My Life

My Life

My Life


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<strong>My</strong> <strong>Life</strong> - Oswald Mosleythe Labour Party he equally enlivened some dull evenings with his adroit teasing ofBeatrice Webb.I long ago came to the conclusion that a libel suit with a political subject in Britishcourts under existing law is a costly and incalculable game of roulette. The outcomedepends entirely on the jury, which finds disassociation from political feelings almostimpossible, particularly when the matter has been discussed in the newspapers. It ispossible, of course, to have an impartial jury, but you are more likely to find a jury ofpartisans on one side or the other. In that event, mathematically, you are unlikely tohave even one juror on your side until your party polls an average of over eight percent throughout the country. Even if most of the jury mean to be impartial, oneexperienced and determined politician in such cases will either pull the rest round orkeep them there till all is blue. Political libel suits under the present law are a farcicalgamble in which the litigant risks ruinous expense. Nevertheless, if libel goes too farit is sometimes necessary to take a lucky dip.The sooner the law is changed and cheapened the better, and the obvious reform is todo away with juries in such cases and to give a judge the sole responsibility. Apartfrom the justly renowned integrity of the British judiciary, the judge will be awarethat the whole Bar will be watching an action of such interest, and he will be carefulonly to give a verdict justified by the facts before a profession which is quick to detecta faulty judgment. There is also the possibility of appeal to courts with some of thefinest intellectual standards in the world. The remedy is simple and obvious, but evento get the simple and obvious done in Britain can take a long time. Hence many of thetroubles of our country.298 of 424

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