биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov биота российских вод японского моря - Materials of Alexey Shipunov

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Pushkin, A.F. 1993. Pycnogonids of the Southern Ocean // Issledovaniya FaunyMorei. XX (XXX). ZIN RAN. S.-Petersburg & Portorosa (Sicily). V. 8. P. 5–394. (In Russian).Sars, G.O. 1891. Pycnogonidae // Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, 1876–1878(Zool. 20). P. 1–163.Schimkewitsch, W.M. 1895. On some forms of the Pantopoda // TrudyS.-Peterburgskogo Obschestva Estestvoispytatelei. V. 25. P. 35–48. (In Russian).Schimkewitsch, W. 1906. Übersicht der von P. Schmidt und W. Braschnikow in denOstasiatischen Ufergewässern gesammelten Pantopoden // Ann. Mus. Zool.Acad. Sci. St.-Petersbourg. V. 11. P. 242–252.Schimkewitsch, W. 1909. Nochmal über die periodicität in dem System derPantopoden // Zool. Anz. Bd 34. S. 1–13.Schimkewitsch, W. 1913. Einige neue Pantopoden // An. Mus. Zool. l'Acad. Imper.Sci. St.-Petersbourg. V. 18. P. 240–248.Schimkewitsch, W.M. 1929. Pycnogonida (Pantopoda) // Fauna SSSR i SopredelnykhStran. Leningrad. N 1. P. 1–224. (In Russian).Schimkewitsch, W.M. 1930. Pycnogonida (Pantopoda) // Fauna SSSR i SopredelnykhStran. Leningrad. N 2. P. 125–554. (In Russian).Slater, H.H. 1879. On a new genus of pycnogon and a variety of Pycnogonum littoralefrom Japan // Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 5. V. 3. P. 281–283.Stock, J.H. 1954. Pycnogonida from Indo-West-Pacific, Australian and New ZealandWaters. Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914–1916 //Videnskab. Medd. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn. V. 116. P. 1–168.Stock, J.H. 1956. Pantopoden aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, 1 // Mitteil.Zool. Mus. Hamburg. Bd 54. S. 33–48.Stock, J.H. 1968. Pycnogonida collected by the Galathea and Anton Bruun in theIndian and Pacific Ocean // Videnskab. Medd. Dansk Naturhist. Foren.Kjobenhavn. V. 131. P. 7–65.Stock, J.H. 1975. Pycnogonida from the continental shelf, slope, and deep sea of thetropical Atlantic and East Pacific // Bull. Mar. Sci. V. 24. P. 957–1092.Stock, J.H. 1979. Anoplopdactylus ophiurophilus n. sp., a sea spider associated withbrittle stars in the Seychelles // Bijdragen tot de dierkunde (Contributions toZoology). V. 48, N 2. P. 156–160.Turpaeva, E.P. 1973. Pycnogonida (Pantopoda) from the north-western part of thePacific Ocean // Trudy Instituta Okeanologii AN SSSR. V. 91. P. 173–191. (InRussian).Turpaeva, E.P. 1989. Some morphological characters of the deep-water Pycnogonida// Trudy Instituta Okeanologii RAN. V. 123. P. 127–133. (In Russian).Turpaeva, E.P. 1990. Pycnogonida collected from the Pacific side of Honshu Island //Zool. Zhurnal. V. 69, N 9. P. 17–26. (In Russian).Turpaeva, E.P. 1994. Sea spiders (Pycnogonida) of the North Pacific // Trudy InstitutaOkeanologii RAN. V. 131. P. 126–138. (In Russian).Turpaeva, E.P. 2001. Sea spiders (Pycnogonida) of the Sea of Japan // Sostav i StrukturaMorskogo Donnogo Naseleniya. Moscow: Izd-vo VNIRO. P. 69–104. (InRussian).Turpaeva, E.P. 2004a. Shallow-water sea spiders (Pycnogonida) from the Kuril,Commander and Yamskii islands. 3. Nymphonidae. Report 1 // Zool. Zhurnal.V. 83, N 9. P. 1086–1100. (In Russian).133

Turpaeva, E.P. 2004b. Shallow-water sea spiders (Pycnogonida) from the Kuril,Commander and Yamskii islands. 3. Nymphonidae. Report 2 // Zool. Zhurnal.V. 83, N 10. P. 1229–1236. (In Russian).Turpaeva, E.P. 2006. Shallow-water sea spiders (Pycnogonida) from the Kuril,Commander, and Yamskii islands. 4. Phoxchilidiidae family // Zool. Zhurnal.V. 85 (4). P. 448–461 (In Russian).Utinomi, H. 1951. On some pycnogonids from the sea around Kii Peninsula // Publ.Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. V. 1. P. 159–168.Utinomi, H. 1954. The fauna of Akkeshi Bay. XIX. Littoral Pycnogonida // Publ.Akkeshi Mar. Biol. Stat. V. 3. P. 1–28.Utinomi, H. 1955. Report on the Pycnogonida collected by the Soyo-Maru Expeditionmade on the continental shelf bordering Japan during the years 1926–1930 //Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. V. 5. P. 1–42.Utinomi, H. 1971. Records of Pycnogonida from shallow waters of Japan // Publ. SetoMar. Biol. Lab. V. 18. P. 317–347.Wilson, E.B. 1881. Report on the Pycnogonida. Reports on the results of dredging,under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico, 1877–78, bythe U.S. coast survey steamer Blake, etc. // Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard,V. 8, N 12. P. 239–256.134

Turpaeva, E.P. 2004b. Shallow-water sea spiders (Pycnogonida) from the Kuril,Commander and Yamskii islands. 3. Nymphonidae. Report 2 // Zool. Zhurnal.V. 83, N 10. P. 1229–1236. (In Russian).Turpaeva, E.P. 2006. Shallow-water sea spiders (Pycnogonida) from the Kuril,Commander, and Yamskii islands. 4. Phoxchilidiidae family // Zool. Zhurnal.V. 85 (4). P. 448–461 (In Russian).Utinomi, H. 1951. On some pycnogonids from the sea around Kii Peninsula // Publ.Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. V. 1. P. 159–168.Utinomi, H. 1954. The fauna <strong>of</strong> Akkeshi Bay. XIX. Littoral Pycnogonida // Publ.Akkeshi Mar. Biol. Stat. V. 3. P. 1–28.Utinomi, H. 1955. Report on the Pycnogonida collected by the Soyo-Maru Expeditionmade on the continental shelf bordering Japan during the years 1926–1930 //Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. V. 5. P. 1–42.Utinomi, H. 1971. Records <strong>of</strong> Pycnogonida from shallow waters <strong>of</strong> Japan // Publ. SetoMar. Biol. Lab. V. 18. P. 317–347.Wilson, E.B. 1881. Report on the Pycnogonida. Reports on the results <strong>of</strong> dredging,under the supervision <strong>of</strong> Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf <strong>of</strong> Mexico, 1877–78, bythe U.S. coast survey steamer Blake, etc. // Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard,V. 8, N 12. P. 239–256.134

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