My Life

My Life

My Life


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<strong>My</strong> <strong>Life</strong> - Oswald Mosleyswindle of loaded franchises to postpone the day of surrender rather than tosolve the problem. Better by far is the clean settlement of clear division.Europe must everywhere decide what it will hold and what it will relinquish.The Europeans in union will have the power of decision. Today they lack onlythe will. We will hold what is vital to the life of Europe, and we will in allcircumstances be true to our fellow-Europeans, particularly where they arenow threatened in African territory.10. The space of a fully united Europe including the lands to be liberated byAmerican and Russian withdrawal, the British Dominions and other Europeanoverseas territories, and approximately one-third of Africa is a justrequirement for the full life of the Europeans in a producer and consumersystem which shall be free of usury and capitalism, of anarchy andcommunism. Within the wide region of our nation the genius of modernscience shall join with the culture of three millenia to attain ever higher formsof European life which shall continue to be the inspiration of mankind.'The original draft was clearer, notably in point 4, requiring initially similar basicconditions, later to be increased as science increased production. Work was donerapidly in German, and in French, which the Italians understood.This document was so far ahead of contemporary thinking that it was a surprise tomany people, particularly as some of the signatories were supposed to be ardentnationalists. Some of the participants in the conference were in sentiment passionatelyinvolved on different sides of the bitter dispute then raging in the Tyrol. It wastherefore to many still more surprising that they should together have signed thefollowing addendum to the European Declaration: 'On the occasion of comingtogether to decide and publish a European Declaration, the Conference resolved to doits utmost to end the fratricidal struggle between European patriots in the Tyrol wherepresent difficulties will be terminated automatically by the constitution of a commonEuropean Government and economic system which will guarantee freedom ofmovement, language and opinion. We appeal to all Europeans to cease at onceviolence to each other and to work together to create our Europe with the utmostspeed rather than to lose lives and energies in quarrels which will disappear with thedivisions of the present states in the future Europe. The Conference therefore invitesthe two parties to come together and to discuss a settlement, and offers its mediationfor this purpose.'The Conference provided striking evidence of what can be done when Europeans aregathered round the conference table even when some of the participants are fiercelydivided in sentiment and interest on particular questions. If these questions can belifted out of a small context into a great design all things become possible. Thisachievement provided some evidence in support of my long-sustained contention onthe making of Europe: great things can only be done in a great way.The Conference went further than signing the Declaration, and in addition agreed thefollowing points:366 of 424

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