PN 57.4400.0100_020115 - Genie

PN 57.4400.0100_020115 - Genie

PN 57.4400.0100_020115 - Genie


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Section 5Engine Fluids700 SeriesCoolant specificationThe quality of the coolant which is used can have agreat effect on the efficiency and life of the coolingsystem. The recommendations indicated below canhelp to maintain a good cooling system and to protectit against frost and/or corrosion.If the correct procedures are not used, Perkins cannotbe made responsible for damage caused by frost orcorrosion.Caution: An antifreeze which contains the correctinhibitor must be used at all times to prevent damageto the engine by corrosion, because of the use ofaluminium in the coolant circuit.If frost protection is not necessary, it is still extremelyimportant to use an approved antifreeze mixturebecause this gives a protection against corrosion andalso raises the boiling point of the coolant.If the approved antifreeze mixture is not available,add a correct mixture of corrosion inhibitor to thewater. If the correct inhibitor is not used, the enginewill be damaged by corrosion. If there is doubt aboutthe corrosion inhibitor to be used, contact theTechnical Service Department of Perkins EnginesCompany Limited, see page 8.Note: If combustion gases are released into thecoolant circuit, the coolant must be renewed after therepair of the fault.The antifreeze that is recommended is PerkinsPOWERPART Antifreeze, part number 21825166 (1litre) or 21825167 (5 litres). This antifreeze containsthe correct inhibitor which is especially suitable forthis engine.If it is possible, use clean soft water in the coolant.The quality of the antifreeze coolant must be checkedat least once a year, for example, at the beginning ofthe cold period. The coolant must be renewed everytwo years.The antifreeze mixture must consist of equalquantities of antifreeze and water. Concentrations ofless than 50% of antifreeze will dilute the corrosioninhibitor in the antifreeze and allow corrosion of theengine components. Concentrations of more than50% of antifreeze may have an adverse effect on theperformance of the coolant.05/99Printed in England© Propriety information of Perkins Engines Company Limited, all rights reserved35366 51-19M-1-SM 01-29-02 <strong>57.4400.0100</strong>

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