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Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

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RAJA YOGAmuch attached to yourwife? Because you derive pleasure fromher. You love money; you are attached to money, because youcan get various objects that can give you pleasure, throughmoney. Everyoneof us is in search of happiness. Butattempttoget happiness is made in the wrong direction, in external objects,in the lap of the mother, toys, books, in University degrees,in wife, in money, in son, in h0nour and power. There issomething dearerthan a son, there is something dearerthan awife, there is something dearerthan wealth, there is somethingdearer than this Prana or life itself. That'dearer something' isAtman or Purusha, who is hidden in our heart. The searchshould be made within by withdrawing the mind from the objects,by controlling the lndriyas, by practising Yama, Niyama,concentration, meditiation and Samadhi. Referto Sutra ll-10forthe removal of this Raga.7. What ls Dveshag:urffiiq' II-8g:GI pain, 3TC{m repulsion, tq, aversion.Aversion is that which dwells on pain.NOTESThrough memory of pain from experiences, aversion comestowards pain and objects that give pain. This is Dvesha.You try to get rid of objects that give pain. Man shuns pain andruns after pleasure in this world. No one teaches him to seekpleasure. The mind is born of Ananda. So, it runs afier pleasure.Dvesha is the root cause for human sufferings. Wars,splits, dissensions, sectarian quarrels, murders are due toDvesha. Wherever there is Dvesha, there is jealousy side byside. Jealousy is the intimate companion of Dvesha. Jealousyis petty-mindedness. lt is a great pity to find that the minds ofeven highly educated persons who preach on the platform arefilled with jealousy and hatred, and petty-mindedness. What ashame! As they are intelligent, they devise cunning methodsand plans to destroy others, to get the whole fame and respect

93forthemselves. Apetty-minded preacher sows the seed of discard,disharmony everpvhere. He is a pest and a menace tothe society. He is a man of allevil. There is no redeeming featurein him. He does more harm than good. This Dvesha, aversion,should be completely annihilated. The remedy is given inSutra ll-10.8. What Is AbhinivesaHrrdrfr f+gfrsfr delrsAsFTfran: I II-eHw by its own potency, qr0 flowing, ftqv--gB even in thelearned, iPtrSA all the same established, ffitf{q1: strong desirefor life or clinging to life.Abhinivesa is the strong desire for life, supported by its ownpotency, established all the same even in the learned.NOTESln all living beings exists the self-benediction: "May I continueto exist. May I live on.'This self-benediction cannot existin him who has not experienced the nature of death. By this theexperience of former life is inferred. The experience of death inthe previous birth remains as a subtle Vasana in next birth thatthis should be separated from this body. This Vritti isAbhinivesa. This Vrittiwill not remain in a man who has no experienceof death. We infer from this that there had been previousbirth in a man, from hisfearof death. Even worms have gotfear of death. This fear of death exists in both the learned andthe ignorant. This fear cannot be explained by Pratyaksha, inferentia!and Sabda Pramanas. The fear is common in both theliterate and the illiterate. The past experience of pain of death isthere in your mind. Therefore you are afraid of death in this life.This is the reason for the strong desire for life.9. How to Remove Raga, Dvesha and Abhinivesatffit:(erTT:lII-lot tfrey (the afflictions), xftru+ opposite modifications, tqt,are destroyed, (tTt: subtle state.

RAJA YOGAmuch attached to yourwife? Because you derive pleasure fromher. You love money; you are attached to money, because youcan get various objects that can give you pleasure, throughmoney. Everyoneof us is <strong>in</strong> search of happ<strong>in</strong>ess. Butattempttoget happ<strong>in</strong>ess is made <strong>in</strong> the wrong direction, <strong>in</strong> external objects,<strong>in</strong> the lap of the mother, toys, <strong>books</strong>, <strong>in</strong> University degrees,<strong>in</strong> wife, <strong>in</strong> money, <strong>in</strong> son, <strong>in</strong> h0nour and power. There issometh<strong>in</strong>g dearerthan a son, there is someth<strong>in</strong>g dearerthan awife, there is someth<strong>in</strong>g dearerthan wealth, there is someth<strong>in</strong>gdearer than this Prana or life itself. That'dearer someth<strong>in</strong>g' isAtman or Purusha, who is hidden <strong>in</strong> our heart. The searchshould be made with<strong>in</strong> by withdraw<strong>in</strong>g the m<strong>in</strong>d from the objects,by controll<strong>in</strong>g the lndriyas, by practis<strong>in</strong>g Yama, Niyama,concentration, meditiation and Samadhi. Referto Sutra ll-10forthe removal of this Raga.7. What ls Dveshag:urffiiq' II-8g:GI pa<strong>in</strong>, 3TC{m repulsion, tq, aversion.Aversion is that which dwells on pa<strong>in</strong>.NOTESThrough memory of pa<strong>in</strong> from experiences, aversion comestowards pa<strong>in</strong> and objects that give pa<strong>in</strong>. This is Dvesha.You try to get rid of objects that give pa<strong>in</strong>. Man shuns pa<strong>in</strong> andruns after pleasure <strong>in</strong> this world. No one teaches him to seekpleasure. The m<strong>in</strong>d is born of Ananda. So, it runs afier pleasure.Dvesha is the root cause for human suffer<strong>in</strong>gs. Wars,splits, dissensions, sectarian quarrels, murders are due toDvesha. Wherever there is Dvesha, there is jealousy side byside. Jealousy is the <strong>in</strong>timate companion of Dvesha. Jealousyis petty-m<strong>in</strong>dedness. lt is a great pity to f<strong>in</strong>d that the m<strong>in</strong>ds ofeven highly educated persons who preach on the platform arefilled with jealousy and hatred, and petty-m<strong>in</strong>dedness. What ashame! As they are <strong>in</strong>telligent, they devise cunn<strong>in</strong>g methodsand plans to destroy others, to get the whole fame and respect

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