Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt

Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt

Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt


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moved my food quickly, and she followed. I was exasperatedand thought, “Do I have to put up with this?” My self-image as<strong>the</strong> wonderful neighbor was rapidly disappear<strong>in</strong>g.One never-to-be-forgotten day, she came <strong>in</strong> with <strong>the</strong> usual rout<strong>in</strong>e:push<strong>in</strong>g me, <strong>in</strong>terfer<strong>in</strong>g with <strong>the</strong> children, leav<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> dooropen, stand<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> front of <strong>the</strong> fire. We had a big guard around<strong>the</strong> fire to keep <strong>the</strong> children away from it, and she used to stand<strong>the</strong>re warm<strong>in</strong>g herself. No one else could feel anyth<strong>in</strong>g from <strong>the</strong>fire, because she would be stand<strong>in</strong>g right <strong>in</strong> front of it. The poorsoul was probably a clean woman <strong>in</strong> her younger days, but nowthat she was old, she had difficulty with her natural functions. So,as she stood by <strong>the</strong> fire, it wasn’t “Even<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Paris” perfume thatwe smelled as we sat at <strong>the</strong> table!On this particular day, all of <strong>the</strong> accumulation of our problemswith her assailed me as Mrs. Moon kept on and on at me. Suddenly,someth<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>side of me went “Snap!” and all of my graceflew out <strong>the</strong> w<strong>in</strong>dow!“That’s it!” I roared. “I can take no more!” I sprung up from <strong>the</strong>table and picked her up <strong>in</strong> my arms. As I did, she grabbed onto<strong>the</strong> big fireplace guard. I determ<strong>in</strong>ed to throw her out andgrappled with her and <strong>the</strong> fireplace guard all <strong>the</strong> way to <strong>the</strong>door. The children were scream<strong>in</strong>g and everyth<strong>in</strong>g on <strong>the</strong> table,pots of jam, milk, dishes… were swept onto <strong>the</strong> floor with acrash!Mrs. Moon was still clutch<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> fireplace guard when we got to<strong>the</strong> door. I thought, “If it kills you, I am throw<strong>in</strong>g you out!”F<strong>in</strong>ally, I pushed her through <strong>the</strong> doorway and <strong>the</strong> guard wentout also, scrap<strong>in</strong>g her hand and arm. I slammed <strong>the</strong> door shutand locked it. And that was <strong>the</strong> end of big-hearted <strong>Arthur</strong>, <strong>the</strong>super-Christian.“What a mess I am,” I groaned. “What a failure I am. I’ve tried tolive <strong>the</strong> Sermon on <strong>the</strong> Mount, try<strong>in</strong>g to go <strong>the</strong> second mile, toturn <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r cheek, to be a good neighbor. I can’t live <strong>the</strong> Sermonon <strong>the</strong> Mount. I’ve made a mess of it.” As I crossed <strong>the</strong>room, <strong>the</strong> words of a song came to my m<strong>in</strong>d: “Oh Intercessor,Friend of s<strong>in</strong>ners, earth’s Redeemer, plead for me.”“Oh God,” I moaned. “What a mess I am.”89

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