Michael Goodman, M.D., F.A.C.P., Curriculum Vitae - Glacier Oncology

Michael Goodman, M.D., F.A.C.P., Curriculum Vitae - Glacier Oncology

Michael Goodman, M.D., F.A.C.P., Curriculum Vitae - Glacier Oncology


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24. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G. and W.O. Weigle. Inhibition of lymphocyte mitogenesis by an arachidonicacid hydroperoxide. In Control of Cellular Division and Development, Part A (D.Cunningham, E. Goldwasser, J. Watson and C.F. Fox, eds.) Alan R.Liss, Inc. New York, p.87, 1981.25. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G. and W.O. Weigle. Cellular regulation of non-specific (non-antigenic) Blymphocyte activation. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 105:565, 1981.26. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G. and W.O. Weigle. Activation of lymphocytes by brominated nucleoside andcyclic nucleotide analogues: Implications for the "second messenger" function of cyclic GMP.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78:7604, 1981.27. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G. and W.O. Weigle.Nonspecific activation of murine lymphocytes. VIII.Effects of D-penicillamine. Cell. Immunol. 65:337,1981.28. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G. and W.O. Weigle. The role of regulatory components from resident Tlymphocytes inpolyclonal B cell activation. J. Cell Biochem. 18:395, 1982.29. Chenoweth, D.E., M.G. <strong>Goodman</strong> and W.O. Weigle. Demonstration of a specific receptorfor human C5a anaphylatoxin on murine macrophages. J.Exp.Med. 156:68,1982.30. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G. and W.O. Weigle. Induction of immunoglobulin secretion by a simplenucleoside derivative. J. Immunol. 128:2399,1982.31. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G., D.E. Chenoweth and W.O. Weigle. Potentiation of the primary humoralimmune response in vitro by C5a anaphylatoxin. J. Immunol. 129:70,1982.32. Weigle, W. O., E. L. Morgan, M. G. <strong>Goodman</strong>, D. E. Chenoweth and T. E. Hugli.Modulation of the immune response by anaphylatoxin in the microenvironment of theinteracting cells. Fed. Proc. 41:3099, 1982.33. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G. and W.O. Weigle. Polyclonal activation of B lymphocytes and its role inself/non-self discrimination. In B Lymphocytes Today. (J.R. Inglis, ed.) ElsevierBiomedical Press, Amsterdam, p. 63,1982.34. Chenoweth, D.E. and M.G. <strong>Goodman</strong>. The C5a receptor of neutrophils and macrophages. InAgents and Actions, Vol. 12 (H.U. Keller, ed.) Birkhauser Verlag, Inc., pp. 252-273, 1983.35. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M. G., D. E. Chenoweth and W. O. Weigle. Induction of interleukin-1 secretionand enhancement of humoral immunity by binding of human C5a to macrophage surface C5areceptors. J. Exp. Med. 156:912, 1982.36. <strong>Goodman</strong>, M.G. and W.O. Weigle. Bromination of guanosine and cyclic GMP confers10

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