Michael Goodman, M.D., F.A.C.P., Curriculum Vitae - Glacier Oncology

Michael Goodman, M.D., F.A.C.P., Curriculum Vitae - Glacier Oncology

Michael Goodman, M.D., F.A.C.P., Curriculum Vitae - Glacier Oncology


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83. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M. G., S. Wormsley, J. C. Spinosa, and L.D. Piro. Loxoribine induces ChronicLymphocytic Leukemia B cells to traverse the cell cycle. Blood, 84:3457-3464,1994.84. McKee, D., M.G. <strong>Goodman</strong>, and L.D. Piro. The Interferons in Hematological Malignancies.Expert Opinion in Investigational Drugs, 13:1, 1994.85. Pope, B.L., E. Chourmouzis, S. Lee, and M.G. <strong>Goodman</strong>. Enhancement of immunostimulatoryactivity by dual substitution of CS-substituted guanine ribonucleosides:correlation with increased cytokine secretion. J. Immunotherapy, 17:98-108,1995.86. Rivas, A., Tintle, L., Argentieri, D., Kimball, E., <strong>Goodman</strong>, M., Anderson, D., Capetola, R.,Quimby, F. A primary immunodeficiency syndrome in Shar-pei dogs. Clin. Immunol.Immunopath., 74:243-251,1995.87. Pope, B. L., J. P. Maclntyre, E. Kimball, S. Lee, L. Zhou, R. Gareth, and M. G. <strong>Goodman</strong>.The immunostimulatory compound 7-allyl-8-oxoguanosine (Loxoribine) induces a distinctsubset of murine cytokines. Cell. Immunol. 162:333-339,1995.88. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G. A new approach to vaccine adjuvants: Immunopotentiation by intracellularT helper-like signals transmitted by Loxoribine. In "Vaccine Design: the subunit andadjuvant approach", M. F. Powell and M.J. Newman, Eds. Plenum Press, New York, N.Y.pp. 581-609,1995.89. Pope, B.L. and M. G. <strong>Goodman</strong>. Synthetic guanine ribonucleosides as immunostimulants.In "Immimopharmaceuticals", E. Kimball, Ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 167-192,1995.90. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G., A.B. Reitz, R. Chen, M.D. Bobardt, J.H. <strong>Goodman</strong>, and B.L.Pope.Selective modulation of elements of the immune system by low molecular weight nucleosides.J. Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 274:1552, 1995.91. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G., S. Wormsley, L. Piro, A. Saven, and J. Spinosa. New perspectives on theapproach to Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Leukemia andLymphoma, 18:179, 1995.92. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G., Bobardt, M.C., and <strong>Goodman</strong>, J.H. B cell receptor-mediated signalingdespite protein tyrosine kinase disruption: Signal salvage by 7-allyl-8-oxoguanosine.Submitted for publication.93. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G., Strahl, D.M., Bobardt, M.D., M. McDonald, A. B. Reitz and J. H.<strong>Goodman</strong>. Initial characterization of proteins mediating B cell activation by 7,8-disubstitutedguanine ribonucleosides. Submitted for publication.15

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