Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format Raja Yoga - Free books in pdf format

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RAJA YOGAAl! actions, enjoyments and experiences leave the impressionsin the subconscious mind in the form of subtle impressionsor residual potencies. The Samskaras are the rootsfor causing again Jati (species), life and experiences of pleasureand pain. Revivalof Samskaras induce memory. The Yogidives deep inside and comes in direct contract with theseSamskaras. He directly perceives them.The thinking principle (Chitta) is a comprehensive expressionequivalent to the Sanskrit term 'Antahkarana'"Antahkarana means inner instrument. Antahkarana is a broadterm used in Vedanta. lt includes Manas, Buddhi, Chitta andAhamkara.Manas is Sankalpa-vikalpatmaka (willing and doubting). ltthinks: "whether to go to a place or not; whether to do.this ornot; whether this is good or bad." The mind is of doubting nature.lt is the Buddhi or the light that determines one way orother. Buddhi is Nischayatmaka. lt is the determining faculty.The mind, intellect and egoism are various processes in themind-stuff. Ahamkara is the self-asserting principle. lt does thefunction of Abhimana. lt creates 'Mamata" or "mineness." Thisis the root cause for all human sufferings. All vrittis hang on thisone Vritti, "Aham Vritti." lt is the root cause for human ignorance.Now comes the word Nirodha' lt means restraint or suppression.By suppressing the modifications of the mind-stuff orrestraining of the thought-waves, a man obtains Yoga. PatanjaliMaharshi has given the whole Raja Yoga in this one Sutra. Differentmethods of sadhana are intended to achieve the higheststage of Yoga, Asamprajnata Samadhi by the suppression ofthe thought-wave. The Yegitries to stop allthe Vrittis. He triesto make the mind blank. He tries to stop thinking. He practisesthoughttessness. He stops the mind from assuming variousforms. This is called "Chitta Vritti Nirodha." This is the path ofRaja Yoga. Suppression of thought waves is easily said. But itis very difficult indeed to practice. How this is being successfullydone is explained in the rest of the pages.

WHAT IS YOGA?352. Object of YogaiKt{: E5tsT{qlq I I-3il-fl then, {, the seer, SSQ in his own nature, olERalf,tqabiding, resting.Then, the seer rests in his own nature.NOTESAlthough the mind is one, it passes into many conditionsorstates, as it is made up of three qualities, Gunas, viz., Sattva,Rajas and ramas. Allthese qualities enter into a variety of combinations.So, the modifications or vrittis of the mind are alsovarious. Peace of mind (santa vritti) is a sattvic vritti. Lust is aRajasic vritti. Laziness is a Tamasic vritti. Anger is a GhoraVritti.lnternal fight is ever going on between Gunas, Sattva,Rajas and ramas; between good vrittis and evilvrittis. This isthe internalwarfare between Suras and Asuras.When the lake is in a boisterous state on account of theturbulent waves, you can hardly see the bottom of the lake.When the waves subside, you can clearty see the bottom of thelake. Even so when the mind is in an agitateO condition on accountof various Vrittis, you can hardly rest in your own nature.You cannot see or realise your own self. But when the Vrittissubside, you can rest in your own state. you do not identiffyourself with the vrittis now. 'Then" means "when allthe vrittissubside" or done through Chitta Vritti Nirodha.By suppressing the transformations of the mind, theSadhaka acquires great Siddhis. He becomes an adept or agreat Siddha. Yoga is a complete suppression of the tendencyof the mind to transform itself into objects, thoughts, etc. lt demandscontinuous and steady practice. Then comes unlimitedstrength, peace, bliss and knowledge. This leads toAsamprajnata Samadhi and Kaivatya, the highest stage ofRaja Yoga.

WHAT IS YOGA?352. Object of <strong>Yoga</strong>iKt{: E5tsT{qlq I I-3il-fl then, {, the seer, SSQ <strong>in</strong> his own nature, olERalf,tqabid<strong>in</strong>g, rest<strong>in</strong>g.Then, the seer rests <strong>in</strong> his own nature.NOTESAlthough the m<strong>in</strong>d is one, it passes <strong>in</strong>to many conditionsorstates, as it is made up of three qualities, Gunas, viz., Sattva,<strong>Raja</strong>s and ramas. Allthese qualities enter <strong>in</strong>to a variety of comb<strong>in</strong>ations.So, the modifications or vrittis of the m<strong>in</strong>d are alsovarious. Peace of m<strong>in</strong>d (santa vritti) is a sattvic vritti. Lust is a<strong>Raja</strong>sic vritti. Laz<strong>in</strong>ess is a Tamasic vritti. Anger is a GhoraVritti.lnternal fight is ever go<strong>in</strong>g on between Gunas, Sattva,<strong>Raja</strong>s and ramas; between good vrittis and evilvrittis. This isthe <strong>in</strong>ternalwarfare between Suras and Asuras.When the lake is <strong>in</strong> a boisterous state on account of theturbulent waves, you can hardly see the bottom of the lake.When the waves subside, you can clearty see the bottom of thelake. Even so when the m<strong>in</strong>d is <strong>in</strong> an agitateO condition on accountof various Vrittis, you can hardly rest <strong>in</strong> your own nature.You cannot see or realise your own self. But when the Vrittissubside, you can rest <strong>in</strong> your own state. you do not identiffyourself with the vrittis now. 'Then" means "when allthe vrittissubside" or done through Chitta Vritti Nirodha.By suppress<strong>in</strong>g the trans<strong>format</strong>ions of the m<strong>in</strong>d, theSadhaka acquires great Siddhis. He becomes an adept or agreat Siddha. <strong>Yoga</strong> is a complete suppression of the tendencyof the m<strong>in</strong>d to transform itself <strong>in</strong>to objects, thoughts, etc. lt demandscont<strong>in</strong>uous and steady practice. Then comes unlimitedstrength, peace, bliss and knowledge. This leads toAsamprajnata Samadhi and Kaivatya, the highest stage of<strong>Raja</strong> <strong>Yoga</strong>.

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