Stonehouse SCT - Gloucestershire Constabulary

Stonehouse SCT - Gloucestershire Constabulary Stonehouse SCT - Gloucestershire Constabulary
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Stonehouse SCTCovering the communities of Nailsworth, Severnside andStonehouseSGT Kirk HarrisonSTONEHOUSE COMMUNITYCOUNTY COUNCIL FUNDED OFFICER: PC Jo BookerSGT Kirk HarrisonStonehouse Safer Community TeamCovering the communities of Nailsworth, Severnside and StonehousePC Jo BookerBEAT MANAGERPCSO Tracy WrenSTONEHOUSECOMMUNITYSEVERNSIDE COMMUNITYPCSO Mark LiftonSTONEHOUSECOMMUNITYPCSO Liz WardTHE STANLEYS,EASTINGTON,FROCESTER,BRIDGENDPCSO Shane ReynoldsSTONEHOUSECOMMUNITY ALSOCOVERSBROOKTHORPE,HARESFIELD ANDSTANDISHPC Kelly AkersBEAT MANAGERPCSO Debbie FlayNAILSWORTH COMMUNITYPC Paul MatthewsBEAT MANAGERPCSO Steve PhillipsonNAILSWORTHCOMMUNITYPCSO Steve WadleyHORSLEY,WOODCHESTER,INCHBROOKIn addition a dedicated team of Special Constables volunteer in their spare time to assistthe Stonehouse SCT: ADO Steve Lindsay, SO Alan Pope, SC Steve Rigelsford, SC Paul Kelly,SC David Pedrick-Friend, SC Sam Rigelsford, SC Leo Thomas, SC Charlotte Barber, SC Philip BartonTo contact your Safer Community Team: ( call 0845 0901234: visit 9 e-mail stonehouse-sct@gloucestershire.police.ukGloucestershire ConstabularyStriving for a Safer Gloucestershire

<strong>Stonehouse</strong> <strong>SCT</strong>Covering the communities of Nailsworth, Severnside and<strong>Stonehouse</strong>SGT Kirk HarrisonSTONEHOUSE COMMUNITYCOUNTY COUNCIL FUNDED OFFICER: PC Jo BookerSGT Kirk Harrison<strong>Stonehouse</strong> Safer Community TeamCovering the communities of Nailsworth, Severnside and <strong>Stonehouse</strong>PC Jo BookerBEAT MANAGERPCSO Tracy WrenSTONEHOUSECOMMUNITYSEVERNSIDE COMMUNITYPCSO Mark LiftonSTONEHOUSECOMMUNITYPCSO Liz WardTHE STANLEYS,EASTINGTON,FROCESTER,BRIDGENDPCSO Shane ReynoldsSTONEHOUSECOMMUNITY ALSOCOVERSBROOKTHORPE,HARESFIELD ANDSTANDISHPC Kelly AkersBEAT MANAGERPCSO Debbie FlayNAILSWORTH COMMUNITYPC Paul MatthewsBEAT MANAGERPCSO Steve PhillipsonNAILSWORTHCOMMUNITYPCSO Steve WadleyHORSLEY,WOODCHESTER,INCHBROOKIn addition a dedicated team of Special Constables volunteer in their spare time to assistthe <strong>Stonehouse</strong> <strong>SCT</strong>: ADO Steve Lindsay, SO Alan Pope, SC Steve Rigelsford, SC Paul Kelly,SC David Pedrick-Friend, SC Sam Rigelsford, SC Leo Thomas, SC Charlotte Barber, SC Philip BartonTo contact your Safer Community Team: ( call 0845 0901234: visit 9 e-mail<strong>Gloucestershire</strong> <strong>Constabulary</strong>Striving for a Safer <strong>Gloucestershire</strong>

Our Policing Pledge1 We will always treat you fairly with dignity and respect.2 We will make sure you know how to contact, and work with, your dedicated Safer Community Team.3 Those teams will be visibly working with you 80 per cent of their time.4 The Safer Community Team will get back to you within 24 hours of your contact and wherenecessary, we will provide a more detailed response as soon as possible.5 We aim to answer 999 calls within 10 seconds, and we will get to emergencies as soon as we cansafely do so. We aim to reach you within 15 minutes in urban areas, and 20 minutes in rural areas.6 If you are calling about an issue that is an agreed neighbourhood priority, and attendance isrequired, we will aim to be with you within an hour. Alternatively we will make an appointmentwithin 48 hours of your call, or we will provide you with advice, answer questions or put you intouch with someone who can help.7 We will arrange public meetings to agree your priorities, at least once a month, giving you a chanceto meet your local policing team with other members of your community.8 We will provide you with monthly updates on progress, and on local crime and policing issues.9 If you have been a victim of crime and you would like us to visit, we will do so. We will agree howoften you want information on how the case is progressing – it could be every month.10 If you are not happy with our service, we will work with you to resolve things.This is a shortened version of the Policing Pledge.If you would like to view it in more detail please log onto andaccess the Policing Pledge section. Alternatively please contact your local policing team for a copy.Policing PrioritiesWithin each Safer Community Team thereare a number of smaller communities.Each community is able to put in place aseries of priorities to address communityneeds through NeighbourhoodCoordination Group meetings (sometimesreferred to as panel meetings), which areheld every two to three months.Most of these meetings are chaired bythe local partnership and attended byrepresentatives from the police; localauthority; local councillors; housingassociations; education; members of thelocal community and any other interestedparties including the local press.As well as setting the community priorities for each area, thisgroup is responsible for deciding how to address each priorityand who should take the lead for each one – the police arenot always the lead agency. The group are also responsible fordeciding if a priority has been successfully addressed anddealt with and whether or not to sign it off.All the agencies involved in this process undertake regularcommunity consultations to make sure that the views of asmany people from each community as possible arerepresented at each meeting.We also welcome views sent by e-mail for those who haveaccess, at dates and venues for each meeting are publicised on ourSafer Community Team website, in the local press and onposters displayed at key points.<strong>Stonehouse</strong>Safer Community Team PrioritiesNovember 2009 – January 2010Nailsworth CommunitySpeeding vehicles along Springhill,Nailsworth.We have conducted a number of speed checkswhich has highlighted that, although there were afew vehicles exceeding the speed limit, themajority of road users were compliant.Although some individuals did exceed the speedlimit, the evidence gathered indicates that theperception of speed is more of an issue than theactual speed of the vehicles in this case.Anti-social behaviour at the MUGA inLawnside and Beechwood Close.Further consultation has taken place to addressthis issue including a meeting with David DrewMP, key individuals and members of the Crimeand Disorder Reduction Partnership.The police have increased patrols in order toidentify individuals so that we can tackle theissue by addressing behaviour through educationor enforcement.Severnside CommunityReduce the number of burglaries in the area.Nine No Cold Calling Zones have been set up inthe area in partnership with NeighbourhoodWatch and Neighbourhood Wardens. These zonesare designed to prevent bogus callers targetingvulnerable people and properties and encouragethe community to report cold callers to the police.In addition 18 new Horse Watch schemes havebeen set up to address equine crime.<strong>Stonehouse</strong> CommunityAnti-social behaviour relating to drunkennessand rowdy behaviour in the parks/play areas.We have re-affirmed to local traders the lawabout selling alcohol to people under 18 andpurchasing alcohol for under 18s. This has beenre-enforced with a poster campaign, the use of theClosed Circuit TV screens within the Cooperativein <strong>Stonehouse</strong> and engagement with local schools.The town council has continued to ensure thatplay areas are cleared of litter and any damagerepaired at the earliest opportunity. In Novemberwe ran an operation around the parks and playareas. During this we identified severalindividuals, took the alcohol away from themand spoke to their parents.Improve the facilities for young people(specifically teenagers) in <strong>Stonehouse</strong>.To address this issue we conducted surveys in thestreet and at Maidenhill School in order toidentify the requirements of young people in<strong>Stonehouse</strong>. This information was passed to thetown council, who are leading this priority, andhave been involved in consultation meetings todrive this forward. This is a long-term projectwhich we continue to support and assistwherever possible.Address the parking problems in Elms Road,<strong>Stonehouse</strong> at dropping off and picking uptimes.Following a site meeting with the schools,Highways Department and NeighbourhoodWardens to identify solutions, letters have nowbeen sent to parents highlighting the problemsand patrols have taken place to ensurecompliance with parking restrictions.The Highways Department have improvedsignage. Initially it appears that things haveimproved and we are in the process ofobtaining feedback.THE FOLLOWING ARE THE PRIORITIES FOR YOUR AREA AND A SUMMARYOF THE WORK THAT IS TAKING PLACE TO ADDRESS THE PRIORITIES SET

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