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Terengganu, Malaysia. Malaysian Association of Solid State, MASS and University College ofScience and Technology Malaysia, Kuala Terengganu. 4 – 6 September 2006. American Institute ofPhysics, AIP Conference Proceedings - May 9, 2007 – Volume 909, pp 9 – 18. Melville, New York,USA. ISBN 978-0-7354-0417-5, ISSN 0094-243X.18. Ahmad Taufek Abdul Rahman and Ahmad Termizi Ramli, “Radioactivity Levels of 238 U and 232 Th, the and Activities and Associated Dose Rates from Surface Soil in Ulu Tiram, Malaysia.” 1 stInternational Nuclear Chemistry Congress, Ege University and International Atomic Energy Agency,Kusadasei, Turkey. 22 –29 May 2005. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 273,No. 3 (2007) pp 653 – 657. DOI:10.1007/S10967-007-0926-2.19. Ahmad Termizi Ramli, D.A. Bradley, Suhairul Hashim and Husin Wagiran. “TheThermoluminescence Response of Doped SiO 2 Optical Fibres Subjected to Alpha Particle Irradiation.”Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67, Issue 3 (2009) pp 428 – 432. ISSN S0969-804320 S. Hashim, S. Al-Ahbabi, D.A.Bradley, M. Webb, C.Jeynes, A.T. Ramli and H. Wagiran. “TheThermoluminescence Response of Doped SiO 2 Optical Fibres Subjected to Photon and ElectronIrradiations.” Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67, Issue 3 (2009) pp 423 – 427. ISSN S0969-804321. Lee Siak Kuan, Husin Wagiran, Ahmad Termizi Ramli, Nursama Heru Aprianto, A. Khalik Wood.“Radiological Monitoring: Terrestrial Natural Radionuclides in Kinta District, Perak, Malaysia.”Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 100 (2009) pp 368 - 374. ISSN 0265-931X.22. Suhairul Hashim, Ahmad Termizi Ramli, D.A. Bradley and Husin Wagiran. “TheThermoluminescence Response of Ge-Doped Optical Fibres to X-ray Photon Irradiation.” Jurnal Fizik<strong>UTM</strong> Vol. 3 (2009) 31 – 37. ISSN 0128-8644.23. Ahmad Termizi Ramli, Nursama Heru Apriantoro, Husin Wagiran, A Kholik Wood and Lee SiakKuan. “Health Risk Implications of High Background Radiation Dose Rate in Kampung SungaiDurian, Kinta District, Perak, Malaysia.” Global Journal of Health (October 2009) Vol. 1, No. 2. pp140- 149. Canadian Center of Science and Education. ISSN 1916-9736 (Print), ISSN 1916-9744(Online).24. Ahmad Termizi Ramli, Nursama Heru Apriantoro and Husin Wagiran, “Assessment of Radiation DoseRates in the High Terrestrial Gamma Radiation Area of Selama District, Perak, Malaysia” AppliedPhysics Research, (November 2009) Vol. 1, No. 2. pp 45 - 52. Canadian Center of Science andEducation. ISSN 1916-9736 ISSN 1916-9639(Print) ISSN 1916-9647 (Online)25. S. Hashim, D.A.Bradley, M.I. Saripan, A.T. Ramli and H. Wagiran. “The ThermoluminescenceResponse of Doped SiO 2 Optical Fibres Subjected to Fast Neutrons.” Applied Radiation and Isotopes,Vol 68 Issues 4 - 5 (April/May 2010) pp 700 - 703, ISSN 0969-8043.26. S. Hashim, D.A. Bradley, N.Peng, A.T. Ramli and H. Wagiran. “The Thermoluminescence Responseof Oxygen-Doped Optical Fibres Subjected to Photon and Electron Irradiations.” Nuclear Instrumentsand Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and AssociatedEquipment. Vol. 619 Issues 1 -3, (July 2010) pp 291 – 294. Impact Factor 1.019. ISSN 0168-9002.27. A.T. Ramli, S. Hashim, D. A. Bradley, H. Wagiran, M. Webb and C. Jeynes. “Ion Beam ElementalAnalysis of Doped SiO2 Optical Fibre and Its Thermoluminescence Responce when Irradiated withProton.” Akademi Sains Malaysia Science Journal, ASM Sci. J., 4(1) pp 15 -21. 2010. ISSN 1823-678218 18

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