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Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

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RAJA YOGAFr"t{Ik on the purity of Sattva, Cff,{g cheerfulness of mind,qfrf9El one-pointedness of mind,EFATfq conguest of the organs orsenses, STfifE{t{ realisation of the Atnan, qTr.lc[ fitness, ? and.On the purity of Sattva, arise cheerfulness of mind, conquestof the senses or organs, and litness for the realisation of theAtman.NOTESThe fruits of mental purity are described here. The mindbecomes Antarmukha, inward, as a result of the conquest ofsenses. As the distractions drop away, there is concentration ofmind. By getting Antiar Saucha, the mind becomes fit for therealisation of Atman. !ncrease in Sattva causes cheerfulness.Tamas produces gloom. lf there is always cheerfulness, rememberthatyou are progressing in Yoga. This is an importantsign of spiritual growth. Many Yogic practitioners put on'sunday faces' or castor oil faces when they come outside togive interview to the visitors. They are under delusion that peoplewil! take them for advanced Yogis. There must be alwaysjoy and smile in the face of Yogis. Then only they can radiatejoy to others. Sri Ramanuja also puts down cheerfulness as animportant measure for developing Bhakti. Joy is the very essenceof Purusha. ln the Gita (XlV-11) you willfind: "When thewisdom light streameth forth from all gates of the body, then itmay be known that Sattva is increasing." Prakasha on the faceis Santosha. The means for getting Santosha is given in thenext Sutra.6. SantoshaF+vl

NIYAMA 59Moksha. lf you have Santosha, the other three will come bythemselves. Santosha, contentment, is one of the importantvirtues for an aspirant. Riches and poverty are not counted bythe amount of wealth one keeps. A king, if he keeps too manydesires and if he wants more, is considered to be a beggar. Abeggar, if he is contented with what he has, is really a king.From contentment comes real happiness. lf a man has no contentment,his mind will be always wandering. lt wil! be impossibleto do concentration and other Yogic practices. Thereforecontentment should be developed by all aspirants.7. Tapas: l II-43^t6l-tt the physical body, qft+ senses, ftrk occult powers,q{fq impurity, Ql-tTr( due to destruction, dtR[: through mortification.Through Tapas, mortification, due to the destruction of impurities,arise psychic powers in the body and senses.NOTESBy Tapas, the mind, speech and lndriyas are purified.Fasts and all religious observances that are laid down inDharma Sastras and the rules of Yama and Niyama, Asana,Pranayama, etc., come under Tapas. ln Gita Chapter XVll, thethree Slokas from 14 to 16 describe three kinds of Tapas, viz.,Tapas of body, speech and mind. Psychic powers are the eightSiddhis, Anima, Mahima, etc. Allthese Siddhis can be acquiredby the steady practice of Tapas. Manu says: "He whose speechand mind are purc and ever carcfully guarded, obtains all thefruits that are obtained by means of Vedanta." By the performanceof Tapas, all Klesas (afflictions) and impurities can bedestroyed.ffi:l8. Svadhyayarr-44

RAJA YOGAFr"t{Ik on the purity of Sattva, Cff,{g cheerfulness of m<strong>in</strong>d,qfrf9El one-po<strong>in</strong>tedness of m<strong>in</strong>d,EFATfq conguest of the organs orsenses, STfifE{t{ realisation of the Atnan, qTr.lc[ fitness, ? and.On the purity of Sattva, arise cheerfulness of m<strong>in</strong>d, conquestof the senses or organs, and litness for the realisation of theAtman.NOTESThe fruits of mental purity are described here. The m<strong>in</strong>dbecomes Antarmukha, <strong>in</strong>ward, as a result of the conquest ofsenses. As the distractions drop away, there is concentration ofm<strong>in</strong>d. By gett<strong>in</strong>g Antiar Saucha, the m<strong>in</strong>d becomes fit for therealisation of Atman. !ncrease <strong>in</strong> Sattva causes cheerfulness.Tamas produces gloom. lf there is always cheerfulness, rememberthatyou are progress<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong>. This is an importantsign of spiritual growth. Many Yogic practitioners put on'sunday faces' or castor oil faces when they come outside togive <strong>in</strong>terview to the visitors. They are under delusion that peoplewil! take them for advanced Yogis. There must be alwaysjoy and smile <strong>in</strong> the face of Yogis. Then only they can radiatejoy to others. Sri Ramanuja also puts down cheerfulness as animportant measure for develop<strong>in</strong>g Bhakti. Joy is the very essenceof Purusha. ln the Gita (XlV-11) you willf<strong>in</strong>d: "When thewisdom light streameth forth from all gates of the body, then itmay be known that Sattva is <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g." Prakasha on the faceis Santosha. The means for gett<strong>in</strong>g Santosha is given <strong>in</strong> thenext Sutra.6. SantoshaF+vl

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