My Life

My Life

My Life


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<strong>My</strong> <strong>Life</strong> - Oswald Mosleyour continent.5. That intervention by government at the three key points of wages, prices,where monopoly conditions prevail, and the long-term purchase of agriculturaland other primary products alone is necessary to create the third system of aproducers' state in conditions of a free society which will be superior both torule by finance under American capitalism and to rule by bureaucracy undercommunist tyranny. It is at all times our duty in the solidarity of the Europeancommunity to assist each other to combat the destruction of European life andvalues from without and from within by the overt and covert attack ofcommunism.6. That industries already nationalised will be better conducted by workers'ownership or syndicalism than by state bureaucracy, but the system of thewage-price mechanism will, in full development, make irrelevant the questionof the ownership of industry by reason of the decisive economic leadership ofelected government, and will bring such prosperity that workers will have nointerest in controversies which belong to the nineteenth century.7. With the creation of Europe a Nation as a third power strong enough tomaintain peace, a primary object of the European government will be to securethe immediate and simultaneous withdrawal of both Russian and Americanforces from the occupied territories and military bases of Europe. Europe mustbe as strongly armed as America or Russia until mutual disarmament can besecured by the initiative of an European leadership which will have no reasonto fear economic problems caused by disarmament, as has capitalist America,nor to desire the force of arms for purposes of imperialist aggression as doescommunist Russia.8. The emergence of Europe as a third great power will bring to an end thepolitical and military power of UNO, because these three great powers willthen be able to deal directly and effectively with each other. The peace of theworld can best be maintained by direct and continuous contact between thesethree great powers which represent reality instead of illusion and hypocrisy.The production of nuclear weapons will be confined to these three greatpowers until mutual disarmament can be secured.9. Colonialism shall be brought to an end. A way will be found to maintain orto create in Africa states under government of non-European but Africanorigin amounting to about two-thirds of the continent, and other states undergovernment by peoples of European and Afrikaaner origin amounting to aboutone-third. In non-European territory, any European who chose to remainshould stay without a vote or political rights. He would be in the same positionas any resident in another country, subject to the maintenance of basic humanrights within their own communities, by reciprocal arrangement betweenEuropean and non-European territories. Conversely, any non-Europeanremaining in European territory would have neither vote nor political rights,subject to the maintenance of the same basic human rights. Multi-racialgovernment breaks down everywhere in face of the non-European demand forone man one vote which they learnt from the West, and becomes a squalid365 of 424

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