pwrk lwhor vwly

Ki Bhatre Bhat Brahman Han Jan Rajpoot?Last time we finished at the bottom of the page 12 ofhis book. Where we asked you as to make a decisionas to what do we wish to call ourselves? Do youbelieve that we are Rajput, and should we start callingourselves that? Or on the other hand should we startcalling ourselves Bhatre, irrespective of what the wordBhatra has gone through. Or do we prefer to call ourselves Bhat irrespective of who we are or not, as manyof us wish to be called and some are already callingthemselves Bhat, they have even written Bhat SinghSabha Gurdwara out at front of their Gurdwara, but lotsof us are still calling our self Bhatre.So for this point you can simply send me an email andgive me your name and where are you from and whatwould you be like to be called. My email is:-jaswantmail@gmail.com please, please let us get onone side or the other. Because this Gy Ji is sayingBhatre are Rajput and Bhats are Brahman. Gy Araf Jipreferred to be called Bhatra, because I have read oneof his Kavitas, Gy: Makhmoor Ji, called us both Bhatraas well as Bhat so did Gy: Mirgind Ji. It is much better ifwe decide once and for all. So please let me know sothat I can print in the next issue. Jaswant Singh.This Gy: Ji began writing about Bhatre in his book onpage 17 by sayingKi Bhatre, Brahman HanIn Punjab there is a community called Bhatra whobecame Sikhs in the 16 th century.(He spelled BhatraSikh as Bwtrw and not as BtVw )Before this communitybelieved in Hinduism. At the time of the Lodi Raj, GuruNanak dev Ji went to visit Sri Lanka with Bhai BalaMardana. What made him go there in the first place ourGy: Ji has not said any thing about, Bhai Mansukh aGuru Nanak Sikh who use to go to Sri Lanka to dobusiness, at the time Sri lanka was use to be calledSangladeep.(may be all that would have made hisbook two pages longer.) Guru Nanak dev Ji also wentto see Raja Shivnabh. (Writer has written to say GuruNanak dev Ji went also to see Raja Shivnabh but infact it was just him he went see) Raja Shivnabhbelieved in Bodi religion and Guru Nanak dev Ji madehim Sikh. (Here Gy: Ji did not say how and why buthave just skipped.(He does not talk about the infighting of all the local Rajas14 of them and how GuruNanak Dev Ji brought all of them together and askedthem to come under one supreme Raja and stopfighting and gave the thrown to Maharaja Shivnabh)Guru Ji did stay in Sangladeep for long time.Then our Gy: Ji goes and talk about Baba ChangaBhatra, who he have called Yogi Changa Bhatra.(Failed to say who Changa Bhatra was, why was hecalled Changa Bhatra, failed to say that he was thegrandson of Maharaja Shivnabh and was the youngestson of Raja Maya Dauni who was sent to Kashi for 7years to educate) and goes on to say after meetingGuru Nanak dev Ji he also became the Guru NanakSikh and because there were many other Chatri Naikpeople who were living along with Yogi Changa Bhatrawithin that ashram as well as places like Mysore, ArogaPatanam,as well as places like Bijapur where manybecame Sikhs as well. Changa Bhatra did set up anorganisation in which all the people became membersand he called that Sangat Bhatra.( yet other of our writers havesaid that it was Sangat Bhatra Samparda) where they all useto get together and meet morning and evening and meditatethe name of Waheguru . Changa Bhatra Ji had Japji Sahibwritten on a white stone in singly Language.Gy: Ji has failed to mentioned that every one use to gettogether and cook a meal together where it use to take 20Munds salt in the kitchen a day but quickly goes on to say afterBaba Changa Bhatra Ji the leadership came to Bhai Taroo Ji.(where in fact the other writers have said after running theAshram for a very long time Changa Bhatra Ji decided to goand visit his fathers kingdom and handed down the leadershipto Taroo Guru Ji. This is the only writer who have written thatBhai Taroo Ji followers fell out with him and killed him, on theother hand others writers have said that Bhai Taroo Ji went toget Raj Phag for everyone and told all the Bhatre this that hewill be back and laid himself on a side with a clothes on tophim and this went on for how ever long time and all the Bhatregot very worried and told each other that Bhai Taroo Ji havepassed away and half cremated him on the pyre when hewoke up and said why could you have not waited.This writer goes on to say that these people use to make aliving while walking about. Pera Mokha Ji only came to find outabout these people when he was sent by Guru Arjan dev Ji toSri Lanka to bring back the Pran Sangli from the Shivnabhdescended called Aerapat. (Here Gy: Ji have called Aerapatthe descended of Shivnabh but have failed to say son of MayaDauni and according to other writers Bhai pera Ji did go on hisown. While Bhai Pera Ji was in Sri Lanka lots of the BhatraSikh had information from him about Guru Nanak. When BhaiPera Ji was returning from Sri Lanka many Bhatre Sikh camewith him to India. They came and first settled in the Bank ofGunga up near Bijnore where they settled in about 35 to 40villages, where they started calling them Ramaiaee andGhumgar. Here many of them did labouring other becameherbalist and opened up business etc. The History is notcoming forward to say what happened to Baba Changa Jiother writers have said he went away with his family someeven say that he went and settled up in Glotian and so on butno one is certain. After the incident of Bhai Taroo Ji many ofthe Bhatra Sikh left the Area of Bijnore and came across toHaryana and came in to Punjab, first they came toHorshiarpur, and some went to Gurdas Pur to Tiber area, andsome went to live in Sialkot, Bhadewala, Glotian Daska,Dhariwal etc,After 1947 lots of them came to of the big cities like Amritsar,Jalandhar, Ludhiana, and Patiala Etc. Today they can befound all over India as well as in lots of European country.When they came they took up mostly Brahmani type of workand other work that came in their way, mostly because theywere uneducated and forgot that they were from Rajput Background. Now this community is known by many names Bhatre,Bhat, Brahman, Mahdho, Harar Popo, Dakaut, HuseniBrahman, vadepatar Teli Raje, dub dubay and Mishar.All the above names are all of regional and people who dobusiness for living and they do agree with that. Now here wewill discuss our topic and see Are Bhatre, Bhat Brahman or arethe Rajput and see, what is their root source, their beginningas well as principals. This is why it is important that we take allthe above names and give a broad information about so thatour readers and other with experience writers can decide whatwe are talking about. We will continue on the next Page.This is Page No 5

So we have the following to discuss.Ç1) Brahman, 2) Dakaut,3) Borju, 4) Btayhroo,5)Shawan,6) Huseni Brahman, 7) Bhat, 8) Bhatra.The writer then has gone in to detail about all kind ofBrahman, Dakaut, Borju, Btayhroo as well HuseniBrahman and goes on to explain al this in the next 20pages.On page 39 the writer has began to explain aboutBhat, Bhut, Bwt jW B`t type of people.He goes on to say that both of these names are withsimilar meaning. The real word is Bhut B`t but Hinduwriters have written Bhut as Bhat Bwt A Bhut is aworrier, one who do his job it is to Praise and to sing inappreciation, who is a poet in the Raj Durbar, who ispaid to fight for the Raja side, or who accepts offeringfrom others. Bhat Bhatti is also a community in Rajputby Jaipur and Jaisalmair. The Bhatia of Punjab areKhatri have the same connection. The Bhat Rajpootshave set up bhuteana BitAWnw Bhetnear Bytnyr Batindaand Pindi were established by Bhat Bwt[There is a Bhat community in the Brahman sector whoare classified as the lower class Brahman who areworking in the writers and poetic industry. The Bhut(Bhat) of Punjab who became Sikhs from the SikhGurus not just to live as Sikhs but also sacrificed themselves while Fighting like the Kirat Bhat.The writer hasvirtually agrees that that Bhut is a word from theSanskrit which in reality is Bhut and not Bhat, word isused for the Worrier as well as who praise others andhe agrees that this is what the Bhut Bhat were doing inthe beginning. In the area of Sahranpur there is aMuslim community called Bhat who were Bhat whowere forced to become Muslim at that time ofMohammad Gauri’s.There are different kinds of Bhat. Like the CharanBhat, Sewak Bhat, Rai Bhat, Brahm Bhat.As far as Bhatra word as in BwtVw Gy: Ji here have saidhe is a Pheri Wala and he is from a sect of its kind hegoes round selling small trinket made out of metal andsays he is from the Brahman back ground he also tellsfortune he seems to have originated from Gujaratwhere they have originated from Multan. These Bhatreare called by different name different places:- In eastPunjab they are called Ramaiaee, In Lahore and Pindithey are called Bhatre and in Ambala district bothnames are used.Then he goes on to describe the word Bhatra as Bwtrwand goes on to write that in Punjab there are differentcommunity who are setteled there among them there isa Bwtrw community, they are also setteled other placeswhere they are is Gurdas Pur, Hoshiar Pur, Sialkotnow after the partition they have setteled in Delhi aswell as Punjab, there are lots of Bhatre who are alsogone and are living in the UK, USA, and who also goaround making a living in Canada, Singapore, Malaya.Where they have originated from lots of the writers arecoming with lots of different options but the communitydoes not agree and there best writers have started tohit back, where it was the Mahankosh or any otherwriters. Many of their own writers have written numbersof books themselves and have described themself asoriginated from Sri Lanka and there history is written inBhai Banoo di Beer in which it does say they there arelarge numbers Bhatre who are setteled in Sri Lankaand cook communal meal and use 20 Mund salt in thekitchen. A copy of this bheer can be seen in the Gurdwara of BhaiBanoo in Kanpur. Where it can be seen on puranmashi andSangrand. Page 6Any way let me tell you what does this Gy: says aboutyour Jaat as to what you really are called. 22 in all.Starting with the Jaat Rathore. He goes on to say thatreally speaking from the 36 real Rajput backgroundBhatra Bradri only have 10 real Jaatan, the rest are thejust the extensions. So here we go the first one is:- 1.Rathore 2. Bhatti as B`tI 3. Kushwha as kuSvwh 4. Taak5.Bance as BYNs 6. Laar as LwV 7. Gaurh as gOV 8.Budgujar as bfgUjr 9. Chohan as cOhwn 10.Parmar aspRmwr[The res the extensions of the above Jaatan.And these are, 1. Lakhanpal as lKnpwl, 2. Digwa asidgvw, 3. Bhakar as in BwkV 4. Roudh as in rOd, 5.Potiwal as in poqIvwl, (Patwal as in pqvwl),6. Lohiea asin lohIey,7. Kaang as in kWg,8.naikteen as in nwiektIn.9.Utarwal as in auqrvwl.10.Kenthea or Kehnth as in kYNQyor kYNQ, there are three new extensions. And they are 11Suwali as in suvwlI.12. golay as in goly. 13. Yogi as XogI.The writer goes on to say that as the extensions aswell as the three further extensions have now becomepermanent who are marrying among each other I willgo and explain their background.Rathore:- Rajputan on Jaat which is suraj wanshi canbe found in Mar war as well as Bikaner are in bignumbers. The actual word is rwStrkUt Mahankoshpage1018 column 3 ) This is a Wansh vMS of the sriRam younger son Kush the actual name of this Jaatuse to be Rashterkoot as in rwStrkUt[ Rashter kootkept on changing slowly to Router, as rwautr thenRathore as in rwToV and from there to rwTOrSome of the descended of Kush came towards thesouth of India, here they had the Kingdom called MaanKhera. One section of them came to mid India andstarted the Maharashtra Kingdom. From here thisfamily extended them selves as far as Kathiawar as inkwTIAwvwV, ibdWXU and knOj [ In the year 1234 or thereabout many of the Rathore as rwTOr came from Mar warand set up their home at what is now Johadpur andBikaner as joDpur and bIkwnyr All the Rathores arefamous for their Bahadri ( from the RajputWanshavli page 73-75)As the time went on this Jaat kept on going in to about135 to 140 different sections of this community. As faras Bhatra community is concern Jaat Rathore rwTOVand it extension Swali (svwl) is there in the community.Chohan:- According to Bhai Kahan Singh Ji Nabhathis is another Jaat of the Rajput which are believed tobe from the Agni Kul as AgnI kul mMnI jWdI hY[ there isa saying about the Chohan that they got four arms.Maharaja Prithviraj Chohan was one from this clan.(From Mahankosh page 478) According to Kernel TaadChohan (cheaman) as (cihmwn) Rajput, they are thebest and are real Bhadar. The Chohan have 24different extensions. Lots of the Jaats j`t are Chohanas well who also say that they have also originatedfrom the Chohan. In Punjab there are Khinchi andvaretch as iKMcI qy vVYc they are also found in largenumbers at in Chahan,one time these both also use tocall them Chohan as well. According to the new findsthese Chohan are also suraj Wanshi Rajpoots. Theyalso have lots of different extensions. The writer goeson to say he has a list of 150 different names. In theBhatra community Chohan can be found with theirmain extentions Gola (Goelval),or Golason as goielvwlor golwsn[ this Jaat starts their own pitri parnali fromRavgoga Chohan. It is a big Jaat in the Rajputs. Restnext issue. But see if you can understand these two pages. Jas

Our Dearest Mata Surjeet KaurAll of our readers will be very sad to read that ourrespected Mata Surjeet Kaur Ji w/o the late S. KheraSingh Ji Jangi of Cardiff unexpectedly passed away onearly morning of Sunday the 10 th of January 2011.The Antam Sanskar was carried out on Saturday the16 th January by taken on a 4 horses buggy Hearse 4cars and two limousines for the family 5 coaches allthose other people who came to pay their respect fromall over the UK and then took their own cars to thecrematorium.The crematorium hall it self was full both side whilemany people were standing at the front of the hall andthe entrance was full with people 4 folds who werestanding at the back of the hall.Mata Surjeet Kaur left behind a brother, 5 sons, threedaughters and many, many grand children. She evenachieved the golden ladder as recently one of hergrandson had a grandson and he became agrandfather as well.Not many weeks ago Mata Surjeet Kaur lost her eldestsister in Dheradun in India. The sister death becamevery painful for Mata Surjeet Kaur. She was a very kindand a polite and a likable person who was head of avery big family.We wish to portray our sympathy from all of theeditorial staff as well as the chief editor of the BhatSangat Sandesh to all the family of Mata Surjeet Kaur,particularly to her brother S. Kala Singh, the five sons,S. Raghbhir Singh, Sukhdave Singh, Onkar Singh,Nirmal Singh as well as Pavitar Singh Jangi as well asthe three daughters.Lastly we pray that may Waheguru portray sympathyon her soul and give abode to her by his feet and givelots and lots of courage to all her family that has leftbehind so that they can bear her un-forgetful loss.With a very, very heavy heart the eldest son-in-law ofthe family as well as the Chief Editor of the BhatSangat Sandesh Jaswant Singh “Jas” Page7Saadi Piyari, Piyari, Piyari MaaSaadi Piyari, Piyari Maa, Saadi Piyari, Piyari Maa,Thandi si Teri hardam ChaaTere jeha Nahin hona es jagat andar,Jo, jo ghalna sadaea lai ghalian tuu.Hardam kardi se saanoo Piyar kina,Takleefa, sadaea lai kinian jalian tuu.Jadon rata VI sanoo dukh hunda,Raatha beath ke kadian kalian tuu.Paal posse ke wadean kar gaionSaade chairian te liandian lalian tuu.Sanoo vela ao ajea vi yaad havevea,Moo taon kad ke dendi sae guralian tuu.Jadon hunda si sanoo bukhar maa niKai, kai ratha dian needran galian tuu.Jadon mosam si aonda siaal daa maa,Aadi raat uth aagan san balian tuu.Vadea kar viyaa ghai aap hathi,Eh pri fulvarwi di mali sae tuu.Ki KI dasiea kurbaniaa terian nooJehrian kar ghai maa tu sade hi lai.Aap gilea te saoon rata katian tooTakleefa saian san maa to sade hi laiPar Jadon vela aeyaa tere jaan wala,Sanoo kaleian shud too tur gaeeon.Kivea dil kita tera oas vele,Tuu te kalian kadi na shuddi saen.Oongal phar ke rakhdi saen har vele,Kite dig na pave kuj waj na jaye.Bacha ke rakhdi sean din te raat vele,Phir oas din kivein shud tur gaeeon.Saanoo vilkde shud ke tur gaee tuu,Jay kr laen trere tenno Ah gaian sun,Rta roke na ski Phir ona nu tuu.Saadi Piyari, Piyari, Piyari Maa,Thandi si Teri hardam ChaaThandi si Teri hardam ChaaSaadi Piyari, Piyari, Piyari Maa,Sardhanjli to Mata Surjeet Kaur LandaeWho sadly past away on 10 th January 2011.To read all the above in GurumukhiPlease go on the next page,page 8We are very, very sorry to hear the tragic death of a young lad in Manchester in the Cheetam hill area. Wewere so sorry to hear that he was so young in age. Can we portray our heart filled sympathy to the Parentsof this young man and pray that may Waheguru portray peace on both of these young lads and give lotsand lots of confidence to the parents to bear the loss of their loved one. With a very, very heavy heart.Jaswant Singh Jas. Chief Editor Bhat Sangat Sandesh Cardiff.

swfI ipAwrI,ipAwrI,ipAwrI mW[swfI ipAwrI ipAwrI ipAwrI mW,TMfI sI qyrI hrdm CWh[qyry ijhw nhIN hoxW ies jgq AMdr,jo jo Gwlnw swfy leI GwlIAW qUM[hrdm krdI sYN swnMU ipAwr iknW,qklIPW swfy leI iknIAW jwlIAW qUM[jdoN rqw vI sI swnMU duK huMdw,rwqW, bYTky kfIAW kwlIAW qUM[pwl posky vifAw kr geIEN,swfy cyhirAW qy ilAWdIAW lwlIAW qUM[swnUM vylw auh Ajy vI Xwd hYvy,mMuh qoN kfky dyNdI sYN gurwlIAW qUM[jdoN AwauNdw sI swnMU buKwr mW nI,keI keI rwqW dIAW nINdrW gwlIAW qUMjdoN mosm sI AwauNdw isAwl dw mW,A`dI rwqI auT A`gW sn bwlIAW qMU[vfy kr ivAwh geI Awp h`QIN,ieh BrI PulvwVI dI mwlI sYN qUM[kI kI dsIey kurbwnIAW qyrIAW nMU,ijhVIAW krgeI mW quMU swfy hI leI[Awp ig`ly qy sON rwqW ktIAW qUM, qklIPW ktIAW mW qUM swfy hI leI[pr jdoN vylw AwieAw qyry jwx vwlw,swnMU kilAw C`f ky tur geIEN[ikvyN idl kIqw qyrw Es vyly, qUM qy kilAw kdI nw C`fdI sYN[auNgl PVky rKdI sYN hr vyly, ikqy ifgnw pYx ikqy v`jnw jwey[bcwky rKdI sYN idn qy Swm vyly, rwqI auT auT GVI muVI vyKdI sYN[kpVw l`Qw qy hoieAW nhIN rwq vyly,iPr aus idn ikvyN C`f tur geIEN[swnMU ivlkdy C`fky tur geI quM, kI lYx qyry qynMU Aw gey sn?jy kr lYx qyry qYnMU Aw gey sn, rqw rok nw s`kI iPr auhnW nMU qMU[swfI ipAwrI, ipAwrI, ipAwrI, mW TMfI sI qyrI hrdm CWh[swfI ipAwrI, ipAwrI, ipAwrI, mW TMfI sI qyrI hrdm CWh[SrDWjlIAW mwqw surjIq kOr jI lWfy jo Awpxy prvwr nMU sdIvI ivCoVw dyky 10-1-11 nMU gurpurI suDwr gey hn[swfw AxK bcwaux dw vylw Aw igAw, swnMU iek muT hox dw vylw AwigAY[‘AxK’vloN joigMdr isMG johrA`KI mIt ky suiqAw jwg Syrw,qyry ipAwr dI bUtI kumlw rhIey[ijdy vwsqy hIirAw Klk swrI, qn, mn qy Dn lutw rhI ey[jrw q`k gl dw btn lwhky, idny rwq Klkq vD`dI jw rhI ey[AxKI joiDAw AxK sMBwl AwpxI,qyrI kOm GumnGyrIAW Kw rhI ey[johr,Ajy vI kdy jy irho su`qw, qYnMU tuMb ky iksy jgwvnw nhIN[dr dr rulygI qyrI qkdIr AiVAw,pwxI lYNidE cVHdy nMU jwvxw nhIN[Awau AsI vI AwpxI Bwt isK gurduAwrw koNsl nMU jldI bnweIey[8

Well here we are this is the firstRasala of this year and we would liketo wish all our readers a very happynew year and pray that may theWaheguru bring lots and lot ofhappiness to all in this new year. It isnot just a new year but also it is startof the new Dhaka dwkw as we call it inPunjabi the new tenth have startedthis year.This Rasala is now a periodical andwill come out now and then or whenwe will have enough matterThere are two reasons as to why wehave made this Rasala a periodicaland those are that we are not gettingmuch feedback from our readers, andthe second one is that we do not haveany annual membership left or thosefamilies which use to sponsor an issueof Bhat Sangat Sandesh from time totime they have decline as well.We still wish to ask our readers if theyare down-loading the Rasala’s fromour website, because for a while ourweb site was also closed down as ourhosting fee came due and they tookour website off without informing usabout it, but we have paid our duesand it is up and running.We wish to inform all of the Bhat SikhGurdwara’s that we have managed toget hold of the Sangat BhatraSamparda UK old papers and we willbe organising another meeting of allthe Gurdwara’s in UK which belong toour Sangat to come for a meetingwhich will be held in Birmingham as itis the middle of Britain. We will let youknow by letter as to where and when itis. Remember that all we want is anorganisation of all of our Gurdwara, aslast time we had about 8 Gurdwaraswhen we met in Birmingham GuruRamdas Gurdwara and where all whowere there did say that we shouldmake a Bhat Sikh Gurdwara Counciland we said we will get it ratified in thenext meeting as well. But what I wouldlike to ask our GurdwarasManagement committee as to why didyou not turn up to the last meeting inBirmingham is it perhaps that you didnot get a letter for the invitation to themeeting or is that our Gurdwaras arenot interested in getting together.If that is the case then we should sayso that we do not wish to make anorganisation so that we can understand. We cannot of course force anyGurdwara to form a council,if we allfeel like that then we should come outand say so and then letany one any where write any thingthey like about us. As a publisher inIndia have published a new and latestcopy of the Mhankosh and he has putthe same page back which took ourelders to get it out and took them 30odd years. We know how busy we allare in our Gurdwaras but we need towake up to also as to what ishappening around us. We would liketo thank the Management committeeof Guru Ram das Gurdwara for lettingus hold the meeting at their place. Wealso wish to inform every one that wedo not wish to become members ofany other organisation weather it isthe Federation, Khalistani movementor member of any Punjabi channel.When our Bhat Sikh Gurdwara councilis up and running then we can sendour representatives to any of theseorganisation.As far as this Bhat Sangat Sandesh isconcern which is coming to you noweven every so often, what is the goodof it if we don’t get any feed back fromour readers it is looking like that wemay as well pack up. I got anotherissue to do in May and if we don’t getlots of feedback then we may as wellshut shop. We can not keep creatingmatter from ourselves for ever.We wish to portray our sympathy toour brother S. Ranjit Singh JiWahiwala who has recently lost a sonwho was not very old so pleaseaccept our sympathy. We were alsovery sorry to hear that S. HardaveSingh Digwa of Manchester has alsopassed away. We wish to portray oursympathy to all of his family. S.Hardave Singh Ji Digwa was fromCanal Park in Lahore and we all useto live together. I can remember hismother an old lady with glasses whowas called punchaan wali as pUMCW vwlI.This was the last brother the otherwere Kalyan Singh Digwa as well asHarbans Singh Digwa all of CanalPark. Can I thank our brother Dalersingh for the information and ask himthat in the future please do let meknow when the funeral is as I mightwish to go to that.A tragedy also happened in Cardiff aswell when we lost Mata Surjeet Kaurw/o the late S. Khera Singh Jangi.I know all of us suffer from someailment or other but she was alrightduring the day and had pain in thenight and was taken to the hospitaland as she was admitted she passedaway. I would like to portray mysympathy to all of my relatives fromthe in-law side and say how sorrywe all are. Our prayer is that mayour Waheguru portray peace onthe all departed soul and giveenough courage to all their familyto bear theit loss. I know but I willwrite it again that if any one wishto sponser the next issue can theyplease do let u knoew so that wecan book it in their name.I went tovisit India in September of 2009when we went to the see HemKunt. This time after posting thisissue I am going again to visitIndia and will be back I hope inmiddle of April. You will see thatwe have put a photo of SangatBhat Samparda at the back whichwas taken in Cardiff at theconference in 1985 I think. If anyof my brother wish to sent meanother old photo I will include it inthe next Rasala or so and thePhoto will be returned.This time I am not printing theParticulars of my brother who I amtold lives in Manchester but he hisholding on to a very importantthing which belong to all the Sikhcommunity and I wish to ask himto contact me and see if we canadvertise to the whole of the Sikhcommunity. I am talking about theTurban of Shaeed Udam Singh Jiwho gave that to your father tokeep safe before he was hangedon 30 June 1940. So please docontact me or some one else.I have written about Bhat andBhatra in the Punjabi side but Iwish to ask our Gurdwaras whohave still got Bhatra written infront of their Gurdwara and lots ofthe others have put up BhatGurdwara, can we come to someagreement and see what it shouldbe it can only be one or the otherso please, please write in withyour views. I have written a lotabout this writer who is saying thatwe are Rajput and Bhat Bhut andBhatre we need to get togetherand sort that problem out as wellas to where do we stand and whatwe need to do about it. I am verymuch hoping to hear from yourgood self so please come togetherand let every one in the Sikhcommunity know that we are thefirst Sikhs of the Guru Nanak devJi.Guru sangat da dasn dasJaswant Singh Jas Chief Editor BhatSangat Sandesh Cardiff.Page 9We have just been informed about the young lad who has passed away in Portsmouth son of Amreek SinghDigwa. We are shocked to hear that he was so young. Please accept my sympathy. Jaswant Singh Jas.

Our Very Dear Chacha RajindarMy Dear Chacha Rajindar Singh Ji Landa(Better known as Roger) of Birmingham,sadly departed our lives on 16 th October2010 at the age of 50, he will be greatlymissed by his entire family.Chacha Ji leaves behind His parents- RanjitS. Landa Wahiwala & Pritam Kaur, his WifeJasbir Kaur, His Children - Jaskaren Kaur,Gurnam, Lakhwindar Singh, Gurmeet Kaur,Jasvinder Kaur & Dalip Singh, Satbir Kaur &Suresh Singh & Jagjeevan S. Landa, includinghis eleven grandchildren, also his sistersKamlesh, Sheila and Linda and brothers Prem,Sarindar, Balwindar and Sarwan and his manyNephews, nieces.For those who knew my Chacha Ji would knowhim for his kind mannerism, his lively characterand his very smart appearance. Chacha Jileaves behind a great legacy and will alwaysbe remembered –for this. fifty years seems noage at all, but in his lifetime Chacha Jiachieved a lot and made his time hereenjoyable for his family, friends and himself.He enjoyed many things but my fondestmemories will be that he loved a good party(mainly being centre stage on the dance floor),his daily chit chats with his family including hisbest friend Chacha Paddy of Bristol. We willall remember all the nicknames that he gavehis nephews and nieces.The day Chacha Ji passed was a very sad dayfor all the Landa family and words cannotdescribe how any of us felt that day or on theday of the funeral which was equally as painfulbut the sun shined beautifully. On the day of thefuneral we held it together for each other untilhis son Jagjeevan made a heartfelt speechwhich choked us all. As a family we all hope wedid Chacha Ji proud because meas his niece am very proud to say that myChacha Ji was one of a kind and truly the best!I would like to thank everyone on behalfof my family from the UK and abroad whoattended the funeral on Monday 25 thOctober 2010 to pay their respects to myGrandfather Ranjit S. Landa and hisfamily.I would also like to say that nobodyknows how long they have in thisworld so please make the most ofyour time and make the effort withyour loved ones.Ravi Kaur - Daughter of Sarindar S.Landa of Birmingham.SrDWjlIbwxI dw Purmwn hY !jYsy jl myN budbudw aupjY ibnsY nIq,jg rcnw qYsy rcI khu nwnk sun mIq]Bwvijs qrw pwxI auqy bulbulw hmySw bxdw rihMdw hY eysy qrHW hIsMswr dI auqpqI kIqI geI hY guru jI AwKdy hn qUM sux imqrw[As the bubble appears and dispears on water, so was thecreation of this World made say Nanak hearken thou of myfriend of mine.AsI bhuq hI duK Bry ihrdy nwl Awpxy pwTkW nMU ieh Kbrdy rhy hW ik swfy mwnXog sR: mohn isMG jI lWfw vwhIvwlydw hoxhwr poqrw Aqy sR: rnjIq isMG vwhIvwly jI dwipAwrw sp`uqr sR: rijMdr isMG isrP pMjw swl dI hI AwXUBogky Aqy Awpxy swry prvwr nMU sMdIvI ivCoVw 16-10-10nMU dy gey sn qy iqnW dw AMqm sMskwr 25-10 -10 nMU kIqwigAw sI[AsI ies duKBrysmyN qy swry prvwr nwl hmdrdIpRgt krdy hoey Ardws krdy hW ik vwihgurU prvwr qoNivCVI Awqmw nMU Awpxy crnw iv`c invws bKSy qy ip`Cyswry prvwr nMU ieh kdI vI nw Buln vwly sdmy nMU sihn dIAqy Bwnw mMnn dI qwkq bKSy[mwnXog sR: rxjIq isMG qyauhnW dy swry prvwr nwl hmdrdI pRgt krn dy leIbySumwr sMgqW AeIAW sn[ SrDWjlI dy Pu`l Arpn krdwhW Aqy swry pRvwr hmdrdI pRgt krdw hoieAw <strong>siqgur</strong>U dycrnw dy iv`c Ardws krdw hW ky swry prvwr nMU ausAkwl purK dy Bwny nMU mMnn dw bl bKsy[dlyr isMG BwkV qOqyAw vwly[sR: rxjIq isMG jI dws vI iKmw dw jwck hY jo smyN isrphuMc nhIN sI sikAw[ kwrn ik ieqlwh smy isr nhIN sIiml s`kI[pr hux suxky bhuq hI APsos kIqw hY ikrijMdr isMG dI Ajy koeI aumr vI nhIN sI[dwsn dws jsvMq isMG js cIP AYfItr++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++swry gurduAwirAW dIAW pRbMDkW kmytIAW AqykmytI dy mYNbrW dy A`gy do h`Q joVI bynqI kIqIjWdI hY ik kI qusI Awpxy swry Bwt brwdrI dygurduAwirAW nMU iek`Tw krky ky qy iek kONslbnwaux dy leI sihmq ho[jy hwau qW swnMU hyTilKy tYlIPUn qy tYlIPUn kr ky ieqlwh zrUrdyvo[ijs gurduAwry vloN swnMU PUun nw AwieAwAsI smJ lvW gy ik auh gurduAwrw kONslbnwaux leI rwjI nhIN[swnMU koeI ieqrwz nhINqusI BwvyN iksy vI iedwry dy mYNbr hovo ienfIivjlI pr Bwt is`K gurduAwrw bnwaux iv`cAwp jI vloN sihmqI dw PUun zrUr Aw jwxwcwhIdw hY[ AsI kONsl dI gl nMU qW hI A`gy nMUvDwvW gy qy qW hI iek v`fw iek`T vI bulws`kW gy[sMgq Bwt sMpRdw XUky dy swry ip`Clypypr swfy pws mwjUd hn[AfItr jsvMqisMG js tYlIPUn 07974098416Page10

Up date on Sangat Bhatra SampardaAs the notice which was placed in the last Bhat SangatSandesh issue number 63. The meeting did take placeand was held in the Gurdwara Guru Ramdas Ji inMoseley road Birmingham on 13-11-10 at 1 PM. Theproblem was that no one turned up at the right time. Itwas very late to my way of thinking.So at the end 8 Gurdwara’s were present. We sent out32 different letters to all of the Bhat Gurdwara and howcome only 8 turned up.Yes I know that it was the month of November and theweather was not very nice and darkness fell very early.Any way let me first of all thank the parbandakcommittee of that Gurdwara Sahib Ji who cooked themeal and gave us refreshment. We indeed are verygrateful to them. After waiting for everyone we wentdown stairs and had tea and methai. Meeting startedaround 2-45 Pm. It was 3 Gurdwara’s from Nottingham,Cardiff, Bristol, and Gurdwara Guru Ramdas Ji andHarley grove Ji. 1 st AgendaIt was explained to all the presents what was thethinking behind the meeting and nearly every one wasin favour that we need to have an organisation of ourown and that we should go ahead. Then one personhad this bright idea that we haven‘t got the rights to goahead and do it as we are not quadrate. We explainedto him the one Quarter is already here. Any way everyone agreed after and it was also agreed to ratify thename at the next meetingThe second agenda was to look at the papers thatwe have received from GY Amreek Singh Ji Rathore ofManchester and it was reported that all the papers werethere but there was no money in the bank. It wasagreed to call the last office holders to a meeting andask them to explain as to why be there is no moneywhat so ever in the bank.The third Agenda was how to fund this Council andwhere to hold the next meeting.Gurdwara Baba Bhuda Sahib Ji rep then got up andmade a suggestion that we have gone to old and that allthese papers should be handed over to them and thatthey will call the next meeting. May I say this to thatyoung man you might be able and very knowledge butyou were too young to say what you said. I havegrandson who are older then you and it did not suit youto say that at the time that we are going old and that itshould be handed over to young people like your self.If we have gone to such a trouble it is only that wewould like to see an organisation of our self and wehave enough knowledge to carry it on and to call anelection and then handed over to those persons. So wewill be organising a another meeting in Birminghamwhere we will want to discuss as to how will we want tofund this council:- each Gurdwara to pay £100,200 or250 a year. Where will the head officepage 11of this council and how we are going to make aconstitution and who is going to be the office holder andfor how long.There was lot of interest from the floor that we shouldbecome the member of this channel, that TV Chanel.Let me make this clear to all my brothers as well assisters that this council is going to be just for the BhatSikh Gurdwara. We are not willing to go and be seen tobe joining any TV channels; we are not going to bejoining any Federation, or any Khalistan movement.Once this organisation is up and running then we willwant our members to be sent to joining some otherorganisation but with only approval from the generalbody. If how ever they are already members of suchorganisation then it is up to them as it is none of ourbusiness.Before we have a meeting again in Birmingham, we aregoing to get together with our ad hoc or steeringcommittee together and to see if we can agree to that. Ifwe can then we will organise another meeting inBirmingham. Because at the present moments we arebeing pulled to two directions and we don’t wish to beseen to be doing that.Can I ask that Gurdwara parbandak committee whowere invited to the meeting on the 13-1110 At GuruRamdas Gurdwara as to why be them not able to cometo that meeting? Does it mean that they do not wish tojoin or did not get the letter or there is some otherreason?Let me tell the Bradri why it is important to get togetherand that is Bhai Chatter Singh Ji of Amritsar publishedcopies of the old version of the Mahankosh and theyhave gone back to the original particulars of kamkandla and Rishi.The thing that our respected eldersfought for over 30 years. We will want to look at thatagain our marriages, and so on Jaswant Singh Jas.Member of the steering committee.I wish to ask all the members of ourGurdwara’s as to what do we wantto call yourselves. As it is I am andlike me lots of our brothers as wellas the Sisters all thinking differently.So really speaking do we wish tomaintained calling ourselves (1)Bhatra or are we all in favour ofcalling ourselves (2) Bhat whichway are we opting for and which oneare we opting for because Indianame call, or are we happy to becalled 2 because we are here in UK.Please, please do reply

dsmyS prvySlyKk:- svrgvwsI vYdrwj ig: smuMdr isMG ‘ihstorIAn’ipMf Aqy fwk Gr qlwnIAW ijlw pitAwlw pMjwb****** ******kSp dw pu`qr AidqI-AidqI dw puqr sUrj,ieQoN sUrj bMs cwlUhoieAw[sUrj dw pu`qr rG-ieQON rG bMS SurU hoieAw[rG qoN A`zAgyjQrq dw-puqr sRI rwm cMdr,rwm cMdr jI dy do puqr lhU Aqy kSUkSUdw lhU dw lhor[lhU dw puqr kwl rwie[ kSU dw puqr kwl kyqiehnWdw Awps iv`c jMg hoieAw[lhU dw puq`r hwrky Amr kot clwigAw[Amr kot dy rwjn pqI ny lVkI dw irSqw id`qw,aus dI kuK qoNsoFI rwey hoieAw[ soFI rwey ny nwny dI g`dI qy rwj kIqw[ ieQON soFIbMs cilAw[sofI rwey dy do pu`qr hoey ipRQI rwey qy jgq rwey ipRQI rweynMU rwj dy kr soFI rwey qy jgq rwey lhor Aw gey[ kwl kyq dw poqrwdyv rwey aus vkq lhor dw rwjw sI[ dyv rwey nwl jMg hoieAw qy dyvrwj hwrky kwSI clw igAw[ dyv rwey dI aulwd kWSI ivKy vyd pVkyvyd pwTI bxy[hunk SU dI aulwd vydI bMs hoieAw[ipRQI rwey dI aulwdvydI bMs bxy[ipRQI rwey dw pu`qr mulk rwie ny vydIAW qoN vyd kQw suxky rwj vydI rwie nMU dyky Awp munI hoigAw[soFI bMs ivcoN rwjw vClrwie bVw XoDw sI[ sMmq 1600 iv`c (loDI skMdr dy jmwny) vCl rwieny Awpxy pu`qr ibjy rwie nMU rwj id`qw[ ibjy rwie ny skMdr hmlwvrnwl Gor sMgrwm mMifAw[ ihMdU lok ibjy rwie nMU dust dmn kihx lgpey[ ieQoN dust dmn jI ny hmwlIAw prb`q dy isKrW dI QWvyN hym kuMfpr q`p kIqw[*****kuJ pUrbly jnm dy bwry*****bwdSwh drvyS gurUu goibMd isMG (copeI)Ab mY ApnI kQw bKwno,qp swDq ijh ibiD muih Awno[hym kuMf prbq hY jhw, spq isRMg soiBq hY qhw]1]spq isRMg iqh nwm khwvw, pMf rwj jh jog kmwvw[qh hm AiDk qp`isAw swDI, mhW-kwl-kwlkw ArwDI]2]ieh ib`D krq qp`isAw pvXo, dYYv qy eyk rUp hYv gXo[qwq-mwq-mur-‘AlK’ ArwDw, bhu ibiD jog swDnw swDw]3]iqn jo krI ‘AlK’ kI syvw, qW qy Bey pRsMn gurdyvw[iqn pRB jb Awies muih dIAw,qb hm jnm klU mih lIAw]4]icq nw BXo hmro Awvn kh,cubI rhI sRiq pRB crnn mih[ijau ijau pRB hm ko smJwXo, ies kihkY ieh lok pTwXo]5]Page 12

ku`J pUrbly jnm dy bwry ivAwiKAw[ guru goibMd isMG dI rcnw qoN ]ArQwq]hux mYN ipCly smyN dI bIqI jIvn-iviQAw dsdw hW[ ijs qrHW Akwl purK ny q`pkrdy nMU mwq lok iv`c ByijAw [ hym kuMf vwly phwV dIAW sq (itly) cotIAW aucIAWisKrW qy hox krky phwV dw nwm hI ‘spq isRMg hY’ [1[ies spq isRMg dI QW pr duAwpur Xug iv`c pMj pWfvW ny rwj hrn qoN bwd qp kIqwsI[ AsW BI ieQy bVI q`pisAw lIqI[ ‘mhWkwl’ bhuq smW’kwl Akwl purK’ ‘kw’‘dw AwrwDI’ ArwDxw kIqI[2[ies qrHW qp Bjn kridAW kridAW dohW srUpW dw iek rUp hoigAw[Bwv pRmwqmw dynwl AByd ho igAw[dUjI qrP ipqw guru qyg bhwdr jI Aqy mwqw gujrI jI ny vI Gorismrn kIqw[ bhuq kTn Gwlnw qoN bwd-‘AlK’ nw lKyjwn vwly pRmySr rIJpey]3]ienHW AnykW syvwvW dy bdly vwihgurU jI pRsMn hoey[ iPr swnMU prmwqmw ny mwq lok iv`cjnm Dwrn dw hukm id`qw[ hukm dI AdUlI nw krdw hoieAw kljug dy iv`c jnmilAw hY]4]myrw idl qW Awaux nMU nhIN sI krdw[ ikauNik surqI pRBU crnw nwloN tu`txw nhIN sIcwhuMdI[ pRMqU ijvyN srb SkqI mwn jI ny mYnMU smJwieAw(gurvwk ‘sMjog ivjog Duro hIhuAw’) ieh AwK ky mwq lok iv`c Byjnw kIqw]5]] BwvArQ]dsm guru jI dy ipCly (pUrbly) jnm dy sbMD iv`c bIqI kQw[vwihgurU dI prym BgqI dw swrms ieauN hY[hym kuMf TMfw qlw- (ieMdR dXmn qlwb) dylwgy jgw hY[ij`Qy dust dmn jI ny qp kIqw sI[ ies dy Aws-pws sq isKrW (aucIAWphwVIAW) hn[ ienHW aucIAW cotIAW dy kwrn hI ies phwV dw nwm ‘sp`q isRMg’ hY[ieQy duAwpr iv`c pMjW pWfvW ny ibpq smyN sny dropqW qp kIqw sI[ieQy hI AsIkTn q`pisAw kIqI[Akwl purK dw ismrn krdy krdy do rUpW qoN iek srUp ho ABydhoie[eyDr myry ipqw jI qy mwqw jI ny inrMkwr jI nMU AnykW qp qrIikAW nwl rJw ilAw[Akwl purK pRsMn ho kr mYnMU kljug iv`c jnm Dwrn dw hukm id`qw[ pr myrw ic`qnhIN sI krdw[sMswr iv`c jnm lYx nMU[ikauNik hukm sI mMnxw ipAw iPr BI swfIibrqI pRBU crnW nwl hI lgI rhI[Agly prcy iv`c vwihgurU jI ny dust dmx jI nMU kI smJwieAw ky auh kljug ikauN Byjirhw qy kljug iv`c jw ky kI kI krnw hY[ Aglw prcw zrUr pVo[ Page 13

BHAT SIKH SANGAT ASSISTED MARRIAGES. The Match MakerThis is a Bhat Sangat Association current list of matrimonialPartners who are looking for a match for them selves, or parents who are looking for a match for there grown up childrenor those boys and girl who were married and now they are either divorced or are living with their parents. Bhat SangatSandesh is running this service free of charge. For any one who may wish to use it. Please write to Bhat SangatAssociation to send information. At 3, Mansfield St. Cardiff. CF11 6EE About your daughter or son who you wish to marry.Telephone enquiries welcome. You can Ring us on 07974098416All information will be strictly confidential and sincere efforts in good faith will be made to introduce interested parties.However, management of Bhat Sangat Association will not be held responsible, morally, legally, or otherwise, for any actof negligence, omission, or commission by either of the parties concerned, nor will it be liable for legal action.BOYSRef:AGE oD.O.BAcademicQualification150 21 AttendingUniworkingor notComplexion Hight Divorce orSingleCleanShaveGursikhFamilynameWearsTurbanDivorceanychildrenN/A Whitish 5.11 Single Yes no Swali no N/A151 21 Working in a office Fair 6’0 Single no yes Loha Yes N/A152 38 Working in CurrysroreFair 5’8 Fair Digpal Yes153 24 Lecturer in a college Whetish 5’5 Single No Yes Lakhanpal yes N/AIn India and a GianiAt present he is inLondon doing MBA154 21 Car salesman Good 5’6 Single TrimSheri Yes N/Abeard155 23 Engineer Good 5’5 Single TrimBeardKasbia Yes N/A156 41 Manager in Currystore157 36 Self employedsellingfurniture158 22 Double MA159LookngGIRLSREF:25030forBSc.MSc.BASc.CanA none Divorced23 Educated to the UniLevelGoodFairLightBrown6’05’11SingleunmarriedNoGursikhGursikh23-30educated Uni collegeFair 5’6 Single GursikhladyRathoreLandaKasbiaRathore251 27 Whetish 5’2 Divorce slim Chohan252 21 Fair 5’4 Divorced Slim BhakarYesyesIn IndiaWillingto moveToCanadaWith medSmys ipqw A`gy jodVIvloNsvrgvwsIsRI mwnigAwnIpRIqm isMGjI mKmUrb`sI pTwxWnIly vwilAw,pMQ dy mwlkw vy,muVky dyS AMdr Pyrw pw Awky[pwp-zulm vwlw B`Tw grm hoieAw,bwjW vwilAW TMf vrqw Awky[ArSI ‘AMimRq’ dI dwq bKS ky qy,muVky igdVo Syr bnw Awky[byVy Drm vwly fu`by jWvDy ny,nwjk smyN AMdr bMny lw Awky[gwVI nINd AMdr ijhVy isMG su`qy,JUtw dy ky auhnW auTw Awky[Pu`t cMdrI pMQ co Kqm krky,’ij`q’ pMQ dI Pyr krw Awky[Bu`ly jWdy ‘mKmUr’ ijhy pwpIAW nMU,s`c Drm vwly rwhy pw Awky[Page 14

sswauQ irvrsweIf iv`ckimauntI Pst dI skImkimauntI Pst kI hY ?kimauntI Pst nMU vYlS AsYNblI dI srkwr pYsydyNdI hY[ieh iek lMby smyN leI cln vwlw pRogrwm hYijsdw mksd hY ik irvrsweIf dy vwsIAW dy rihxvwilAW dy FMgW nMU suDwrxw Aqy lokW vwsqy horAwausr pYdw krnw hY[ies pRogrwm dw muK audyS:- ieh vyKxw hY ik koeIvI prvrqn ilAwaux iv`c kimauntI dI glbwqsuxI jwvy Aqy pUrw Xogdwn hovy[kimauntI sYNtr iv`c AMgryzI qoN ielwvw hor bolIAWjwnn vwlIAW BwSwvW iv`c gl bwq krn vwlykrmcwrI mojUd hn[jy kr quhwnMU cMgI qrHW AMgryzI bolx XW smJx iv`cidkq huMdI hY Aqy quhwnMu kimauntI Pst bwry vDyryjwnkwrI lYxI hY XW ies dy iksy vI Awausr qyAwaunw hY qW iksy AMgryzI bolx vwly ivAkqI rwhINswnMU smpRk kro Aqy AsI quhwfy vwsqy qrjmy dwieMqzwm kr dyvWgy[swauQ irvrsweIf kimauntI Pst tIm nMU20250549 qy Pun kr skdy ho,jW Pyr eI-mylsouthriversidecommunitiesfirst@yahoo.co.ukqy swnMU smpRk kIqw jw skdw hY]Communities First in South RiversideWhat is Communities First?Communities First is funded by The WelshAssembly Government.It is a long term program which aims to improveliving conditions and opportunities for people inSouth Riverside.At the community centre we have staff that cancommunicate in some languages other thenEnglish.If you have difficulties with English and you wantto find out more about Communities First orwould like to attend one of the events, ask someone who can speak English to contact us and wecan arrange for translation or interpretation.The South Riverside Communities First Teamcan be contacted on 2025 0549 or by e mail atsouthriversidecommunitiesfirst@yahoo.co.ukgujrI dw lwlvloN ipAwrw isMG SONkI kpUrQlwgujrI dw lwl sohxw jg dw auh vwlI ey, bwjW vwlw nwm ijhdw Swn inrwlI ey[qyg dw spu`qr sohxw goibMd auh ipAwrw sI,isKW dw auh gurUu sohxw jgH coN inAwrw sI[jMqw peI AwKy auh ihMd rKvwlI ey, gujrI dw lwl sohxw jg dw auh vwlI ey[zulm jW viDAw qW jgH au`qy AwieAw sI,JMfw is`KI vwlw aus Awx lihrwieAw sI[swry aus nMU AwKdy sohxy pMQ dw vwlI ey, gujrI dw lwl sohxw jg dw auh vwlI ey[Kwlsw pMQ Awx ijs ny bxwieAw sI,kùijAw vwlw koNqk ijs ny idKwieAw sI[nUrW dw sI nUrauhdI sUrq kmwlI ey, gujrI dw lwl sohxw jg dw auh vwlI ey[hoxI ny vI aus dy sI idl qWeI toh ilAw,pu`qr ShId hoey qWvI nhIN sI foilAw[srbMs lutwky “SoNkI”lwj ihMd dI bcwlI ey, gujrI dw lwl sohxw jg dw auh vwlI eybwjW vwlw nwm ijhdw Swn inrwlI ey[gujrI dw lwl sohxw jg dw auh vwlI ey[swry pwTkW A`gy ibny kIqI jWdI hY ik qusI vI ku`J nw ku`J ilKky zrUr ByijAw kro [ ieh ieSIaU qW hIlyt hoieAw hY ikauNik Awp jI vloN mYtr jldI jldI nhIN Aw irhw[ Aws hY ik swfI bynqI prvwn kro gyqy ies AMk dy imldy hI ku`J nw ku`J ilKky zrUr Byjn dI ikrpwlqw koro gy[ dws AYfItr[P15

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