pdf - 5.1 MB - Rainforest Alliance

pdf - 5.1 MB - Rainforest Alliance

pdf - 5.1 MB - Rainforest Alliance


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SECRETS HUATULCORESORT & SPAUnited Efforts with the CommunityWhen Secrets Huatulco Resort & Spa decidedto tackle the problem of electronic waste, ittook its efforts far beyond its own facilities.With the participation of other organizationsin the community of Santa Cruz Huatulco,the resort organized “Reciclon,” a recyclingevent for electronic items, during which familiesand small and medium-sized enterprisescould safely dispose of electronic equipment.Thanks to the participation of 11 businessesand 22 households, the resort collected andrecycled 365 items weighing a total of aboutnine tons.Secrets Huatulco also held a drive for basicfootwear, a necessity many local residentswere lacking. The hotel solicited contributionsfrom guests and collaborators for children’sshoes, and donations were later deliveredby hotel staff, who created pop-up“shops” where shoes were given away.SECRETS MAROMA BEACHRIVIERA CANCUNGuardian of the ReefThe managers at Secrets Maroma BeachRiviera Cancun understand that the nearbyreef is a distinctive feature of the local landscapeand a powerful draw to guests; they alsoknow that trash can damage the reef’s fragileecosystem. Every Sunday, hotel staff, includingtop executives, patrol the beach, armedwith bags, to pick up litter.The Saturday morning beach cleanup is justone way that Secrets Maroma Beach upholdsits environmental policy, which complieswith the country’s environmental laws andbalances business and ecological capital.Other important efforts include ongoingprograms to promote the efficient use ofwater and energy and to recycle and reusewaste. With this approach, Secrets MaromaBeach aims to achieve savings and strengthenthe supply chains involved in its activities.8

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