Nicki Whitworth Alison Piasecka MOVING THROUGH ... - CIPD

Nicki Whitworth Alison Piasecka MOVING THROUGH ... - CIPD

Nicki Whitworth Alison Piasecka MOVING THROUGH ... - CIPD


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Workshop programme• A model of personal transition• Whole person approach…in a changinglandscape• Supporting people from fear to newbeginnings• The learnable abilities• Some steps you can take<strong>MOVING</strong> <strong>THROUGH</strong> TRANSITIONS

ACCEEndingNeutral ZonePTNewBeginningANCE<strong>MOVING</strong> <strong>THROUGH</strong> TRANSITIONSadapted from William Bridges



Your LandscapeCentral London <strong>CIPD</strong> 29 th September 2011CrumblingChangingUncontrollableGrowth Confused InnovationBusinessVolatileRollercoasterCuriosityOverwhelmingFamily/ChildrenSleeplessnessSlight uncertaintyTeamworkOpportunisticOptimisticNew changeDisappointmentLearningSimplifyShiftUnbelievableDangerOpportunityShrinkingCynicismPlatitudesUnsuccessful

Moving from fear being the driver….Poor self managementLoss of supportNegative self talkSecure baseSelf regulationReality orientationacknowledgements to Karen Ellis

Secure baseEmpathyReaching outSelf-efficacyRealityorientationOptimismCausal analysisSelf regulationEmotional awarenessImpulse controlPhysical well-beingacknowledgements:Karen Reivich and Karen Ellis

Think about the 8 learnable abilities…1. Which of the 8 learnable abilities am I best at ?How did I learn that ability ?2. Which learnable ability do I need to develop the most ?Why ?3. Who do I know that is already good at this?What can I learn from them ?Turn to a partner and compare answers…

8 scientifically validated steps you can take1. Eulogy – Goals and Values2. Random Acts of Kindness – Altruism3. Mindfulness4. Strengths and Solutions5. Gratitude6. Forgiveness7. Social Networks8. Reflect, Review and Renew!from Tony Grant, University of Sydney

nef: Five ways to wellbeingConnectBe activeTake noticeKeep learningGive…www.neweconomics.org

Moving through TransitionsInspiring personal development breaksin the French Pyrenees and elsewherewww.movingthrutransitions.com

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