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Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

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RAJA YOGAscience, eternal satisfaction, eternal knowledge, independence,non-decreasing power, infinite power- these six aresaid to be the Angas of the Great Lord." Knowledge, non-attachment,Aisvarya, Tapas, truth, forgiveness, Dhairya or endurance,power of endurance, Atma Svarupajnana orknowledge of the Self and being the Adhishthana or substratumfor everything and of all activities-these are the ten unchangeable(Avyayas) qualities that always exist in God.3. The Guru of Allq EfiTrqfr W, orfr+rs++*qrq I Lz6( He (lsvara),{ffi of even the ancients,lp: teacher,q,feTr time, 3:144$(I(not conditioned by.He (God), being unconditioned by time, is the teacher ofeven the ancients.NOTESThe ancient teachers were conditioned by time. But thislsvara is Adi-Guru, who is not conditioned by time. The magazineof knowledge and power is within. The help of a Guru isvery necessary to awaken this knowledge. No spiritual progressis possible without the aid of a Guru. That Guru who removesthe veil of aspirants and obstacles and throws light ontheir path, who is omniscient, who exists in the past, presentand future, who is independent is God or lsvara.4. Name of lsvaraifgl cfl=ltf: Yultl: I-27ifFI Him (lsvara), q1q6: connotes,IulEt: the sacred syllableOm.The sacred syllable Om connotes Him (Isvara).NOTESStudy Mandukya Upanishad. You will have a detailed,elaborate explanation of this sacred syllable Om. Om is every-

BHAKTI lN YOGA63thing. ln the Bible you willfind: "ln the beginning there was theword; the word was with God. The word itself is God.'This wordis Om. This world and the Vedas take their origin from Om. lnthe Gita you willfind: "Om, the one-syllabled Brahman, reciting,thinking upon Me, he who goeth forth, abandoning the body, hegoeth on the highest path." Lord Krishna says: "l am Omkara. Iam Pranava in all Vedas. Of speech, I am Ekakshara, theone-syllable." ln the Upanishads you willfind: "Om is the bow;the mind is the arrow. Brahman is the target; know this Brahmanwith concentration; hit the target with Ekagrata;just as thearrow becomes one with the target, the individual soulwill becomeidentical with Brahman." Om has got four feet: Akara,Ukara, Makara and Ardhamatra; representing Visva, Taijasa,Prajna and Turiya.ASankalpa arose in Brahman. Hewished: "May lbecomemany." The physical vibration of Om in the physical plane correspondsto the original vibration in God when Srishti began.Allthe trinities, Sattva, Rajas and Tamas; Brahma, Vishnu andSiva; preservation, creation and destruction; Jagrat, Svapnaand Sushupti;A, U and M;etc., are contained in Om. The gloryof Om cannot be adequately described.The syllable Om is the most appropriate name of the SupremeSelf. Just as a man is pleased when addressed by aname dear to him, so also God is pleased when this name Omis used. The greatness of this monosyllable is further proved bythe fact of its being frequently used in the beginning and end ofJapa, sacrifice and study of the Vedas. A Mantra has no lifewithout Om. The first Mantra of the first chapter of theChhandogya Upanishad is: "One ought to meditate upon thesyllable Om."Lord Yama says to Nachiketas: "The goal which all theVedas uniformly extol, which all acts of Tapas speak of andwishing for which men lead the life of celibacy, the life of aBrahmacharin, that goal I tellyou briefly. lt is this Om.''Pranava'means thatwhich is always new. Pranava is unchangingand eternal. The relation between Sabdha and itsmeaning is Parinama Nitya and not Kutastha Nitya. Purushaonly is Kutastha Nitya. Parinama Nitya is changing eternal.Kutastha Nitya is unchanging eterna!. There are three factors

BHAKTI lN YOGA63th<strong>in</strong>g. ln the Bible you willf<strong>in</strong>d: "ln the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g there was theword; the word was with God. The word itself is God.'This wordis Om. This world and the Vedas take their orig<strong>in</strong> from Om. lnthe Gita you willf<strong>in</strong>d: "Om, the one-syllabled Brahman, recit<strong>in</strong>g,th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g upon Me, he who goeth forth, abandon<strong>in</strong>g the body, hegoeth on the highest path." Lord Krishna says: "l am Omkara. Iam Pranava <strong>in</strong> all Vedas. Of speech, I am Ekakshara, theone-syllable." ln the Upanishads you willf<strong>in</strong>d: "Om is the bow;the m<strong>in</strong>d is the arrow. Brahman is the target; know this Brahmanwith concentration; hit the target with Ekagrata;just as thearrow becomes one with the target, the <strong>in</strong>dividual soulwill becomeidentical with Brahman." Om has got four feet: Akara,Ukara, Makara and Ardhamatra; represent<strong>in</strong>g Visva, Taijasa,Prajna and Turiya.ASankalpa arose <strong>in</strong> Brahman. Hewished: "May lbecomemany." The physical vibration of Om <strong>in</strong> the physical plane correspondsto the orig<strong>in</strong>al vibration <strong>in</strong> God when Srishti began.Allthe tr<strong>in</strong>ities, Sattva, <strong>Raja</strong>s and Tamas; Brahma, Vishnu andSiva; preservation, creation and destruction; Jagrat, Svapnaand Sushupti;A, U and M;etc., are conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Om. The gloryof Om cannot be adequately described.The syllable Om is the most appropriate name of the SupremeSelf. Just as a man is pleased when addressed by aname dear to him, so also God is pleased when this name Omis used. The greatness of this monosyllable is further proved bythe fact of its be<strong>in</strong>g frequently used <strong>in</strong> the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g and end ofJapa, sacrifice and study of the Vedas. A Mantra has no lifewithout Om. The first Mantra of the first chapter of theChhandogya Upanishad is: "One ought to meditate upon thesyllable Om."Lord Yama says to Nachiketas: "The goal which all theVedas uniformly extol, which all acts of Tapas speak of andwish<strong>in</strong>g for which men lead the life of celibacy, the life of aBrahmachar<strong>in</strong>, that goal I tellyou briefly. lt is this Om.''Pranava'means thatwhich is always new. Pranava is unchang<strong>in</strong>gand eternal. The relation between Sabdha and itsmean<strong>in</strong>g is Par<strong>in</strong>ama Nitya and not Kutastha Nitya. Purushaonly is Kutastha Nitya. Par<strong>in</strong>ama Nitya is chang<strong>in</strong>g eternal.Kutastha Nitya is unchang<strong>in</strong>g eterna!. There are three factors

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