Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt

Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt
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penalty. I thought well, I’ll do the same. “I won’t go back on thedate, I’ll pay a penalty. Another $60.” When I inquired, theysaid, “No penalties on charter flights.” That’s it. So I missed thereturn date and I needed a flight back.A brother in Atlanta said, “There’s a sister in our group whoworks at the travel agency.” He took me around to see her, sweetgirl, she was. She was Taiwanese and spoke good English, “I gotyou beautiful ticket to Manchester.”And I ought to have known. But I was so greedy, I thought,“Good. This is really cheap!”He put me on the plane. I changed at Philadelphia. And on thesecond leg of the flight, I said, “How long to Manchester?” Hesaid, “45 minutes.” I said, “What?! Manchester, England?”“No,” he said. “Manchester, New Hampshire. You’re on the wrongplane.” They graciously tried to help me and they began to check.And they said, “The plane for England left 10 minutes ago.” Isaid, “What am I going to do?!”“There’s nothing you can do, if you’ll just come with us.” Wewere two hours from the wrong plane. So I landed at midnight,Saturday night. And they tried everything they could, but therewas nothing they could do. They said, “The only thing we cando is put you up in a motel. Be here at 4 AM in the morning andwe’ll take you all the way back.”They took me back to Philadelphia, and then they took me backto Atlanta. I rang Marj up, “I’m on the wrong plane.” RangNorman up, “I’m on the wrong plane.” He came down to meetme. And he says, “Never mind that, I’ll get you a good flight.” Isaid “Don’t you talk to me about ‘good’. I’ve had a big chunk ofthe knowledge of ‘good’!”“The first plane that will take me back, I’m going.” I went toAmerican Airlines. I was so weary, so tired. And they got me asingle to Manchester, $1,000. I said, “I don’t have the money.” Ihad to pay on a bankcard.“It’s via Chicago.”204

I got on the plane and looked at the ticket and I noticed the ticketgot into Chicago, 6:00 and the Manchester plane left at 6:10. Tenminutes! I said, “Will I have time?”“Don’t think so.”So while we’re up in the air, the pilot said, “Could I have yourattention?” There are very dangerous thunderstorms ahead. Andrather than take you through them, we are going around. Butunfortunately, it will add another half hour to the journey.” Thatwas not now 10 minutes, but 40 minutes away!I tried to get off the plane. I couldn’t get out. When I got there,I was fed up, lost the Presence, weary…. I stood there and said,“Oh Lord, I’m all wrong. Please forgive me, have mercy on me.”I thought, “Well, the plane’s gone, that’s it.” And I crawled alongto the Manchester gate. It was empty, everybody gone. Therewere two girls laughing, giggling at the desk. I said, “Has theManchester plane gone?”“Mr. Burt, Mr. Burt! Are you Mr. Burt?!”“Yes.”“Get yourself down there! You’ve held the plane up for 25 minutes!They’re all waiting for you! Get yourself down there!”And they grabbed me and stuck me in a first class seat!“You weren’t late to the meeting after all!”Some years ago, a dear little Episcopal priest named FatherSherwood took me on a tour of Cape Kennedy. We had arrangedto go that night to a meeting of Charismatic Roman Catholicswhere they had invited me to speak. I was stopping at the homeof Brother Tom Snyder. When we returned after our tour of theSpace Center, we were rather late and Tom had already gone tothe meeting.I was still in casual clothes, and I thought, “Well, I suppose Tomwould have taken my Bible and tambourine and my jacket to themeeting.” So, I turned to Father Sherwood, we called him“Sherry”, and said, “Well, we’d better go straight to the hall,Brother.”205

penalty. I thought well, I’ll do <strong>the</strong> same. “I won’t go back on <strong>the</strong>date, I’ll pay a penalty. Ano<strong>the</strong>r $60.” When I <strong>in</strong>quired, <strong>the</strong>ysaid, “No penalties on charter flights.” That’s it. So I missed <strong>the</strong>return date and I needed a flight back.A bro<strong>the</strong>r <strong>in</strong> Atlanta said, “There’s a sister <strong>in</strong> our group whoworks at <strong>the</strong> travel agency.” He took me around to see her, sweetgirl, she was. She was Taiwanese and spoke good English, “I gotyou beautiful ticket to Manchester.”And I ought to have known. But I was so greedy, I thought,“Good. This is really cheap!”He put me on <strong>the</strong> plane. I changed at Philadelphia. And on <strong>the</strong>second leg of <strong>the</strong> flight, I said, “How long to Manchester?” Hesaid, “45 m<strong>in</strong>utes.” I said, “What?! Manchester, England?”“No,” he said. “Manchester, New Hampshire. You’re on <strong>the</strong> wrongplane.” They graciously tried to help me and <strong>the</strong>y began to check.And <strong>the</strong>y said, “The plane for England left 10 m<strong>in</strong>utes ago.” Isaid, “What am I go<strong>in</strong>g to do?!”“There’s noth<strong>in</strong>g you can do, if you’ll just come with us.” Wewere two hours from <strong>the</strong> wrong plane. So I landed at midnight,Saturday night. And <strong>the</strong>y tried everyth<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>y could, but <strong>the</strong>rewas noth<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>y could do. They said, “The only th<strong>in</strong>g we cando is put you up <strong>in</strong> a motel. Be here at 4 AM <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> morn<strong>in</strong>g andwe’ll take you all <strong>the</strong> way back.”They took me back to Philadelphia, and <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>y took me backto Atlanta. I rang Marj up, “I’m on <strong>the</strong> wrong plane.” RangNorman up, “I’m on <strong>the</strong> wrong plane.” He came down to meetme. And he says, “Never m<strong>in</strong>d that, I’ll get you a good flight.” Isaid “Don’t you talk to me about ‘good’. I’ve had a big chunk of<strong>the</strong> knowledge of ‘good’!”“The first plane that will take me back, I’m go<strong>in</strong>g.” I went toAmerican Airl<strong>in</strong>es. I was so weary, so tired. And <strong>the</strong>y got me as<strong>in</strong>gle to Manchester, $1,000. I said, “I don’t have <strong>the</strong> money.” Ihad to pay on a bankcard.“It’s via Chicago.”204

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