PN 57.4400.0100_020115 - Genie

PN 57.4400.0100_020115 - Genie

PN 57.4400.0100_020115 - Genie


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The chassis serial number is stamped on the front leftpart of the chassis side member.3.8 IDENTIFICATION PLATES3.10 IMPROPER USEImproper use means a utilization of the machinefollowing working criteria, which do not comply with theinstructions of this manual, and in general, may resultin risks for both operators and bystanders.The plates of the main components, which are notdirectly manufactured by Terex (engines, pump, etc.),are located where originally applied by themanufacturers.3.9 ALLOWED USEThe machines have been designed and manufacturedfor lifting, handling and transporting agricultural orindustrial products by means of specific attachments(see section E). Any other use is considered contraryto that established and, therefore, improper. Thecompliance with and the strict respect of the operation,maintenance and repair conditions, indicated by theManufacturer, represent and essential part of theallowed use. The use, maintenance and repair of themachine shall be carried out by skilled operators onlywho know well the special characteristics of the machineand the safety precautions to be taken.We list below some of the most frequent and hazardoussituations of improper use:• Carrying passengers on the machine• Not strictly complying with the operation andmaintenance instructions of this manual.• Working beyond the handler working limits• Working on unstable edges of ditches• Working on steep slopes• Using attachment other than thoserecommended• Using attachments which are not approvedor directly manufactured by Terex.The Manufacturer disclaims any responsibility fordamage to persons or things arising from arbitrarymodifications carried out on the machine.• Working in potentially explosiveenvironments.<strong>57.4400.0100</strong> TX51-19M-1-SM 01-29-0223

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