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Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format


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NIYAMANOTESThe practice of Tapas, Svadhyaya and lsvara-pranidhanaare <strong>in</strong>tended to attenuate the afflictions and for prepar<strong>in</strong>g them<strong>in</strong>d for enter<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to Samadhi. They are for the purpose of purify<strong>in</strong>gthe m<strong>in</strong>d of its impurities and for destroy<strong>in</strong>g distractions.Purification is of two k<strong>in</strong>ds. They are <strong>in</strong>ternal (mental) andexternal (physical). Mental purity is more important. Physicalpurity is also needed. Cleanl<strong>in</strong>ess is next to godl<strong>in</strong>ess. Physical,external purity alone is of no value. Much time must not bewasted <strong>in</strong> attend<strong>in</strong>g to externalwash<strong>in</strong>g. By so do<strong>in</strong>g, you forgetthe eternally pure Atman. The afflictions of the m<strong>in</strong>d mentioned<strong>in</strong> this Sutra are described under Sutra ll-3.4. Benefits of External Purificationft+rq ers'ggqr drdqrf : I II-40flVnUy the purification, EIISf for one's own body, YUqt disgust,R: with others, SRRFI: cessation of contact, not associat<strong>in</strong>g.By the purification, comes disgust for one's own body andcessation of contact with others.NOTESThe purity refened to here is physical or external purity.When the body is impure, one purifies it. Aga<strong>in</strong> it gets impure.Aga<strong>in</strong> he purifies it. He wants to keep the body always pure butit constantly gets impure. Gradually he gets disgust over thebody which is full of impurities. S<strong>in</strong>ce the same dust and impurityis <strong>in</strong> the body of others, he ceases contact with others.Slowly the body idea drops as he always th<strong>in</strong>ks of the ever pureAtman. Moha and Mamata for the body vanish. Lust disappears.The next Sutra refers to the benefits of the <strong>in</strong>ternal purification.5. Benefits of lnternal Purificationffiqtrr-41

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