Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt

Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt
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good on the outside but are rotten on the inside as “…whitedsepulchres…full of dead men’s bones”. (Matt 23:27)I didn’t prepare my message ahead of time, because my goal wasto speak as the Spirit would give me utterance. In this way, theHoly Spirit could cause me to say what I didn’t know, but thismeant the first person who needed to listen to my ministry wasme.As I ministered that night, all of a sudden, what I had seen back inthe Midlands, I saw in Lancashire. The people began to heaveover, lost in the presence of God. Many of them went down onthe floor as the Holy Spirit took the leadership of the meetingout of my hands.The people were gone with God, including this pastor who wasas smartly dressed as if she had come out of a fashion parade.Here she was, prostrate on the platform, hat off, one shoe off,hair all over her face, rubbing her face on the carpet and sobbing.She was oblivious to her personal appearance, which, at the beginning,was obviously a number one with her — but she wasgone. The people were gone. They were all gone in the presenceof God except me.I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know whether the wholeplace was going to explode into a fire of fanaticism or extremismor what. I only knew I had lost control of the meeting and thepeople had forgotten me. I was frantic and helpless, like a manwho wanted to pour buckets of cold water to put out a fire, buthad no buckets of cold water. No one listened to me. It was awaste of time talking, preaching or doing anything. This went onevery night for two weeks. Day after day and night after night,the young pastor was drinking out of me, like blotting paper,what I was ministering.Then… thoughts rose up in me. And as far as I understand ittoday, I believe I touched the glory. The story of Uzzah illustrateswhat I mean by “touching the glory”. Uzzah touched the ark,and God struck him dead. Another example is King Herod who,on a certain day, gave a great oration and the people exclaimed,“It is the voice of a god and not of a man.” Immediately theangel of the Lord smote him with worms in his bowels, and he66

died. The Bible tells us it was because Herod did not give theglory to God.God is fiercely jealous of the glory which belongs to Him and isthe apple of His eye. Touching it is as dangerous as touching fire.The same fire that warms and comforts can absolutely destroy.When Nebuchadnezzar exalted himself in his heart and said, “Isnot this the great Babylon that I have built?” God took the man’sreason from him, and he became a lunatic. He ate grass with thebeasts of the field, his nails were like bird’s claws, and his hair waswet from the dew. After seven years, God restored his reason tohim. Then Nebuchadnezzar proclaimed, “I bless the God ofheaven; the proud He is able to abase.” He didn’t learn that inBible School or out of a book, but out in the fields, the hard way.Call it what you will — the projection of personality, the flesh,the carnal nature – one word sums up the problem — pride!Pride is an abomination in the sight of God. In that meeting, Iwent into pride. I touched God’s glory and took the credit forthe marvelous effect of God’s Spirit moving among the people.As I looked at the people, I thought, “If this is the ministry I amgoing to have, I will become a world figure.” In my imagination,I could see the hundreds and thousands laid out under the powerof God as I ministered. At that moment, I touched His glory,exalted in my heart — and I have never had that experienceagain. (Yet!)Pastor Simmons said she wanted to talk to me…After the last meeting, I was preparing to leave when PastorSimmons said she wanted to talk to me. Now the stage was setfor God to deal with me on the false image I had of myself —that of being a lovely, consecrated, dedicated young man, on firefor God. I didn’t like to think there was a part of me that wascapable of sin.“Brother,” she said. “I believe the hand of God is on my life, butI’m uncertain whether He wants me to pastor or to be a missionaryto Tibet. I don’t want to be involved in matrimony and thethings of this world. I have prayed that God would show me if67

died. The Bible tells us it was because Herod did not give <strong>the</strong>glory to God.God is fiercely jealous of <strong>the</strong> glory which belongs to Him and is<strong>the</strong> apple of His eye. Touch<strong>in</strong>g it is as dangerous as touch<strong>in</strong>g fire.The same fire that warms and comforts can absolutely destroy.When Nebuchadnezzar exalted himself <strong>in</strong> his heart and said, “Isnot this <strong>the</strong> great Babylon that I have built?” God took <strong>the</strong> man’sreason from him, and he became a lunatic. He ate grass with <strong>the</strong>beasts of <strong>the</strong> field, his nails were like bird’s claws, and his hair waswet from <strong>the</strong> dew. After seven years, God restored his reason tohim. Then Nebuchadnezzar proclaimed, “I bless <strong>the</strong> God ofheaven; <strong>the</strong> proud He is able to abase.” He didn’t learn that <strong>in</strong>Bible School or out of a book, but out <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> fields, <strong>the</strong> hard way.Call it what you will — <strong>the</strong> projection of personality, <strong>the</strong> flesh,<strong>the</strong> carnal nature – one word sums up <strong>the</strong> problem — pride!Pride is an abom<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> sight of God. In that meet<strong>in</strong>g, Iwent <strong>in</strong>to pride. I touched God’s glory and took <strong>the</strong> credit for<strong>the</strong> marvelous effect of God’s Spirit mov<strong>in</strong>g among <strong>the</strong> people.As I looked at <strong>the</strong> people, I thought, “If this is <strong>the</strong> m<strong>in</strong>istry I amgo<strong>in</strong>g to have, I will become a world figure.” In my imag<strong>in</strong>ation,I could see <strong>the</strong> hundreds and thousands laid out under <strong>the</strong> powerof God as I m<strong>in</strong>istered. At that moment, I touched His glory,exalted <strong>in</strong> my heart — and I have never had that experienceaga<strong>in</strong>. (Yet!)Pastor Simmons said she wanted to talk to me…After <strong>the</strong> last meet<strong>in</strong>g, I was prepar<strong>in</strong>g to leave when PastorSimmons said she wanted to talk to me. Now <strong>the</strong> stage was setfor God to deal with me on <strong>the</strong> false image I had of myself —that of be<strong>in</strong>g a lovely, consecrated, dedicated young man, on firefor God. I didn’t like to th<strong>in</strong>k <strong>the</strong>re was a part of me that wascapable of s<strong>in</strong>.“Bro<strong>the</strong>r,” she said. “I believe <strong>the</strong> hand of God is on my life, butI’m uncerta<strong>in</strong> whe<strong>the</strong>r He wants me to pastor or to be a missionaryto Tibet. I don’t want to be <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> matrimony and <strong>the</strong>th<strong>in</strong>gs of this world. I have prayed that God would show me if67

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