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c...C::"...c""tf .. d .. d II f d ,c~'::,,;-;-~"c?;'"... ...~j.J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Additional Series, 12Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur (India), 1996, pp. 272-283.c, <strong>ETHNOBOTANY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>TRIBES</strong> <strong>IRULAR</strong>, <strong>KURUMBAN</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>PANIYAN</strong> <strong>OF</strong>~'""NILGIRIS IN TAMIL NADU, SOUTHERN INDIA"-;.~..;,,::'V.R. HOSAGOUDAR & A.N. HENRY;z Botanical Suroey of India, Southern Circle, Coimbatore-641 003.;;,co",-, ; , ABSTRACT,tofPlants and plant parts used by lrular, Kurumban and Paniyan of Nilgiris are presented hereunder thrce major heads: Ethnomedicine, Edible plants and Miscellaneous.The Nilgiris or Blue Mountains $ituatcd considered as a new report. "Jain page no." isbetween 11012' and 11° 43' Nand 76°14' and cited for a species that is already known in j770 1 'E, and located in the north-western elhnobotanical literature with the use (s) ascorner of Tamil Nadu. The Nilgiris are the reported here. Uses are given here with the ',' 1meeting ground of three mountain systems: dosage and duration. All tile voucher ,\.:Sahyadri, S?~thern G~ats a?d E~stern Gt~ats. specimens have bceen deposited in MH. :;lne~ compnse undulatlllg hills with ~Ievatlo~s ETHNOMEDICINE .ranging from 300 to 2:,')0 m and WltJl a rainfall of 700 to 7629 mm, sh~ltering many of theABORTiON!important forest types of Southern India. GI '. .ycosmls mauntlana (..am. I ) T an.ak ,111C Nilgiris arc inhabited by sixrccogniscd tribal communities nalnely. IruJar..(RUTACFAE: Papa rate- I). Jain 95 (+).IKattunayakan. Kota, Kurumbans. Paniyan and Roots ground with Palm jaggery and !Tod3. Of these, Jrular, Kurumban and Payiyan Turmeric powder. stored in open vessel and kept : 1'have been ~~udied ethnobola~ica!ly. from I ~89 ovem~ght "1. ,nisI. a(~minist~:ed ~rally for three :-to 1992. The elhnobolamcal Information days 1111 the tl'urth month of pregnancy. ,collectt'd from the tribes has been presented (;Iobba marantina L.... here und~r 3 major groups: Ethnomedicine (ZINGJBERACEAE; Kuve - P). Jain 94 (+)..:I r...(alphabetIcally arranged under 40 subheads);.Edible plants; and Misellaneou$ (under 8. .Rhizome extract adminIstered orally.subheads). In the following enumeration. the Lantana indica Roxb.c -: corr~ct name of species is fol!ow~d by its (VERBENACEAE; Bulleparale-K). ;~'.~5~"1i ~ family name; the local abbr~vlated as: I - New report. ;:;';~~:. !;..~ lrular; K-Kurumban; and P-Pamyan. Reference LeI.t t .. t . ., b d a JuIce a mlnlstere ora y or two ays. .' ",;...;:yjf-:: o. I era ure IS given ne.x pnmall y ase ,on. ' "~":;=;.'IiL~ .Ialn (1991); New report IS mar~~ed for a spt"-cles ThunbergIa frugrans Roxb. 1oc' v/hose report here is considered first in (fHUNBERGIACEAE; Kolikokka -K; :;t;it ~thnobotanicallilerature; "Jain page no. (+) is Kolig)kke-I)...:!-in 179(+)."...i!given ll) ~ spe~ies that is al~e~d~ known i.n Leaves ground ...'jth cumin. mixed in water ~,;;::;:'clhnobotamcal literature but Its cited use IS and administered orally. .....C272

I J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Additional Series, 12ANTIDOTEVannachoo,;e kodi - J). Jain 76 (+).Tender twigs fried with onion and eaten by~ Aristolochia indica L. women to cure waist pain.(ARISTOLOCHIACEAE; Panikodi-1). Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) Raven subsp." Jain 27. sessiliflora (Mich.) RavenRoot or leaf paste applied on the snake bitten (ONAGRACEAE; Same arasichedy I) Jainpart and also administered orally for two days. 119 (+).Erythrina variegata L.Entire plant ground. extract administered';',r; "(FABACEAE; Perol mere - K). Jain 85 (+). orally and the pa~te applied all over the body.Stem bark ground with calcium and paste Scotia myrtina (Burm. f.) Kurz'!::: applied on the part of scorpion sting. (RHAMNACEAE; Sooli - I). New report.: } Rubus Diveus Thunb. Twigs ground, paste applied all over the body(ROSACEAE; Mulli - I) Jain 156 (+).to cure body pain.Leafy twig swayed so as to prick on the bodyBODY SWELLINGof the patient as an antidote to snake bite.Ardisia solanacea Roxb.ANTIRABIES (MYRSINACEAE; Neeramuthy - I). Jam . 26fl..; -, Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. ( + ).~ (HYPOXIDACEAE; Nelapanai-I). Leaf extract administered orally to cure faceJain 65 (+).and leg swelling.Entire plant ground and paste applied on the Cassia hirsuta L.dog bitten part.(CAESALPINIACEAE; Dagare chedy - I).Jain 46 (+).APPETIZER . . .Leaves fned m groundnut 011 and eaten forAsparagus racemosus Wi lid.2-3 days by pregnant women.(LILIACEAE; Neeramuthi - I) Jain 29 (+). Phyllanthus debilis Klein ex Willd.Tuber extract administered orally.(EUPHORBIACEAE; Nelli - K).BODY IlEA T New report. 1Leaves fried in groundnut oil and onion,J.. Cyclea peltata (Lam.) Hook. f. & Thoms. eaten.il (MENISPERMACEEAE; Kalakodi-K). Jain BOILS <strong>AND</strong> BLISTERS!:. (+).Leaves ground allowed for a while, past~ tied Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don;. on the head. (APOCYNACEAE; Paldairu chedy - K). JainBODY PAIN 47.Leaf paste applied.Cardiospermum helicacabum L.Glycosmis mauritiana (Lam.) Tanaka(SAPINDACEAE; Kotte cheppu - I). New RUTACEAE; Paparatte - I).report.. d .1 Jain 95 (+).Leaves fried m groun nut 01 , eaten to curewaist pain.Root paste applied on boils and swellings oftoes.Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) Jaffrey(CUCURBIT ACEAE; Coorala cheppu - K;-.273

Hosagoudar & HenryMaesa indica (Roxb.) DC. 145 (+).(MYRSINACEAE; Tanipul- I) Jain 121 (+). Leaves boild and the paste applied -on the .Roots ground with lemon juice, applied on chest of 3-4 months' child.boils.Lantana camara L. VaT. aculeata (L.) Mold.Osbeckia brachystemon Naud.(VERBENACEAE; (Ve/laparale - K). Jain(MELASTOMATACEAE; Melatumbe - I) 133 (+).New report.Tender leaf extract administered orally.Leaf paste applied.Maesa indica (Roxb.) DC.Oxalis latifolia H.B.K. (MYRSINACEAE; Tannipoolan maram,(OXALIDACEAE; Pulusarai - K).T~nnipilgida - K; Tannipulla maram-I). ~"Jain 136 (+). Jam 121 (+).Tuber paste applied on boils. Later, ragi. Leaf extract administered orally. ",(Eleusine coracana) flour used as poultice.Rostellularia procumbens (L.) Nees(ACANTHACEAE; Chirudumbe - I).New report.Entire plant roasted till its becomes black,pow?ered, m}xed wit.h coconut oil and pasteapplIed on boIls and blIsters,Solanum nigrum L.(SOLANACEAE; Kaka dagu, Sundikeere -J). Jain 168.Raw leaves eaten to cure mouth and noseblisters.Vernonia divergens (Roxb.) Edgew.(ASTERACEAE; Ambugani - I).New report.Root paste or leaf paste mixed in hot water,administered orally.CUTS <strong>AND</strong> WOUNDSAgeratum conyzoides L.(ASTERACEAE; Narsa gida - K.) Jain 15.Leaves ground with c~lcium paste applied oncuts.Bidens pilosa L. VaT. minor (Blume) Sherff.CHEST PAIN (ASTERACEAE; Cheelagutti - I). Jain 35.PI W II Leaf paste applied.antago erosa a.(PLANTAGINACEAE; Uluku gida - I) Jain Clerodendrumserratum (L.) Moon145 (+). (VERBENACEAE; Nekti - P.) Jain 56.Leaves boiled and leaf paste applied on the ~aves ground with calcium and pastechest of 2-4 months' child.applIed.CHOLERALantana camara L. var. aculeata (L.) Mold. ~(VERBENACEAE; Mu/lu parale - I).Chromolaena odorata (L.) King & Robinson Jain 113 (+). ":(ASTERACEAE; Doddabati - K). Jain 51 Leaf paste applied.(+). Radermachera xylocarpa (Roxb.) K. Schum.Roots ground with small chilli and the paste (BIGNONIACEAE; Manjakadambe - K).boiled in water, administered orally thrice a dayfor three days.New report.Leaf paste applied on cuts and wounds.COLDThunbergia fragrans Roxb.Plantago erosa Wal.(THUNBERGIACEAE; Kolikka - K(PLANTAGINACEAE; Uluku gida - I) Jain Koligokke - I). Jain 179 (+)..274

J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Additional Series, 12Leaf paste applied.Leaf juice administered orally.r.;!~~"t);!:. Triumfetta pilosa Roth Elaeagnus kolaga Schleacht~';!!£~, ,,""'"'(TILIACEAE; Vattai gida - I, K).(ELAEAGNACEAE; Kologa - I, K).. New report. New report.Leaf paste applied on cuts. Roots boiled, filtered and extractVernonia divergens (Roxb.) Edgew.administered orally. Root paste applied all overthe body.(ASTERACEAE; Appale - K). New report.Lantana indica Roxb.Leaves ground with calcium and the pasteapplied on cuts. (VERBENACEAE; Bulle parale - K.:- Vellaparale-l) New report..EYE DISEASESTender leaves mixed in water, administeredL I ta B th orally thrice a day for three day.eucas ana en.(LAMICAEAE; Tumbe - K). New report. Leucas lanata Benth.Le f . . d . (LAMIACEAE; Tumbe - K). New report.a JuIce poure In eyes.U I b ta L Leaves ground and extract boiled in water,reDS 0 a . administered orally to children for three days.(MALV ACEAE; Kurinji - K.) Jain 183 (+). P .. ta (L ) P.ongamla pmna . lerre. Leaf extract poured in eyes. Leaf juice mixed (FABACEAE. Pun amaram - I). Jain 148.In water used as face wash. ' gBark paste administered orally.FERTILITYScotia myrtina (Burm. f.) KurzAsparagus racemosa Willd.(RHAMNACEAE; Sqoli -I). New report.(LILIACEAE; Neeramuthi - I). Jain 29 (+). Leafy twig ground and the paste applied allRhizome ground with bark of Ficus over the body.racemosus and F. hispida extract administered Solanum erianthum D. Donorally to women soon after the menstrual cycle, (SOLANACEAE; Peeth maram - I).use repeated till conception takes place. Jain 167 (+).;ct Ficus racemosa L. Root paste applied all over the body of 2-3 '"~~;"",,! (MORACEAE; Athi maram - K). Jain 90 (+). months' child. - :-_,"""",'::~~: Stem bark ground with that of Artocarpus Stachytarphetajamaicensis (L.) Vahl ~f';"';'c;hetero'phyll~ and leave~ ~f Phyllanthus amarus, (VERBENACEAE; Nayiuravi - K). Jain 171. ;~l:;;;:':made Into pills and adminIstered orally soon after . . . ~~ Jthe menstrual course for five days; use repeated . R~~s ground wIth g~llc, boIled and 50 ml of ~,~~,..;~ till conception takes place. It admInistered orally twIce a day for three days.~ Thunbergia fragrans Roxb.FEVER(THUNBERGIACEAE; Kolikokkai-K,I).Cansjera rheedii Gmel. Jain 179 (+).(OPILIACEAE; Marade cheppu - K; Tender twigs ground and paste applied allPavvidagu - I). New report. over the body.Leaves boiled and the decoction administered Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Grayorally to cure intermittent fever (I). Leaves (ASTERACEAE; Sooryakanthi - K).boiled, then fried with onion and eaten.New report.Cipadessa baccifera (Roth) Miq.Leaves ground with that of Bidens pilosa, and(MELIACEAE; Sirugoli maram - K). Jain 52. the paste applied all over the body...,c275

-~- ~rg~ " 1-, r. . .~J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Additional Series, 12.i ,~ "It:: Cyclea peltata (Lam.) Hook.f. & Thoms. Root extract administered orally for two days~;:c:,:i' (MENISPERMACEAE; Kalakodi - K). to cure dysentery. ,,:':~, J . 67 P .di . ~,; c...,. aln . SI um guaJava L. ~"7,&, ~.",",.~ Root extract administered orally to cure (MYRTACEAE; Kuyya - I). Jain 151. ::;;~stomachach,e. , Tender leaf extract administered orally to ~~:5;:1~~#-Elaeagnus mdlca Servettaz , cure dysentery . ~'f§:;~:;:"i~c' ";""':'~i:(ELAEAGNACEAE; Kologa - I).Securinega virosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) Baill.h;~;.tNew report. (EUPHORBIACEAE; Malakani - I) ",c,' ~""-,.. "diarrhoea.. Root extract administered orally to cure Jain 162. (+). .Leafy twig extract administered orally to cure,,'.Glycosmis (Retz.) (RUT ACEAE; Malaikuliki - K). Jain 95.stomachache.Solanum erianthum DonLeaves ground with Molluscan shells, the (SOLANACEAE; Peethamaram - I;extract filtered and administered orally to cure Boodisunde - K). Jain 166. (+).flatulence.The anal part of babies wiped with the leavesGrewia hirsuta Vahlto cure diarrhoea and dysentery (I). Roots ground(TILIACEAE; Kalle - K). Jain 97 (+). with g~rlic and the. paste applied all over the body. of babies to cure diarrhoea.Roots ground with turmeric and the juice .administered to cure stomachache and dysentery. Solanum gtganteum Jacq.Hemiontitis arifolia (Burm. f.) Moore (SOLANACEAE; Boodi sunde - I)New report.(HEMIONITIDACEAE; Mannakkadu - I).New report.Roots ground with garlic and the paste. .Frond extract administered orally to cureapplied all over the body of childern before bathto cure dysentery and diarrhoea.flatulence.Triumfetta pilosa RothHibiscus lobatus (Murr.) Kuntze b(TILIACEAE; Vattai gida - I). New report.(MAL V ACEAE; Durum e - K). New report.. . . . Roots extract administered orally to cure"~~ ~~ts ground with turmenc and the Juice acidity in digestive system.~, .. admmlstered to cure stomachache and dysentery.i~(:k~y, "~~,, Knoxia sumatrensis (Retz.) DC. var. JAUNDICE ;5;, "-' ""~";c::;,,~ hookeriana Bhattacharjee & Deb Ph II th d b ol o Kl . W.lld :",""1y an us e liS em ex I . '!ii" ,I(RUBIACEAE; Samearasi chedy - K). (EUPHORBIACEAE . N fl .- K) N ~-j'.New re rt. ' e I . ew report. ~~~,j,jpo Extract of plant taken orally. " ,;;,1~Entire plant ground, pills prepared and'~:?;~Jo,administered orally to cure flatulence. LACTAGOGUE c~':;,:~JMaesa indica (Roxb.) DC.Argyreia kleiniana (Roem.& Schultes) Raizada(MYRSINACEAE; Tannipil gida - K; Tannipullu Tannipoola maram - maram, I). (CONVOL VULACEAE. " Musute kodf - I)Jain 121 (+).New report.Root extract administered orally for two days Tender and leafy twig fed to cattle.to cure dysentery.Ludwigia peruviana (L.) HaraPavetta indica L.(ONAGRACEAE; Kolli - P). New report.(RUBIACEAE; Tarani - I) Jain 139 (+).Entire plante fed to cattle."""':""1t;k;;:,.277

~-"Hosagoudar & HenryMENSTRUAL DISORDERSorally, thrice a day for a week~ C b' ta . D h L POSTNATAL DISORDERS;... ucur I maXIma uc. ex am.~!~~ (CUCURBrr ACEAE; Poosanakayi - I). Rubia cordifolia L.i\';;t~: Jain 64 (+). (RUBIACEAE; Sevvale kodi - I). Jain 156.~~~ ~e.aves ground with salt, mixed in rice ~nd Leaf twig ground and the extract administered4~ ad~mlstered or~lly to cure excess bleedIng orally to expel the placenta.Iz;,J durIng menstruation." ~ ""'" MIGRAINPRICKLY SENSATION" Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. "Plumeria rubra L.(RUT A CE AE; Ma I al .k u l 1 .k. 1- K) . J am . 95 ( + ) .(APOCYNACEAE; Dala maram - I). . "Jain 146 (+). Roo~ p~ste applte~ on the palm an~ sole to. .. . cure prIckIng sensation. Root decoction alsoBark ground with chillI and paste applIed on administered orally.forehead for 2-3 days.MUSCULAR KNOTSRHEUMA TISMPlectranthus malabaricus (Benth.) WillemseLeucas(LAMIACEAE;vestita Benth.Tumbi - K), New report.(LAMIACEAE; Ellambi - F). New report.. . . Leaves groun d Wit . h to bacco an d t hepasteEntire plant ground and the paste applIed on applied on the affected part.the affected part till cure.Pouzolzia auriculata WightSINUS TROUBLE(URTICACEAE; Vippiri. Mukruti - K). New Clematis gouriana Roxb. ex DC.report.(RANUNCULACEAE; Mookuvali talai - I).Root extract administered orally, once a daytill cure.Jain 55 (+).Sun dried leaves, ground into fine powder andMUSCLE SPRAINtaken like snuff.Achyranthes aspera L. SKIN DISEASES(AMARANTHACEAE; Urumbuli chedy - Cissampelos pareira L. var. hirsutaK). Jain 11 (+).(Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) FormanRoot or leaf paste applied. Leaves slightly (MENISPERMACEAE; Karepatta - K). .:boiled and tied over the affected part. Jain 53. ' -Scutellaria violacea Heyne ex Benth. Leaves powdered mixed in boiling coconut ~(LAMIACEAE; Pande arasi chedy - I). oil and the paste applied.New report. Euphorbia hirta L.Leaf paste warmed and applied.(EUPHORBIACEAE; Ajilagida - K). Jain 87.PARALYSISEntire plant d?ed, ~ried till it ~comes bla~k,then powdered mixed m coconut oil and applIedThunbergia fragrans Ro~b.on scabies.(THUNBERGIACEAE; Kolikokkai - K). Hemionitis arifolia (Burm.) MooreJain 183 (+). (HEMIONITIDACEAE; Pannekadu - K).Leaves ground, boiled and administered New report.278

~ j'D4~ J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Additional Series, 12 J~'Fronds dried, powdered, mixed in coconut oilI). Jain 77 (+). 'and the paste applied on skin of the face.Leaf extract administered orally.Justicia betonica L.Leucas hirta (Heyne ex Roth) Spreng.(ACANTHACEAE; Palage soppu - I). Jain (LAMIACEAE; Gannutumbe - I).110(+).Leaf paste applied.New report.Leaf juice administered orally till cure. .STERILITYMaesa-indica (Roxb.) DC.C d . B . B 'alamos pseu o-tenuis eccan ex eccan& (MYRSINACEAE; T. Tannipil gida - K;II _1") Jal'~'' n 121(+),,',, j H k f I. 00annlpu u maram. .~ (AREC~~EAE; Pirambu - I). New report. Leaf extract administered orally. '., See d paste a d mlnlstere ,. d ora II y " lor fiIve daysMallotus philippensis (Lam.) Muell.-Arg.during menstrual period and repeated thrice. (E,UPHORBIACEAE; Sennori maram - I).During the medication contact with men should Jain 121 (+),be avoided.Stem bark boiled and the decoctionCUEadministered orally.STOMACHAMangifera indica L. ~Allophyllus cobbe (L:) ~aeus~h., (ANACARDIACEAE: Mave~r - I) J~in 2~, ~(SAPINDACEAE, Sirugoll - I). Jain 18 (+). Stem bark ground with calcium, mixed InLeaf extract administered orally.water and administered orally for indigestion.Canthium dicoccum (Gaerth.) Teijsm '& Binn. Roo~. paste mixed with palm jaggery,var. umbellata (Wight) Santo & Merch. administered orally.(RUBIACEAE; Vappe - I). Jain 43 (+). Polygonum chinense L.Stem bark extract administered orally.(P,oL YGONACEAE; Vandigya - I).Cipadessa baccifera (Roth) Miq.Jain 147 (+).Lea f y twig . extract 0 f 100 m I a d mlnlstere ,. d(MELIACEAE; Sirukolli - I). Jain 52.orally, once a day for three days.Leaf juice administered orally till cure. Punica granatum L.Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon (PUNICACEAE; Madalam, Dalimibi - I). ;(VERBENACEAE; Modathe - I). JaiR 56 (+), Jain 152.Roots extract administered orally to babies Extract of fruit grind mixed with goat's milk,'..two spoonfuls thrice a day for three days.CycleD peltata Hook. f. & Thoms.administered orally.Solanum nigrum L.-~ (MENISPERMACEAE; Kariya batale - K, I), (SOLANACEAE; Kaka dagu, Sundi keefe-I).- Jain 67. Jain 168.Root extract administered orally.Boiled leaves ground with onion and. salt,Cynoglossum zeylanicum (Vat!1 ex Homem) administered orally,Thunb. ex Lehm.Thespesia lampas (Cav.) Dalz. & Gibs.(BORAGINACEAE; Vattachedy - I). Jain 68 (MAL V ACEAE; Kadaka kayi - K). Jain 179.(+). Fruits eaten.Leaf paste applied on the stomach.Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) Jeffrey(CUCURBITACEAE; Vanna chooram kodi-- 1.279

Hosagoudar & Henry "~, }!~SYPHILISRoots ground with the fruits of Termin~liachebula and the paste brushed on the achIngMaesa indica (Roxb.) DC. tooth. ~(MYRSINbCEAE; Tannipil gida - K; Psidium guajava L. ;-Tannipulla moTam - I). Jain 121.(MYRTACEAE; Kuyya - I) Jain 151 (+).Root paste mixed with cow's or goat's milk, Tender leaves put in boiling water and the ., :administered orally, thrice a day for a week. steam directed towards aching tooth J~~':Solanum erianthum DonSyzygium cumini (L.) Skeels.(SOLANACEAE; Boodi sunde - I). Jain 167 (MYRTACEAE; Naga moTam, Nara masra-(+). I). Jain 174 (+).Fruits ground with the rhizome of Canna Bark boiled in water and steam directed to theindica. flowers of Rosa indica, seeds of Papaver aching tooth.somniferum and sugar, administered thrice a day Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam.for a week. .h d I) J . 180 ;'~:!';;'c:(RUTACEAE;Machlgec e y- . atn. ~:::3,~7~,TONIC Leaf paste brushed on the aching tooth. ..~""c,,'£!_'Amaranthus viridis L.(AMARANTHACEAE; Pattikeere - KO). URINARY DISORDERSJain 20 (+). Ficus racemosa L.Entire plant ground with th~ ~eeds of Opium (MORACEAE; Atti - I). Jain 90.somnifera, and the extract admInistered orally to .. . . . ~~'romote the growth of the retarded children. . Roo~ exu~ate. admInIstered orally to relIeve c~ppatn durIng UrInation.7f!TOOTHACHEVOMITINGBridelia retusa (L.) Spreng.L ta an na m. dica Rox.b(NEUPHORrtBIACEAE; Konje maram-l 0)(VERBENACEAE; Bulle. parole - K; Vellaew repo .parale - I). New report.Powdered bark dusted on the red hot coal and d If' d. t d ..6smoke produced directed to the mouth. d ~e!l er d eaII paste mlxe m wa er ana mlntstere ora y.Cinnamomum malabatrum (Burm. f.) Blume P ongatnla .. pmna ta(L .) Pierre(LAURACEAE; Parra mere - K). New report. (FABACEAE; Punge moTam - I, P). Jain 148Tender leaves chewed and the paste placed on (+).the aching tooth. Bark paste administered orally. ,,;Ficus dalhousiae Miq. Th b .(MORACEAE; Koli moTam - I). New report. un (THUNBERGIACEAE; ergla fragrans Rox.b Kolikokkai - K,I).A-;Root bark ground with salt and the paste Jain 179 (+).brushed on the aching tooth.Tender leafy twig extract poured in nose andMurraya paniculata (L.) Jackthe paste applied on the face. Root extract(RUTACEAE; Chodichi - I) Jain 128 (+). administered orally. .Roots ground with lemon juice and the paste Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. .applied on the aching tooth and also on the cheek. (TILIACEAE; Vattai - I). Jain 183 (+).Neonotonia wightii (Graham ex Wight & Am.) Root paste administered orally.Lackey(FABACEAE). New report..280

~-f' ",(1 ~J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Additional Series, 12, Jain 20EOffiLE Jain 107 (+). ,h Flowers used as vegetable. ~:° oAmarant us Vln dis L . Justl OclOa betomOcaL""";',tc:,,;..1fi!;~ ~;:. "'-;1"."'"(AMARANTHACEAE; Pattakeere - I). , (ACANTHACEAE; Katu keere - K). "cciJ~}i~,). .T aln .- 110( + ). c ,;C".';;;c :'-',:c;:CI':Argyreia kIeiniana (Roem.& Schultes) Raizada Leaves used as vegetables.i;::i~~(CONVOL VULACEAE; Musute kodi -1). Lantana trifolia L. :\""New report. (VERBENACEAE; Vellaiparale - I). f:;:-Fruit edible. Tubers boiled and eaten.New report.'; Boerhavia diffusa L. Fruits edible.: (NYCTAGINACEAE; Pacha keera - I). Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk.Jain 37 (+).(MYRTACEAE; Tavete chedy - I).Leaves used as vegetable. Jain 154 (+).Cansjera rheedi Gmel. Fruits edible.(OPILIACEAE; Marade cheppu - K; Solanum nigrum L.~~~~~~~jPavvidagu -). New report. (SOLANACEAE' , Kakedagu - I ). -c i4!~1~."""'5C"~~"';~,jLeaves boiled or fried and eaten. . Jain 168 (+). ~i~'itf-Canthium dicoccum (Gaertn.) Teijsm & Bmn. Leafy twig cooked and eaten. :;;'" -""var. umbellata (Wight) Santo & Merch..(RUBIACEAE; Vappe -I). Jam 43 (+).MISCELLANEOUSFruits edible.FISHINGDioscorea oppositifolia L.Tamilnadia uliginsa (Retz.) Tirevengadum &(DIOSCOREACEAE; Vellikilengu - I).SastreJain 75.Tubers boiled and eaten.(RUBIACEAE; Kare maram - K). Jain 48(+). ."'~f~,",."~J~~Dunbaria ferruginea Wigh,t & Am.Unripened fruits crushed and mixed in water(FABACEAE; Poodava~e - I). New report. as a fish stupefyer.Seeds edible.BIRD TRAPPINGElaeagnus kologa Schlecht.Taxillus tomentosus (Heyne ex Roth) Tiegham(ELAEAGNACEAE; Kologa - I). (LORANTHACEAE; Sundi banthu.;~ New report. Sippatibanthu - I). Jain 176 (+).'~' Fruits edible. Fruit paste applied on the tip of a stick, placedGnetum ula Brogn.erect to trap birds(GNETACEAE; Sorasa - I). New report. LEECH REPELLENTSeeds roasted and eaten.Grewia hirsuta VahlSolanum erianthum D. Don(TILIACEAE; Kalle - I). Jain 97 (+).(SOLANACEAE; Peethai - I). Jain 167 (+).F .t d'bl Leaves ground with tobacco and the pasterul s e I e. I,app led.Indigofera cassioides Rottb. ex DC.(FABACEAE; Malaimanali - K),281

811rHosagoudar & HenryMEAL PLATE Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) Jaffrey "'~.-;:;;; (CUCURBIT ACEAE; Choorale cheppu - K; .;~~~,~~ Macaranga peltata (Roxb.) Muell.-Arg. Vanna choora kodi - K). Jain 76 (+).;j~c;~ (EUPHORBIACEAE; Pokka mara - I). Leaf twig used in worshipping.,..."",'$~:%:t,,;. New report. Flemingia semialata Wight & Am.Leaves used.(FABACEAE; Tere gida - I).Mallotus tetracoccus (Roxb.) Kurz.New report.(EUPHORBIACEAE. , Pokka chedy - I). forehead Tender to keep leaves off evil ground spirits. and applied onNew report. , ~d Glycosmls pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. /", Leaves use.. (RUTAC.EAE; Paparat~ - I~. !aln 95 (+). ~ROPE MAKING Leafy twig keeps off evil Spinto -Cayratia trifolia (L.) Domin Lantana trifolia L.(VITACEAE; Nerale kodi - I). Jain 48 (+). (VERBENACEAE; Vellaparale - I).Stem used as rop~.New report." C "d ' 1 (F ) G.l Leaf juice applied all over the body to keeptm la g auca resen. I g. 0 ff evi .1 spmts. ..c. (THYMELAECEAE; Nadamaram - I, NadaS ".d K) N rt mI Iax aspera L.gl a-. ew repo .S t d (SMILACACEAE; Nasoor - K).em use as rope. Jain 166 (+).Helicteres isora L.Stem used as sheaf binder in crop fields with(STERCULIACEAE; Kiveri mere - K). the belief of good yield. .Jain 100 (+). Th b "un ergla fragrans Rox.bStem bark used as rope.(THUNBERGIACEAE; Kolikokkai - K, I).Urena lobata L. Jain 179 (+).(MALVACEAE; Vattu chedy - K). Jain 183 Flower paste applied all over the body, and(+). fruits tied as necklace to keep off evil spirits.Bark P;laced i.n water for retting for 3-4 days,SUBSTITUTEthen used m makIng ropes.BELIEFSMussaenda belilla Buch. - Ham.(RUBIACEAE; Bellary chedy - P). Capsicum annum L. Jain 129 (+). ~(SOLANACEAE; Jeeni chedy - I). Petaloid leaf used as substitute to betelvine ":Jain 43 (+). leaves. .~. Leaf juice ~pplied on foreh.ead .a?d the fruitstied around waist to keep off evil spmts.Cryptolepis buchanani Roem. & Schultes(PERIPLOCACEAE; Olasu kodi - K).Jain 64 (+).TICK REPELLENTMacrosolen parasiticus (L.) Danser(LORANTHACEAE; Banth, Morachi -I).New report..,. placeLeafyto gettwiggoodworshippedyield.in the harvestingremoveLeafticks.paste applie~ on the bocly of the cattle to282

.J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. Additional Series, 12WORMICIDE Jain 46 (+).:. Flowering twig used in worshipping.Achyranthes aspera L. Gloriosa superba L.: (~MARANTHACEAE; Eeramuli - I). (LILIACEAE; One kilangu - P). Jain 95 (+).Jam 11.. Flower used in worshipping. ~..Leaf paste applted on the wounds of cattle to ..expel the worms. Hymenodlctyon onexense (Roxb.) Mabberley ~ .(RUBIACEAE; Kayine maram - I). :.:",,:,~WORSHIPPING Jain 105 (+). ,0;' Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. e:x Schultes Flowers used in worshipping.;'(AMARANTHACEAE; Poola poo-I)., Jain 15 (+). REFERENCETwig used in worshipping. JAIN, SK .. 1991. D. Ict/onary . 0 if In ' d. Ian Me d. Iclne . andCassia auriculata L.Ethnobotany. Deep Publications, Paschim Vihar,(CAESALPINIACEAE; A vaare hoo - I).New Delhi.j; . j,j. h,Co'!6." ~"'--",~"" -:""(;1-¥' :.. ; .- -~~~;~10~~,..283.

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