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Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

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RAJA YOGAlife of this sage can be saved by uttering a falsehood, the falsehoodis onlytruth. These are limited by circumstances. Accordingto Sutra ll-31, these restraints should not be limited byclass, time, space and circumstances, if one wants to practisethem perfectly. By speaking truth always in all circumstiances,the Yogi acquires Vak Siddhi. Whatever he thinks or speaks,turns to be true. He can do anything even by mere thought.7. Asteyaerfrsftsut E&dqern( I rr-373Tfr non-stealing or abstinence from ttreft, gftgfqi when establishe4II{all kinds of,FT wealth, SqelH[approach.Non-stealing or abstinence from theft, when established, allkinds of wealth approach (the YogD.NOTESThe third restraint is in abstaining from theft. The pilferingnature should be completely annihilated. One should be satisfiedwith what he gets through honest means. Besides actual i!-legal appropriation, taking away the property or things ofothers, the very thought of any such gain should not enter themind. Hoarding money is really theft. You should not keep anythingmore than the actual necessity. Eating more than what isreally necessary is also considered as theft. When a man haspowerful lndriyas and uncontrolled mind, he wants many thingsfor his own sensual enjoyment. lf he could not get the objects ofenjoyment and satisfy his desires, then the pilfering nature entershis mind. By constant thinking, he does the actual theft.Therefore the real cause for theft is too many desires andindisciplined lndriyas. To abstain from theft, one should slowlycurb desires and discipline the lndriyas and controlthe mind. !nthis Sutra it is assured that when you completely give up theevi! habit of theft, then the desired thing and all kinds of wealthwill come to you by themselves.

YAMA538. Brahmacharyasflq4sfrsrqifi{qp1, I II-38ffl{{ celibacy (continence;, xftvr+i being established, *{vigour, 61rI: gained, obtained.By the establishment of celibacy, vigour is gained.NOTESlf semen is preserved by the observance ofBrahmacharya, and transmuted into Ojas Sakti, the spiritualand intellectual power wil! increase. This is the fundamentalqualification of an aspirant. Brahmacharya is the most importantvirtue for Self-realisation. Brahmacharya is purity inthought, word and deed. The very idea of lust should not enterthe mind. No Yoga or spiritual progress is possible without continence.In the Gita you will find the importance ofBrahmacharya in the lV and Vlll chapters. Since I have alreadygiven in my book'Practice of Brahmacharya,'various effectivemethods for getting established in Brahmacharya, I will pass onto the next Sutra.9. Aparigraha31qfi:tr6{0+ wqs?rfl{+q: I II-3 9sfqfuf6 abstinence from greed *0{ Ueirrg established, EtrI existenceor births, iFel

RAJA YOGAlife of this sage can be saved by utter<strong>in</strong>g a falsehood, the falsehoodis onlytruth. These are limited by circumstances. Accord<strong>in</strong>gto Sutra ll-31, these restra<strong>in</strong>ts should not be limited byclass, time, space and circumstances, if one wants to practisethem perfectly. By speak<strong>in</strong>g truth always <strong>in</strong> all circumstiances,the Yogi acquires Vak Siddhi. Whatever he th<strong>in</strong>ks or speaks,turns to be true. He can do anyth<strong>in</strong>g even by mere thought.7. Asteyaerfrsftsut E&dqern( I rr-373Tfr non-steal<strong>in</strong>g or abst<strong>in</strong>ence from ttreft, gftgfqi when establishe4II{all k<strong>in</strong>ds of,FT wealth, SqelH[approach.Non-steal<strong>in</strong>g or abst<strong>in</strong>ence from theft, when established, allk<strong>in</strong>ds of wealth approach (the YogD.NOTESThe third restra<strong>in</strong>t is <strong>in</strong> absta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g from theft. The pilfer<strong>in</strong>gnature should be completely annihilated. One should be satisfiedwith what he gets through honest means. Besides actual i!-legal appropriation, tak<strong>in</strong>g away the property or th<strong>in</strong>gs ofothers, the very thought of any such ga<strong>in</strong> should not enter them<strong>in</strong>d. Hoard<strong>in</strong>g money is really theft. You should not keep anyth<strong>in</strong>gmore than the actual necessity. Eat<strong>in</strong>g more than what isreally necessary is also considered as theft. When a man haspowerful lndriyas and uncontrolled m<strong>in</strong>d, he wants many th<strong>in</strong>gsfor his own sensual enjoyment. lf he could not get the objects ofenjoyment and satisfy his desires, then the pilfer<strong>in</strong>g nature entershis m<strong>in</strong>d. By constant th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g, he does the actual theft.Therefore the real cause for theft is too many desires and<strong>in</strong>discipl<strong>in</strong>ed lndriyas. To absta<strong>in</strong> from theft, one should slowlycurb desires and discipl<strong>in</strong>e the lndriyas and controlthe m<strong>in</strong>d. !nthis Sutra it is assured that when you completely give up theevi! habit of theft, then the desired th<strong>in</strong>g and all k<strong>in</strong>ds of wealthwill come to you by themselves.

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