биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

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Plate XIII. Achelia echinata orientalis (from Nakamura, 1987): 1 – trunk, dorsalview; 2 – trunk, lateral view; 3 – ocular tubercle; 4 – chelifore; 5 – distal part ofoviger; 6 – leg of male; 7 – distal part of male femur.Achelia kamtschatika (from Losina-Losinsky, 1961): 8 – trunk, dorsal view; 9 –ocular tubercle; 10 – chelifore; 11 – palp; 12 – oviger; 13 – leg147

Plate XIV. Tanystylum scrutator (from Stock, 1954): 1 – trunk, dorsal view; 2 – palp;3 – segment 10 of oviger with compound spines; 4 – leg.Tanysytlum ulreungum (from Nakamura & Child, 1983): 5 – trunk, dorsal view;6 – palp; 7 – distal part of oviger with forked spine; 8 – leg148

Plate XIV. Tanystylum scrutator (from Stock, 1954): 1 – trunk, dorsal view; 2 – palp;3 – segment 10 <strong>of</strong> oviger with compound spines; 4 – leg.Tanysytlum ulreungum (from Nakamura & Child, 1983): 5 – trunk, dorsal view;6 – palp; 7 – distal part <strong>of</strong> oviger with forked spine; 8 – leg148

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