Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt

Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt
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drab lives on that rubbish dump where people live and peopledie.Girls on Fire in Russia!In Russia I saw young girls, 19, 20, 21… pastoring whole congregationsin the faith. They were leading the people and shepherdingthem! To me that was amazing!As it says of Abraham, his faith was counted for righteousness.“Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.”(Rom 4:3) It was a substitute for what he hadn’t got.And it would seem that for many of these girls, their faith iscounted for experience. And they moved into a realm, by theSpirit, altogether beyond human experience.Now I know experience isn’t final. Our Lord Jesus is perfect, butHe had no experience of sin. So experience must bow to therealm of the Spirit. And it’s the Holy Spirit who guides us to theultimate goal which is “all truth…”. (John 16:13)Costa Rica. We had been with Jesus.In San Jose, Costa Rica, the pastor invited us to his house for ameal, and about twelve of us sat around the table. Among them,was a local pastor who supervised three churches on the coast,making his rounds on horseback through the roadless jungle. Hehad left his horse and had taken the bus to this pastor’s home. Hecouldn’t speak English and I couldn’t speak Spanish, so I justwatched him as he sang and played his guitar.At one o’clock, we gathered ‘round the table for our meal andthey asked him if he would say grace. He was praying in Spanish,when suddenly, as if it were Pentecost again, the Holy Ghostcame down. Another pastor and his wife from Las Vegas, clutchingtheir stomachs, began to shout and run ‘round and ‘roundthe meal table. Two others leapt to their feet shouting and speakingin tongues and praising God.We were caught up in the presence of God until 4:30 when, likesomeone awakening from a sleep, I abruptly came down to earth.We were all still there — the meal untouched. I don’t know where212

we had been during those hours, except that we had been withJesus.Later, I said to the pastor’s wife, “Well, I suppose you are disappointedwith all this food untouched.”She said, “No, no. We’ll clear the table. We’ve had meat to eatthat we did not know of.”Four miles through shark-infested watersOnce, when I was in Jamaica attending a morning meeting, I metfour young men — quiet, meek, unassuming young men. To makeconversation, I asked them, “Have you come far to the meeting?”“Well,” one of them answered, “We’ve traveled four miles to gethere.”“Oh,” I said. I could tell by the looks of them that they didn’thave much money. They probably didn’t have a car. “Did youcome by bus?”“No,” the one explained. “We swam four miles across the bay.”I asked them what they did for a living and they told me theywere sponge divers.“That’s very interesting,” I said. “Tell me about your work.”“Well, we have to dive deeply. We must hold our breath forabout two minutes, cutting the sponges. We dive naked with arope around our middle and tie the sponges on the rope.This amazed me. “Is there no danger deep down in the water?”“Not really.”“Are there no sharks?” I asked.“Oh yes,” they said. “There are plenty of sharks.”“Well, don’t you consider that dangerous?”“Oh no,” they said. “If the sharks come around following ourrope, we just swim underneath them and take our knife and justrip them up.”213

drab lives on that rubbish dump where people live and peopledie.Girls on Fire <strong>in</strong> Russia!In Russia I saw young girls, 19, 20, 21… pastor<strong>in</strong>g whole congregations<strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> faith. They were lead<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> people and shepherd<strong>in</strong>g<strong>the</strong>m! To me that was amaz<strong>in</strong>g!As it says of Abraham, his faith was counted for righteousness.“Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.”(Rom 4:3) It was a substitute for what he hadn’t got.And it would seem that for many of <strong>the</strong>se girls, <strong>the</strong>ir faith iscounted for experience. And <strong>the</strong>y moved <strong>in</strong>to a realm, by <strong>the</strong>Spirit, altoge<strong>the</strong>r beyond human experience.Now I know experience isn’t f<strong>in</strong>al. Our Lord Jesus is perfect, butHe had no experience of s<strong>in</strong>. So experience must bow to <strong>the</strong>realm of <strong>the</strong> Spirit. And it’s <strong>the</strong> Holy Spirit who guides us to <strong>the</strong>ultimate goal which is “all truth…”. (John 16:13)Costa Rica. We had been with Jesus.In San Jose, Costa Rica, <strong>the</strong> pastor <strong>in</strong>vited us to his house for ameal, and about twelve of us sat around <strong>the</strong> table. Among <strong>the</strong>m,was a local pastor who supervised three churches on <strong>the</strong> coast,mak<strong>in</strong>g his rounds on horseback through <strong>the</strong> roadless jungle. Hehad left his horse and had taken <strong>the</strong> bus to this pastor’s home. Hecouldn’t speak English and I couldn’t speak Spanish, so I justwatched him as he sang and played his guitar.At one o’clock, we ga<strong>the</strong>red ‘round <strong>the</strong> table for our meal and<strong>the</strong>y asked him if he would say grace. He was pray<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Spanish,when suddenly, as if it were Pentecost aga<strong>in</strong>, <strong>the</strong> Holy Ghostcame down. Ano<strong>the</strong>r pastor and his wife from Las Vegas, clutch<strong>in</strong>g<strong>the</strong>ir stomachs, began to shout and run ‘round and ‘round<strong>the</strong> meal table. Two o<strong>the</strong>rs leapt to <strong>the</strong>ir feet shout<strong>in</strong>g and speak<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> tongues and prais<strong>in</strong>g God.We were caught up <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> presence of God until 4:30 when, likesomeone awaken<strong>in</strong>g from a sleep, I abruptly came down to earth.We were all still <strong>the</strong>re — <strong>the</strong> meal untouched. I don’t know where212

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