Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt

Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt Around the World in 88 Years -E Book - Arthur Burt
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“Well,” I explained, “I live by faith — that is, not faith in thepeople of God, but in the God of the people. God can use people,but I don’t need to make my needs known to them. God meetsmy needs, and I live by faith.”The government official said he didn’t know about this faith business.“All we know is that you must pay your obligation to society,”he insisted. “If you are not making enough as a preacher topay this bill, then you will have to get a job.”“All right,” I agreed. “God has given me two hands. I’m not afraidto work. I’ll get a job.” And so, I did.I applied in Nottingham to a firm that sold gas cookers. It tookme two solid weeks of endless trudging up and down streetsbefore I sold the first one. When the little lady said, “Yes”, I feltlike hugging her! After the first one, my discouragement dissolvedand I began to sell more than any other man on the team. It wasthe blessing of God.My manager called me the Bible-punching salesman. I was sogreen, that at first, I didn’t see what that scoundrel was doing tome. Every week, he would flatter me and compliment me, andevery week, he opened my pay pocket before I would get it. Itwas weeks before I discovered that while he talked to me, he wasactually stealing some of my money out of my pocket.Finally, I made one big sale to a customer who wanted to buy250 gas cookers. I was excited! Poor, silly me… I went to themanager and said, “What do you think? I got an order this morningfor 250.”“Oh, wonderful!” he exclaimed. “But that is much too big foryou to deal with. I’ll take care of it for you.” He took all of mycommission, and I got nothing at all.This shook me, but it really woke me up. I discussed this withanother man on the team who confided to me that he was leavingthe company to go to work for his brother. “My brother isstarting next week in pressure cookers. Do you want to join us?”I left with him and joined a six-man pressure-cooker team inNottingham. I told the same tale up and down the paths, “Well,lady, you understand that each time that your lid lifts in an ordi-98

nary pan, you are losing pressure. Vitamins are escaping in thesteam and discoloring your walls instead of strengthening yoursystem. What you need is a pressure cooker. It builds up, andonce it builds up, it keeps all the goodness in....” Then wouldcome my invitation, “I will give you a demonstration any day,and prepare your potatoes, vegetables.” That usually did it. If Igot in for a demonstration, nine times out of ten, I got a sale.I was beginning to tire of the long drive to and from Nottinghamevery day, 17 miles in the morning and 17 miles back again atnight. I thought, “This is stupid. Why am I traveling 34 milesevery day to walk up and down peoples’ paths in Nottingham? Iwould rather go up and down paths in my home area ofMansfield.When I asked Jim, my boss, he answered, “I don’t mind whatyou do, as long as you get sales.”God had put me in that business for His business.After a while, God had so blessed me with sales that my bosscame to me. “Do you know that I have a team of six men inNottingham that are not selling as much as you are all by yourself?”“That is because of the grace of God,” I explained.“I don’t care what you call it,” Jim replied. “I am interested inresults. The question I am asking you is this: ‘If I sacked my teamof six men, would you go into business on your own?’ I wouldsend all my stock to you. You would be my only outlet, and Iknow I could trust you.”So, I did. I went into business and saturated all the area withpressure cookers. Then I expanded to other goods, blankets, rugs,sheets, watches, clocks, and even sold wedding rings with timepayments of five shillings a week. After a while, I stood my owncredit, selling goods at a pound down and a pound a month.The more I became involved with peoples’ money, the more Ibecame more involved with their lives. I was kind of a glorifiedFather Christmas to the whole area, and they often would cometo borrow money from me. Sometimes they would have items99

“Well,” I expla<strong>in</strong>ed, “I live by faith — that is, not faith <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>people of God, but <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> God of <strong>the</strong> people. God can use people,but I don’t need to make my needs known to <strong>the</strong>m. God meetsmy needs, and I live by faith.”The government official said he didn’t know about this faith bus<strong>in</strong>ess.“All we know is that you must pay your obligation to society,”he <strong>in</strong>sisted. “If you are not mak<strong>in</strong>g enough as a preacher topay this bill, <strong>the</strong>n you will have to get a job.”“All right,” I agreed. “God has given me two hands. I’m not afraidto work. I’ll get a job.” And so, I did.I applied <strong>in</strong> Nott<strong>in</strong>gham to a firm that sold gas cookers. It tookme two solid weeks of endless trudg<strong>in</strong>g up and down streetsbefore I sold <strong>the</strong> first one. When <strong>the</strong> little lady said, “Yes”, I feltlike hugg<strong>in</strong>g her! After <strong>the</strong> first one, my discouragement dissolvedand I began to sell more than any o<strong>the</strong>r man on <strong>the</strong> team. It was<strong>the</strong> bless<strong>in</strong>g of God.My manager called me <strong>the</strong> Bible-punch<strong>in</strong>g salesman. I was sogreen, that at first, I didn’t see what that scoundrel was do<strong>in</strong>g tome. Every week, he would flatter me and compliment me, andevery week, he opened my pay pocket before I would get it. Itwas weeks before I discovered that while he talked to me, he wasactually steal<strong>in</strong>g some of my money out of my pocket.F<strong>in</strong>ally, I made one big sale to a customer who wanted to buy250 gas cookers. I was excited! Poor, silly me… I went to <strong>the</strong>manager and said, “What do you th<strong>in</strong>k? I got an order this morn<strong>in</strong>gfor 250.”“Oh, wonderful!” he exclaimed. “But that is much too big foryou to deal with. I’ll take care of it for you.” He took all of mycommission, and I got noth<strong>in</strong>g at all.This shook me, but it really woke me up. I discussed this withano<strong>the</strong>r man on <strong>the</strong> team who confided to me that he was leav<strong>in</strong>g<strong>the</strong> company to go to work for his bro<strong>the</strong>r. “My bro<strong>the</strong>r isstart<strong>in</strong>g next week <strong>in</strong> pressure cookers. Do you want to jo<strong>in</strong> us?”I left with him and jo<strong>in</strong>ed a six-man pressure-cooker team <strong>in</strong>Nott<strong>in</strong>gham. I told <strong>the</strong> same tale up and down <strong>the</strong> paths, “Well,lady, you understand that each time that your lid lifts <strong>in</strong> an ordi-98

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