Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt

Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt
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One of his preacher friends was driving his car in Polandand saw a man lying in the road. He stopped hiscar, got out, and pulled the man off the road onto theside.“What happened?” the preacher asked. “Have you beenhit by a car?”“No,” the poor man moaned, barely able to communicate.“I was so burdened over my sins, I asked the priestwhat must I do to be saved. The priest told me that Imust make a barefooted pilgrimage of 100 miles to theicon of Mary in the church in Warsaw. But, he said Imust make the pilgrimage like this.”The priest had directed the pilgrim to stand up on theroad, barefooted, and fall forward on the road withhis hands outstretched. Where his hands hit the road,he had to place his bare feet, and repeat the process.This was how he was to atone for his sins.He looked up into the face of the preacher and hesighed, “My hands and feet are bleeding. I have to stopand mark the road with a cross and go home until mywounds heal. Afterward, I must come back to the crossand continue my pilgrimage. Oh, sir, the awful fear Ihave is that my life will end before I finish my pilgrimage,and my soul will be lost.The preacher asked him, “Didn’t anyone ever tell youthere is One who was wounded for your transgressions,bruised for your iniquities? The chastisement of yourpeace was upon this One? And it is “by His stripes weare healed.” (Is 53:5) It’s not with the shedding of yourown blood! It is the Blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son,that cleanses you from all sin — that atones for you.You have nothing to do. It is all done.” And he pointedthe poor, helpless man to Jesus Christ.As he finished his story, Arnold Bennett said, “Shall we bow ourheads and pray? Is there anyone here tonight who has neverreceived the Lord Jesus Christ as his own personal Lord and Saviour?As I have related the story to you about that poor man, are12

you, like him — trying to do what God has done? Do you understand?Do you see there is nothing for you to do? It is done!When Jesus said ‘It is finished,’ He said what He meant, and Hemeant what He said. Is there anyone here tonight that will receiveJesus as your Saviour?”I looked at the clock and it was ten minutes to eight, Sundaynight, May 1, 1927, and I raised my hand. Mother took her elbowand hit me in the ribs.“Put your hand down,” she hissed. “You don’t need saving; youhave lived a good life. I have brought you up right. It is yourfather who needs saving, not you.”“Mother,” I objected, “I am not right with God, and I do needsaving.” That night, I received Jesus — the biggest, most life-changingnight of my life! My destiny was settled as I was born again.Hallelujah!13

you, like him — try<strong>in</strong>g to do what God has done? Do you understand?Do you see <strong>the</strong>re is noth<strong>in</strong>g for you to do? It is done!When Jesus said ‘It is f<strong>in</strong>ished,’ He said what He meant, and Hemeant what He said. Is <strong>the</strong>re anyone here tonight that will receiveJesus as your Saviour?”I looked at <strong>the</strong> clock and it was ten m<strong>in</strong>utes to eight, Sundaynight, May 1, 1927, and I raised my hand. Mo<strong>the</strong>r took her elbowand hit me <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> ribs.“Put your hand down,” she hissed. “You don’t need sav<strong>in</strong>g; youhave lived a good life. I have brought you up right. It is yourfa<strong>the</strong>r who needs sav<strong>in</strong>g, not you.”“Mo<strong>the</strong>r,” I objected, “I am not right with God, and I do needsav<strong>in</strong>g.” That night, I received Jesus — <strong>the</strong> biggest, most life-chang<strong>in</strong>gnight of my life! My dest<strong>in</strong>y was settled as I was born aga<strong>in</strong>.Hallelujah!13

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