Land Use Resource Consents Issued in ... - Hutt City Council

Land Use Resource Consents Issued in ... - Hutt City Council

Land Use Resource Consents Issued in ... - Hutt City Council


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<strong>Land</strong> <strong>Use</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Consents</strong> <strong>Issued</strong> <strong>in</strong> September 2013Decision RM No Address Applicant Description of ApplicationGranted RM130256 30 Bolton Street PETONE 5012 R Patel ||| Owner: J Patel, H Patel, R PatelNew dwell<strong>in</strong>g that breaches the m<strong>in</strong>imum yard, recessionplanes, site coverage and maximum build<strong>in</strong>g length controls.White Cloud Innovation ||| Contact: Sir / Madam ||| Owner: New dwell<strong>in</strong>g exceed<strong>in</strong>g recession plane and associatedGranted RM130260 616 A Mar<strong>in</strong>e Drive DAYS BAY 5013 White Cloud Innovations Limitedearthworks28 Tuatoru Street EASTBOURNEAdditions and alterations to dwell<strong>in</strong>g and garage which doesnot comply with site coverage, yard setback and recessionGranted RM130262 5013 D A Lyons ||| Owner: Kml Trustees No2 Limited, D A Lyons plane rules.Granted RM130263 52 Mills Street BOULCOTT 5010 F Buttner ||| Owner: M A McDowell, R A McDowellAdditions and alterations to a dwell<strong>in</strong>g that doe not complywith recession plane and site coverage rules.Granted RM130264 3 A Harley Grove BOULCOTT 5011 S Maynard ||| Owner: Lily Pily International LimitedNew carport that does not comply with site coverage and sideyard setback rules.Granted RM130266 12 Witako Street EPUNI 5011Granted RM130267 19 Korimako Road DAYS BAY 5013BSA Architects Limited ||| Owner: R Guy, W K Gill<strong>in</strong>gham, JGill<strong>in</strong>ghamAndrew McKay Architects Ltd ||| Owner: J T I Mitchell, P AMitchellReposition<strong>in</strong>g and alter<strong>in</strong>g a dwell<strong>in</strong>g which does not complywith recession plane and maximum height rules.Replacement Dwell<strong>in</strong>g, Earthworks and Non-compliance withthe recession plane.Granted RM130270 3 Lone Tree Grove KELSON 5010A Chandra ||| Owner: C M S Trustees Limited, A Chandra, RD ChandraGranted RM130271 32 Vogel Street NAENAE 5011 Aurecon NZ Ltd ||| Owner: Resene Pa<strong>in</strong>ts Ltd<strong>Hutt</strong> Architecture Limited ||| Contact: Sir / Madam |||Granted RM130272 471 Jackson Street PETONE 5012 Owner: Greater Well<strong>in</strong>gton Regional <strong>Council</strong>Earthworks exceed<strong>in</strong>g the permitted activity conditions withtotal proposed volume of earthworks (cut and fill) of136m3.Build<strong>in</strong>g extension opposite a residential area, with a carpark<strong>in</strong>g shortfall and earthworks over 50m3Deck on clubrooms, build<strong>in</strong>g exceed<strong>in</strong>g 100m2Undertake 2828m3 of earthworks with a maximum cut heightof 1.7m and maximum fill height of 2.6m at 255 Rata Street,Granted RM130273 255 Rata Street NAENAE 5011P Parkes ||| Contact: P Parkes ||| Owner: Wesley ChurchWell<strong>in</strong>gton CentralNaenae which is <strong>in</strong> a landscape protection residential activityarea where earthworks are not permitted as of right.Granted RM13027471 F Korokoro Road KOROKORO5012 K M Grandy, J Fisher ||| Owner: K M Grandy, J Fisher New dwell<strong>in</strong>g exceed<strong>in</strong>g recession planes and earthworksGrantedRM130276All Road 1 <strong>Hutt</strong> <strong>City</strong> Roads HUTTCENTRAL 5010 Incite (Well<strong>in</strong>gton) Limited ||| Owner: <strong>Hutt</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong><strong>Land</strong> use resource consent application to <strong>in</strong>stall atelecommunications cab<strong>in</strong>et with<strong>in</strong> road reserve of Wai-ItiCrescent, adjacent 89 Wai-Iti Crescent, Woburn that will notcomply with the m<strong>in</strong>imum separation distances required bythe National Environmental Standard TelecommunicationFacilities 2008.Pr<strong>in</strong>ted On: 2/10/2013Page 1 of 2

<strong>Land</strong> <strong>Use</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Consents</strong> <strong>Issued</strong> <strong>in</strong> September 2013Decision RM No Address Applicant Description of ApplicationGrantedRM1302815 A Tawa Street EASTBOURNE5013Granted RM130282 21 Witako Street EPUNI 5011GrantedRM130284G R Harrison, B A Harrison ||| Owner: G R Harrison, B AHarrisonA J Grimes, M A Grimes, J Mitchell ||| Owner: A J Grimes,M A Grimes, J Mitchell163 Maungaraki RoadMAUNGARAKI 5010 K Gr<strong>in</strong>l<strong>in</strong>ton ||| Owner: L M Hough, R J HoughGranted RM130285 92 Witako Street EPUNI 5011Jerram Tocker Barron Architects Ltd ||| Owner: Hous<strong>in</strong>g NewZealandGranted RM130286 10 Tara Place BELMONT 5010 O A Symes ||| Owner: O A SymesGranted RM130289 134 William Street PETONE 5012 Nspire Architectural Design ||| Owner: J M WilliamsGranted RM130292 16 Kauri Street EASTBOURNE 5013M M P Flynn, M R Horgan ||| Owner: M M P Flynn, M RHorganGreater Well<strong>in</strong>gton Regional <strong>Council</strong> ||| Owner: Century <strong>City</strong>Granted RM130299 25 Victoria Street PETONE 5012 Ventures Ltd (In Receivership)<strong>Land</strong> use resource consent application to construct a newdwell<strong>in</strong>g that will not comply with the front yard set-back orrecession plane requirements of the District Plan at 5a TawaStreet, Eastbourne. Application to vary an exist<strong>in</strong>g consent notice that wasregistered on the certificate of title of 5a Tawa Street <strong>in</strong>accordance with a condition of a subdivision consent that wasgranted <strong>in</strong> July 2009. The variation will remove the protectionof the exist<strong>in</strong>g Walnut tree which is to be removed. Theexist<strong>in</strong>g Totara tree will rema<strong>in</strong> protected by the consentnotice.New garage which does not comply with front yard setback,recession plane and site coverage rules.<strong>Land</strong> use resource consent application to undertake 57.9m3 ofearthworks at 163 Maungaraki Road, Maungaraki. The site iswith<strong>in</strong> a hill residential activity area and therefore noearthworks are permitted as of right.Carport that breaches the recession plane and m<strong>in</strong>imum yardrequirementsNew dwell<strong>in</strong>g that will not comply with the recession planerequirement.Garage which does not comply with front yard and recessionplane rules.<strong>Land</strong> use resource consent application to construct alterationsto an exist<strong>in</strong>g dwell<strong>in</strong>g that will not comply with the recessionplane requirement of the District Plan at 16 Kauri Street,Eastbourne.Erection of a telecommunication antenna which requiredconsent under rule (e).Granted RM130304 12 Ava Street PETONE 5012 K Chafe ||| Owner: D T Mart<strong>in</strong>, E L Mart<strong>in</strong>Addition to a dwell<strong>in</strong>g that will not comply with the side yardset-back, recession plane, and site coverage requirements.Pr<strong>in</strong>ted On: 2/10/2013Page 2 of 2

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