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70 RAJA YOGAdisturbed. The trunk also begins to form a curye even withoutthe knowledge of the Sadhakas. To avoid this trouble, theRishis of yore have formulated four Asanas, viz., Siddhasana,Padmasana, Svastikasana and Sukhasana for practisingPranayama and Dhyana. Of the four Asanas, Siddhasana andPadmasana are very very useful.PadmasanaSit on the ground over a blanket or a seat made of Kushagrass or a deer skin or a tiger skin. Spread the legs forward.Slowly bring the right foot and keep it over the left thigh. Thenbring the left foot and carefully place it over the right thigh. Keepthe head, neck and the trunk erect. Keep the hands on theknees. Or you can make a finger-lock and keep the lockedhands over the left ankle. This is very convenient for some persons.Or you can place the left hand over the left knee and righthand over the right knee, palms facing upwards and the indexfinger touching the middle portion of the thumb. This isChinmudra. lf this posture, Padmasana, is not suitable, youcan take recourse to Siddhasana.SiddhasanaPlace one heel at the anus. Keep the other heel on theroot of the generative organ. The feet or the legs should be sonicely arranged that the ankle joints should be in a line or toucheach other. Hands can be placed as in Padmasana. This isSiddhasana. There are some other varieties in Siddhasana.Difierence lies in keeping the heels. Refer to my book: 'YogaAsanas".2. How to Get Asanajayal rr-47I.Ir'I effort, practice, tFl-fl mild and steady, etr{< infinite,endless, qcrcftqq (mi nd ) tran sforming itself or med itation.By mild and steady practice and meditation on the Infinite.

ASANA71NOTESWhen you meditate on the lnfinite, the mind is taken awayfrom the body. Asana will become quite steady. lf the mind becomessteady, the body also will become steady. Some takethe word "Ananta'as the great serpent with 1000 heads whichupholds the earth. lf you meditate on the great serpent, thenalso the Asana will become steady. ln Sutra 25 of Chapter lll,you will find that a man gets the strength of an elephant by contemplatingon the elephant. By contemplating on Hanuman,one gets the power of Hanuman. ln the same way, if you contemplateon the steady Ananta that holds the earth, you will getthe steadiness in posture.lf you can sit firmly in one Asana, then you have attainedAsanajaya, mastery over posture. You will have to practise thisgradually. First start with half an hour and then gradually increasethe period. ln three months' steady, regular practice,one can attain Asanajaya. When the Asana becomes steadyyou will not feel the body at all. You will experience great pleasure.lf you sit in a posture that is not comfortable, then youmayfeel pain and the mind gets disturbed. Therefore in the previousSutra a comfortable posture is prescribed.3. Benefits of AsanamlmlqFlqtd: I II-48rd tnen (when Asanajaya is obtained), Eq the pairs ofopposites, sFrlcrEfkT. free from the disturbance.Then (when Asanajaya is obtained), (the practitioner) is freefrom the distur:bance of the pairs of opposites.NOTESThe pairs of opposites are heat and cold, pleasure andpain, etc., which constitute all our worldly experiences. lf youget mastery over one Asana, then only you are fit for taking uplessons in Pranayama and Dhyana.

ASANA71NOTESWhen you meditate on the lnf<strong>in</strong>ite, the m<strong>in</strong>d is taken awayfrom the body. Asana will become quite steady. lf the m<strong>in</strong>d becomessteady, the body also will become steady. Some takethe word "Ananta'as the great serpent with 1000 heads whichupholds the earth. lf you meditate on the great serpent, thenalso the Asana will become steady. ln Sutra 25 of Chapter lll,you will f<strong>in</strong>d that a man gets the strength of an elephant by contemplat<strong>in</strong>gon the elephant. By contemplat<strong>in</strong>g on Hanuman,one gets the power of Hanuman. ln the same way, if you contemplateon the steady Ananta that holds the earth, you will getthe stead<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>in</strong> posture.lf you can sit firmly <strong>in</strong> one Asana, then you have atta<strong>in</strong>edAsanajaya, mastery over posture. You will have to practise thisgradually. First start with half an hour and then gradually <strong>in</strong>creasethe period. ln three months' steady, regular practice,one can atta<strong>in</strong> Asanajaya. When the Asana becomes steadyyou will not feel the body at all. You will experience great pleasure.lf you sit <strong>in</strong> a posture that is not comfortable, then youmayfeel pa<strong>in</strong> and the m<strong>in</strong>d gets disturbed. Therefore <strong>in</strong> the previousSutra a comfortable posture is prescribed.3. Benefits of AsanamlmlqFlqtd: I II-48rd tnen (when Asanajaya is obta<strong>in</strong>ed), Eq the pairs ofopposites, sFrlcrEfkT. free from the disturbance.Then (when Asanajaya is obta<strong>in</strong>ed), (the practitioner) is freefrom the distur:bance of the pairs of opposites.NOTESThe pairs of opposites are heat and cold, pleasure andpa<strong>in</strong>, etc., which constitute all our worldly experiences. lf youget mastery over one Asana, then only you are fit for tak<strong>in</strong>g uplessons <strong>in</strong> Pranayama and Dhyana.

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