My Life

My Life

My Life


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<strong>My</strong> <strong>Life</strong> - Oswald MosleyEnglish who have slaughtered your wives'. It is superfluous to state that I had saidnothing of the kind. It seemed to me unnecessary at the time to pursue a relativelyobscure undergraduate journal for libel, but the matter became serious at the nextGeneral Election in November 1922. Having crossed the floor of the House, I wasthen standing as an Independent in the same constituency of Harrow, and myConservative opponent circulated the words—'revolt against the English who haveslaughtered your wives'—in an aggravated form, because they were given, withoutany qualification, as my actual words. I immediately issued a writ for libel, but myopponent stood fast and challenged me to resign the seat if I lost the libel action.Foolishly I accepted the challenge, because it is really the business of the electorateand not of a jury to determine a seat in Parliament, but I was very confident ofwinning the action, and wanted first to ensure my electoral victory by calling myopponent's bluff.I won by a large majority and went ahead with the libel case. Some weeks later myConservative opponent sent in his card to see me at the House of Commons, and Iwent into the outer lobby to meet him. He told me that the Conservative CentralOffice had supplied him with his account of my speech as the actual words I had used,but on subsequent enquiry he had discovered that I had said nothing of the kind andhe was now advised by his experienced solicitors that he risked damages so large hewould be a ruined man. On enquiry at the Central Office he had been told he mustlook after himself. I was sorry for him and allowed him to escape with a publicapology and payment of a modest sum to a local charity. The opinion I then formed ofthe methods of the Conservative Party was confirmed at subsequent elections, and inother experiences.I have a long record of opposition to the vile crime of killing or ill-treating thedefenceless in various spheres, and it is one of the subjects on which I feel moststrongly. It is sheer humbug to deny that these atrocities have been committed indifferent degrees by every side. If it rested with me, this practice would be abruptlyand ruthlessly brought to an end with the utmost severity. That these things shouldoccur even among Europeans is a dark stain upon the honour of our continent and aviolation of every true instinct of humanity. We must resolve and ensure that theyshall cease and that their end shall be followed by a deep act of oblivion. Then thewounds of Europe may be healed.137 of 424

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