PN 57.4400.0100_020115 - Genie

PN 57.4400.0100_020115 - Genie

PN 57.4400.0100_020115 - Genie


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17.0 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEThis section provides troubleshooting and schematic for the electrical and hydraulic system.There are three troubleshooting charts one for General, Electrical and Hydraulic. These charts are of generalnature, but should provide an intuitive feeling for a specific system. Knowing the system is the greatest aid totroubleshooting. Every component has a purpose in the system. The construction and operating characteristicsof each one should be understood. Know the capabilities of the system. Each component in the system has amaximum rated speed, torque or pressure. Loading the system beyond the specification increases the possibilityof failure. Know the correct operating pressures. Always set and check pressures with a gauge that is know tobe accurate.17.1 GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTINGFAULTThe hydraulic oilThermometer doesnot functionHigh temperature ofthe Engine coolantCAUSEThis is normal, when the outsidetemperature is low and / or themachine is used for short periods,since the hydraulic oil cannotwarm up over 40-50°CThe oil temperature bulb isdamaged.Water level in the overflow tankThe temperature bulb is defectiveThe dashboard manometer isdefectiveSOLUTIONCheck and replace the bulbCheck and, if necessary, refillChange bulbChangeLow hydraulic oil levelHigh hydraulic oiltemperatureLow engineperformanceThe steering columnResponse is slow ornoisyThe differential isnoisy and its bodytemperature is highOil leaks from axlesand/or gearboxOil LeaksThe radiator grill is dirtyThe air filter is dirtyJoints are damagedThe spiders of the driving shaft aredamagedNo OilBearing are damagedSeals are wornRefillClean the grill regularlyClean the air filter regularlyChange the jointsChange the spidersCheck and refillChange the bearings as perCARRARO instructions.Change as per CARRAROinstructionsDO NOT DISASSEMBLE ANY COMPONENT (S) DURING WARRENTY PERIOD WITHOUT CONTACTING TEREXLIFT.<strong>57.4400.0100</strong> TX51-19M-1-SM 01-29-02205

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